The Bible teaches "common descent"!

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The Bible teaches "common descent"!

Post by Armin »

The universe is very big - and very old, we agree.
Not only, because science says it,
but also because the Bible teaches "long days" -
though this is not always obvious at the first sight.

But did you know that the Bible claims
that life on earth evolved as a "family tree"?

The creation report has a subtitle,
which is quite normal in Hebrew and in the Bible,
and this subtitle summarizes the whole process
with the following words:

These are the genealogies of the heavens
and of the earth ...
Genesis 2:4

For "genealogies" the Hebrew uses "toledot",
wich is derived from "holid = to beget"
and "jalad = to give birth",
is used 39 timeq in the Bible and always
refers to genealogies and family-trees.

This means that the evolution of life,
beginning with the "breeding" of God's spirit
over the waters of the early earth,
followed by plants, sea animals, land animals
and finally mankind is based on descent.

I know, this has many implications and consequences,
but should we not test this idea using the Bible?

I don't want to make this article too long,
so let me give you the link to my homepage,
where you can find the arguments in detail: ... lution.htm

I am excited to hear from you!

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