frankbaginski wrote:The data that comes from science is filtered before it is given out to the general public. So it would be difficult to change my worldview with any new release of scientific data. There have been way too many false reports over the years. A couple of recent ones - a scientist at the UN admitted that the aids figures published the last few years were wrong and the people who knew better published them anyway. The spokesman said it was to get funding for scientist and that is a good thing. Another false report came from Korea where a scientist reported great results from embryonic stem cells. It was known to be false. Some false reports take years to uncover, take Piltdown man. The vast amount of scientific data can never be examined by any one individual. So we are left with having the "experts" look at it for us. The problem is that most of these peer reviewed experts do not hold the same worldview that I have. This means that the filter they have on the analysis of the data is backwards from the approach I would use. The Christian community has started many fine creation research groups and if you go there you normally get a fair presentation of the data.
So what are we supposed to do in this environment? That is a tough question. We are to teach our kids that science has changed over the years and this years answers will be on the discard pile soon enough. We are to develope faith in what matters which is not man. We are supposed to help our fellow man in his quest for the true meaning of life. We are to be amazed at God's creation and thank Him for our existence. I only came to this conclusion a few years ago after a major search of science.
FIrst, you have brought up merely two or three examples amongst millions. And absolutely we should scrutinize. Scientists are human after all and are subject to the same greed and desire for fame and power as the rest of us. There is nothing perfect about the people involved. That being said, You read far too much into my statements. We should always challenge and challenge and challenge some more. But in the end, the data showing that the universe is old DOES NOT allow or provide atheists with ammunition to reject God.
Secondly, the whole IDEA of science is to revise and discover and refine hypothesis and theories....if there is no value is discovering things, then, hey let's forget about medicine, research into energy and fuel, research into genetics, research into ecology. See, all of these things were MADE by God, and it is honorable to search for HOW HE made them and the rules He established with regards to these things. YEs, mankind and atheists in particular do not honor GOd in their discoveries but that doesn't necessarilty rule out what they discover. And in so doing, broaden our abilities to heal and to love and to care for God's creation.
Anybody who disputes this merely has to listen to Ben Carson and understand that it is through understanding God's creation that allows Dr. Carson to operate on the brains of children and do so motivated by God to help and minister to his patients.
Is science perfect? Absolutely not. Does this allow us to dismiss things enitrely? Absolutely not.