One flesh/in love/marriage/

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Post by Deborah »

JBirdAngel wrote:I do not agree at all, how could the God of love that all Christians talk about make someone be with a rapist forever in Heaven.

I am not familiar with the Bible saying you are one with the first person you slept with and only that person forever.

Also what does the Bible define as sleeping with in that instance?

I cant believe a God would keep two people in love apart in Heaven just because they didnt have sex, if they didnt have time to get married so didnt have sex before one died, is that reason for them to not be together as lovers in Heaven?
I didn't say the bible hun I said someone on this forum said it. I too can't find anything in the bible that supports this, but it still bothers me because I don't understand this part. it says commit adultery and keep doing it you don't love god, ok well that is the impression I get. Ok I am married, been married 17 years, only married once. I worry that our idea of marriage and Gods is not the same. I worry that sleeping with someone before marriage and marrying someone else could be thought of by god as Adultery. and I can not find anything to combat this :oops:
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Post by JBirdAngel »

Ok, so im trying to understand what your saying, your saying that it says if you commit adultery and keep commint adultery than you dont love God, correct?

Your worry is that, if someone has sex before marriage, and then marries someone else, that if they have sex with the person they are married to that then they are commiting adultery, because you worry that the only person this perosn should be allowed to have sex with by law is the first person they had sex with?

If this is correct then worry not, the Bible i feel makes it clear that adultery is sex outside of marriage, so in this case i believe that the sex had first before marriage with someone else would be the sin, and the sex in the marriage is fine and good by God, and one could ask forgiveness for the sex before marriage, and as they are not having sex outside of their marriage presumably, they are good in that area relatively speaking.
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Post by Deborah »

ty JBirdAngel, silly to be worried about such a silly little thing isn't it :oops: but it is these little things that um hang us :?

Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments (scripture posted in a previous post) to me that says if you don't strive to keep the commandments of God, then you don't love him. Everyone falls once in awhile and what is good is God made the provision for this, he told us we can ask his forgiveness and if we truely mean it, it will be given. to me this means he knows that his children are not perfect, so he meets us half way.
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Post by Kurieuo »

JBirdAngel wrote:I am not familiar with the Bible saying you are one with the first person you slept with and only that person forever.
No. It says you are united with "everyone" you sleep with:
  • "Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” (1 Corinthians 6:15-16)
The uniting in sexual union is meant to be a "consumation" of one's love.
JBirdAngel wrote:I do not agree at all, how could the God of love that all Christians talk about make someone be with a rapist forever in Heaven.
I'd agree that becoming "one flesh" does not apply with a rape scenario. How, given what I believe about sex joining us to another is true? Well, if one isn't consumating their love, then our choosing to complement each other in the way God designed is not being fulfilled. In rape, only one person is complementing themselves at the other's expense, if it could be said any complementing is happening at all. God designed things so that man and woman would each leave their family, be united together, and thus consumate their covenant to fulfill and complement each other. It is this design God set as the way we are joined together—"Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." (Mark 10:9)

Now I do not agree we are joined hereafter, though I believe we will certainly know each other. I'll perhaps provide more of my reasons later, but lets just say there are passages which basically say one is released from marriage in death. Given that widows could also remarry (1 Corinthians 7:8-9), this raises absurdities if marriage is kept in heaven. For say there are two couples who get married, the wife in one dies, and the husband in the other also dies. Then the widow from one couple get married to the man from the other couple whose wife died. If the widow is still united to her husband, then when she marries the man from the other marriage her husband also becomes joined to her new husband. Not only that, but also vice-versa, the wife who died becomes joined to her husbands new wife and also the new wife's dead husband. Such absurdity leads me to conclude marriage is intended for our lives here, but not in the life to come where we are completed by God. This leads to another reason why marriage would not carry through into the afterlife—there would no longer be a need to have a shadow of the total completeness and fulfillment that is received by being in God's direct presence.

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Post by Deborah »

The uniting in sexual union is meant to be a "consumation" of one's love.
I somewhat agree, but what happens when one partner doesn't really mean it? they do and say whatever to lead the other on, then they get what they want, after that they make absurd demands or simply just walk away.
We have not always known to put our lives in the hands of god.
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Post by JBirdAngel »

now i may be mistaken about what i have said on this forum and such, but i almost feel like you didnt read it at all and just posted what you feel...

