Chromosome fusion

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: Chromosome fusion

Post by zoegirl »

Gman wrote:Simply put, all matter is energy... When we view the naturalistic world, we really aren't viewing anything solid here just energy. How God manipulates matter or energy I really don't know, but I believe that the science we know and understand today actually dictates to us that it was created divinely, unless you know of someone that has factual proof of Darwinian evolution. This may be a bit off topic but whatever can't become factual for DE actually fuels the case for ID. So the work has already been done for ID.. So let the scientists keep studying DE, what are we so scared about? Because the more they study it, the more I believe it will point to divine creationism. Again, I don't believe that Darwinian evolution nor creationism will probably ever become factual which is why we should let them both breath together as they have been for thousands of years... Why stifle education?

As for miracles, yes, I believe that God performs miracles today and He probably knows the next word I'm going to be typing here. However, if I drink arsenic or jump in front of a car, I believe that I will die because that is my freedom of choice to do it (in other words I'm taking God's naturalistic laws into my own hands). Here is what I believe the catch is to miracles in our own lives.. Miracles can only happen in my life if I "choose" to have faith in God to follow it out. But there is another catch here too, it also has to align with God's will. So in order for miracles to happen, like walking on watter, healing the sick or blind I must receive revelation from God to perform that miraculous action who will then bend his naturalistic laws. So if you want to see a miracle performed today in front of our eyes ask God...

I don't disagree with anything you say. I certainly don't advocate stifling education or science or experiments. Quite the contrary, for anybody who has followed my posts. I agree that God perfoms miracles and that He has the capability to interfere with His own laws, but I also think all of us have a elemental idea that God allows His creation to work according to the rules and forces He intistuted and yes according to His good will. I think this provides insight, then, into how we can think of the origin. According to His will and to HIs forces and rules that He laid down, the universe was created. And yes ,I agree that to continue to study the creation will point to the creator. Unfortunately, and however you believe this happens, peopla reject God and are blind to His general revelation.
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Re: Chromosome fusion

Post by Gman »

zoegirl wrote:I don't disagree with anything you say. I certainly don't advocate stifling education or science or experiments. Quite the contrary, for anybody who has followed my posts.
Sorry about that, I wasn't singling you out there zoe..
zoegirl wrote:I agree that God perfoms miracles and that He has the capability to interfere with His own laws, but I also think all of us have a elemental idea that God allows His creation to work according to the rules and forces He intistuted and yes according to His good will. I think this provides insight, then, into how we can think of the origin. According to His will and to HIs forces and rules that He laid down, the universe was created. And yes ,I agree that to continue to study the creation will point to the creator.
I think both views DE and ID have a certain amount of mystery to them. DE says it needs millions of years to work (which we can't duplicate), and miracles of God (like creation or healing the sick or chromosome fusion) would probably need someone documenting it (like using a videocam or an mri) while it is occurring to say that it is factual act of God. Correct? Other than that, our miracles with God are more of an individual experience that we hold in our hearts. I know what is true in my heart about God, but I probably won't be able to explain it in the detail that someone needs for their faith (unless I had it on youtube). But then again, when someone asks me for a miracle from God, I always tell them to buy a telescope. 8)
zoegirl wrote:Unfortunately, and however you believe this happens, peopla reject God and are blind to His general revelation.
Well I think we just established that both views take a certain amount of faith to believe in... :wink:
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Re: Chromosome fusion

Post by August »

Hi everyone, I'll be back with some replies over the weekend. I was out of town the whole week.
Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else."

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