Christians Please Answer

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by Man from the Neptune »

The Christian faith is a faith builtupon converts for one thing; for another I do not actually consider myselfto be forcing it upon them. I have--well actually ii've only ever practiced door-to-door evanglism I havn't actually done it. But one thing I know is that your not supposed to force your beliefs on others more tell them why you have those beliefs and gove reasons why they should have them to. Its only pushing your beliefs when you don't let them say no.
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by KrisW »

frankbaginski wrote: I found God in partical physics. Others have found Him in nature, still others after a tragic event in their life.
If you haven't found Him in the Person of Jesus Christ, then you are simply deluding yourself.
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by jenna »

Sorry, but I don't think he is "deluding" himself. We need to be thankful he found God in the first place, not insulting him for how it was done!
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by zoegirl »

KrisW wrote:
frankbaginski wrote: I found God in partical physics. Others have found Him in nature, still others after a tragic event in their life.
If you haven't found Him in the Person of Jesus Christ, then you are simply deluding yourself.
I believe Frank was referring to the method of God drawing a believer, not that those He mentioned are God. From reading his previous posts, I would venture to say that he would agree with you.
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by KrisW »

jenwat3 wrote:Sorry, but I don't think he is "deluding" himself. We need to be thankful he found God in the first place, not insulting him for how it was done!

If that's what you think, you shouldn't be calling yourself a Christian.

As Jesus said, "No one come to Father but through Me". He didn't mention anything about "particle physics".

No one comes to the Father but via a quark or lepton???? :roll:
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by zoegirl »

Kris, see My post above.

And simply ask him for clarification on this, although, again, based on frank's previous postings, he would be the last person to suggest that a particle is what saves, although God's creation can certainly be the means through which God draws a believer.
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by KrisW »

zoegirl wrote:
I believe Frank was referring to the method of God drawing a believer,.
There is only one 'method' God uses to draw a beleiever to Him......and it ain't a quark. :roll:
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by zoegirl »

KrisW wrote:
zoegirl wrote:
I believe Frank was referring to the method of God drawing a believer,.
There is only one 'method' God uses to draw a beleiever to Him......and it ain't quark. :eroll:
Do you dismiss God's own word? for Romans as well as the Psalmist details that God's creation reveals His Glory. :roll:

God's creation is certainly a witness to Him and can certainly draw a person to investigate. Does this in itself save that person? Of course not. And yes, Christ is ultimately the reason and the beauty and the attraction of Christianity.

But again, simply ask Frank to elaborate. This is how confusion and misunderstandings arise.
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by KrisW »

Boy, the posts fly in on this board faster than a person respond...on Christmas night at 1130PM no less :shock:

zoegirl wrote:Kris, see My post above.

And simply ask him for clarification on this, .
He's free to respond, but I get easily annoyed by Christians who post absolute bull-plop on the internet, and then have a 'flash mob' suddenly descend to equivocate for them.

It tends to make me doubt thier sincerity as "Christians".
Last edited by KrisW on Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by KrisW »

zoegirl wrote:
But again, simply ask Frank to elaborate. This is how confusion and misunderstandings arise.

KrisW wrote:Boy, the posts fly in on this board faster than a person respond...on Christmas night at 1130PM no less :shock:
He's free to respond, but I get easily annoyed by Christians who post absolute bull-plop on the internet, and then have a 'flash mob' suddenly descend to equivocate for them.

It tends to make me doubt thier sincerity as "Christians".

Ibid :roll:
Last edited by KrisW on Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by jenna »

KrisW wrote:
jenwat3 wrote:Sorry, but I don't think he is "deluding" himself. We need to be thankful he found God in the first place, not insulting him for how it was done!

If that's what you think, you shouldn't be calling yourself a Christian.

As Jesus said, "No one come to Father but through Me". He didn't mention anything about "particle physics".

No one comes to the Father but via a quark or lepton???? :roll:
I shouldn't be calling myself a christian because I don't see things the way you do?
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by KrisW »

jenwat3 wrote: I shouldn't be calling myself a christian because I don't see things the way you do?


You shouldn't be calling yourself a "christian" if an anti-neutino leads you to God and not Jesus :esurprised:
KrisW wrote:Boy, the posts fly in on this board faster than a person respond...on Christmas night at 1130PM no less :shock:


I get easily annoyed by Christians who post absolute bull-plop on the internet, and then have a 'flash mob' suddenly descend to equivocate for them.

It tends to make me doubt thier sincerity as "Christians".
Ibid.....again y:-?
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by jenna »

I think God may use all sorts of things to draw people to Him. Another person, a message, a phone call at the right time, even a simple song on the radio. While you cannot be saved unless you come to Christ, there are many ways for God to let you know He's there and is drawing you to Him. My personal experience was an example of this. I was working one time, and was going through some really hard times. I was really down and was actually considering suicide at the time. I was going actually thinking of ways to kill myself when a person walked up to me and asked "Do you know God loves you?" I honestly believe that person was God-sent, to let me know He was there and loved me. Just because I did not actually hear of Christ first, does not mean I am not a Christian, nor should you think that God does not have His ways of "calling" people other than through Christ.
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by oscarsiziba »

To think that someone is bludgeoning their religion on you is sometimes an indication that theirs is stronger than yours,but by trying to runaway from it you make yourself guilty and more accountable.
Nomatter what one writes or has ever been written I have never felt my religion threatened or forced into another because I stand on the Solid Rock and ground unshakeable.S0...hp...probably you need to have an open mind that is willing to learn and take the right thing,leave what you grew thinking was the truth and search for the truth,leave the religion of parents and seek the religion of God,leave the comfort of friends and enjoy the Omnipresence and companionship of Jesus.Again ,if you feel you are being pushed into a corner then better make yourself comfortable in the truth than jittery in old-time and traditional religion.
If you don't have peace in the religion you are it!
As earlier stated everyone wants and spreads his/her beliefs-if yours can't stand theirs then it probably and obstinately shows the weakness of the current religion you attend.Tried to be simple and unoffensive-hope this helps.
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Re: Christians Please Answer

Post by FFC »

You shouldn't be calling yourself a "christian" if an anti-neutino leads you to God and not Jesus

anti-neutino? y:-? :swhat:
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