In what way does ID violate methodological naturalism? Is it because it does not tag along the premise of chance and luck, and instead assumes goal-directed purposeful.There are a couple of reasons that ID is not a scientific explanation. The primary reason is does not qualify as science is because it violates a central assumption in the philosophy and practice of science - that of methodological naturalism.
Of course it must since humans have no choice but to stay within the boundaries of natural phenomena (where else do humans reside if not in natural physical space?). Nobody in "core" of the ID movement as Kureiuo puts it well is out to prove the designers existence in any form/fashion, making it well within the boundaries of nature. That maybe up to creationism or other forms of religion to handle/solve but it is clearly not what ID is set out to do. Considering half of ID's foundation is based upon being a skeptic of Darwinism, consider that a skeptic (even of scientific theories) is what science is really about (wink wink Bgood...since thats how science "evolves" doesn't it? ), and consider that the evidence points towards real-time design, signifying some type of design process where a goal and purpose of the design was in need of being pre-meditated, perhaps constructed by the combination of multitude of many designed parameters such as the laws of physics, call it pre-determined, pre-programmed pre-what not, the laws of physics are well within nature. The strongest point ID'rs make from the evidence is that it suggests a pre-ordered configuration. Consider Walter Remines theory or John A. Davisions, they all point to pre-determined evolution, without taking into account something far beyond Natural selection and random variation, and considering the cost of mutations that must have occurred in the ways they did, evolution could not have occurred. Consider John A. Davisons manifesto where he points out that natural selection prevents change, if he is right what is Darwinism left with?Simply put, science always assume natural explanation exist for natural phenomena.
ID's IC and CSI concepts are valid scientifically since they branch off of that pre-ordered organization of living matter.
Consider the Polar Bears now as potential candidates for extinction, where was evolution? Aren't species supposed to adapt to the environment, selective pressures, natural selection, random mutation...where are all these powers gone too? Hmmm...a few measly degrees decrease in temperature change is causing extinction rates to sky-rocket through the roof, where art thou Darwin to the rescue? Please tell me it ain't so!
Is it possible Evolution is just at a dead hault and has been that way for quite a while now? There could be a reason for that and I point you to JAD's reference for expansion.
Consider how humans would deal with that situation of increase or decrease of temperature change, they would use they're "intelligence" to build a fan or A/C or heater or they would just move to a different part of the world . Desperate times call for desperate measures yet Evolution itself has yet to even measure up to any Darwinian standards.