Another far reaching attempt.

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Another far reaching attempt.

Post by phiver4 »

I found this today and thought it might provide some amusing reading, especially the potassium part.,2933,315131,00.html
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Re: Another far reaching attempt.

Post by frankbaginski »

This has to go along with the theory that we actually developed on meteors. In clay no less. This is to avoid that nasty water which ruins the development process.

No matter how far out a theory is if it supports Darwin it gets front page coverage. I think someone should come up with an award for the most wingnut theory of the year award for these scientist.

Remember when those guys made an experiment in a glass ball. They placed chemicals in the ball and then made electric sparks in the ball. The experiment heard round the world. They made amino acids. What they did not tell you is that many things were left out of the ball. Like oxygen, and water because these would have interfered with their experiment. And they had the nerve to tell people that this was the way life started. One has to wonder if all of the molecules in the glass ball were left handed. Because they are the only ones used in organic life. Having the wrong molecules destroys the soup of life. So sad to see this pass for truth.
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Re: Another far reaching attempt.

Post by Himantolophus »

I hate seeing stuff like this come out on news sites. If scientists cannot replicate this process somehow in the lab or find proof of this, they should just keep things to themselves. For a layperson or religious person, this looks so ridiculous as to be humorous (as seen by this post).

Just because we (I included) don't believe in this, we cannot be sure it DIDN'T happen this way. So I'd be hesitant to laugh at something that no one on this Earth really knows
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Re: Another far reaching attempt.

Post by frankbaginski »

When these kind of reports come out I just toss them to the junk pile. If after a year people are still talking about it then I will check of the data. So far I have not had to do that with this junk. This stuff lowers the bar for others to release their own kind of wingnut theories.
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Re: Another far reaching attempt.

Post by JCSx2 »

So we evolved from mica to bananas that evolved in to monkeys, and the monkeys became cannibals and then meat eating people?
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Re: Another far reaching attempt.

Post by jenna »

Oh that's a good one! thanks for the laugh. :lol:
some things are better left unsaid, which i generally realize after i have said them
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Re: Another far reaching attempt.

Post by Swamper »

From the article:
"Mica is like a massive sandwich with millions of layers of mineral sheets, which would be the bread," Hansma said. "The nooks and crannies between the bread may have jump-started the formation of life's chemicals and protected them. It's like a giant potluck of chemistry."
So now we have a primordial sandwich to go with the primordial soup? Makin' me hungry. :lol:
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Re: Another far reaching attempt.

Post by David Blacklock »

>>No matter how far out a theory is if it supports Darwin it gets front page coverage<<'d think science supports Darwinism.

>>What they did not tell you is that many things were left out of the ball. Like oxygen, and water because these would have interfered with their experiment<<

Maybe they left oxygen out because they believe oxygen levels were almost nil in the atmosphere at that time.

>>If scientists cannot replicate this process somehow in the lab or find proof of this, they should just keep things to themselves<<

The press shows up at these meetings, just hoping they'll find something to publish. Scientists frequently are embarassed by the way the press handles and mishandles their releases. Not that scientists aren't above "leaking" information. Most of them are human, although there may be a few Neanderthals.

>>This stuff lowers the bar for others to release their own kind of wingnut theories<<

Some very valuable findings have resulted from seemingly ridiculous experiments, where scientists were following their curiosity - penicillin, for example. After WWII, following good advice, Truman began to award universities with money to pursue science for its own sake, without regard to its potential monetary worth. Quantum theory was pursued strictly for the sake of knowledge by using astronomically expensive partical accelerators. This research has given us as side benefits - cell phones, MRIs, computers, microwaves, et cetera - about 30% of our gross national product. One may complain that these worldly items have led to our downfall, but I'll bet everyone's preacher uses them.
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