First of Adam and Eve were fully in the presence of God in the Garden of Eden and He could have fully completed them as you think will be in Heaven, but He still chose to make them man and woman and by design for them to have a special one flesh relationship, this wont change, being complete in God, having Him be the head of your life, and Him providing your happiness, does not stop from being in love, but rather being in love with one person is a part of all of that. The problem is that people dont understand love, i think part of having faith like a child is that as humans we are logical creatures, and so we try to figure things out, as you just did and you ended up with absurdities, why did you end up with abusrdities? Because your logic is corrupted by sin, as with all things here, a child is not as used to sin and sin isnt as much a part of its everyday logic, so it find things to be simpler and such, as an adult in a world of sin that sin becomes a part of your logic and you cant distinguish between the real world and sin, because they are so intermeshed.

Without sin there would be no death, there would be no marrying and giving in marriage, it would be just as Adam and Eve were in the Garden, not getting married and not being given in marriage, also they would never die and never be with anyone else.

Also as i noted earlier i believe, the marriage bonds of this world do not continue, marriage is not done right here, it is a one man one woman relationship, there have been many polygamous and other kinds of marriages that dont follow this, as well as arranged marriages not out of love, marriage is designed to be a guideline for taht in love relationshp, that we so fail to do correctly, and really cant do fully correctly because of sin in our world.

In Heaven though we will have that one flesh relationshp in its fullest form, with the one person we are meant to be with forever, our complement created by God, the one man and one woman that are supposed to be one flesh and in love with each other and only each other forever.

Also it is very clear that everything in the Bible is not supported by God, and that the truth is not and was not fully revealed in that time. I believe i already addressed this and the supposed supporting of the Bible of the relationship ending at death already as well, though i could be wrong.

Moses had a law for divorce that was fine in the OT, but Jesus shows us that isnt right, its because our hearts were hardened and we didnt understand. Because peoples hearts are hardened and they still dont understand Jesus does not hold us to be with only that one person we are in love with forever, in this world where we so long to find that person as it is a part of how we were created, we often cannot find them, because of sin and death, they could have died, so we find osmeone who seems similar and can think we are in love with them and be with them, and if the person dies we still feel that void and know that it shouldnt be there, and some people end up then trying to find that person again to fill that void.

God will straighten it all out, He created it this way, i dont think He made a mistake, also anyone who has truely been in love knows that they cannot truely be happy without being one with their lover in Heaven and worshping God there forever.

Humans may not be smart, but they arent stupid either, they can understand the basics, that there is a God and that there is a one man one woman relationship, but we cannot do either right in this world.

We have churches here, and we marry and are given in marriage, neither will be in Heaven, we will not have churches because we will be with God as we are meant to be, and we will not marry or be given in marriage becasue we will have the true one flesh relationshp with our complement that we were intended to have, and marrying that person wouldnt do anything as we will already know teh truth, just like it would make no sesne to have a church in Heaven.

I think i addressed your points but am not fully sure, oh also there is a passage in Romans where Paul illustrates that a woman married whose husband dies can remarry and is free from the law, but the point of that is Paul illustrating that Jesus came for us to die to the law, so that the law doesnt control us, that it isnt perfect. It was a guideline now we have Christ and the Holy Spirit for a guideline. Being in love is very real, we as humans could not invent that, and i cannot believe a God of love would destroy it, Romans 11:29 I believe states that no gift of God is ever withdrawn, no gift or calling to be precise, and being in love, sex, and having children are all gifts of God, and they will all be in Heaven, but not in the same form here, because here they are all corrupted by sin,k they will be better in Heaven and without sin.
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Post by JBirdAngel »

also in some ways people who have sex are one flesh, if you have sex with someone whose flesh is diseased, you get that disease as well, but being In love is what being one flesh is truely about and that is the true point of it and true relationshp, and i cannot believe nor do i find true scriptual support to think that it would end.
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Post by Kurieuo »

Deborah wrote:
The uniting in sexual union is meant to be a "consumation" of one's love.
I somewhat agree, but what happens when one partner doesn't really mean it? they do and say whatever to lead the other on, then they get what they want, after that they make absurd demands or simply just walk away.
What you state is the reason I said that sex is "meant" to be a consumation of two entering into a covenant together... your words perhaps highlight the importance of marriage, as it is a more of a commitment one doesn't enter into lightly (although that appears to have changed/be changing). But, because people can do otherwise, such doesn't destroy God's intended design for sex. Now is there still a union that happens in cases of being used? I find Paul's words rather hard to get around, as I think Paul is clear that a joining happens between two people who have consensual sex. This is the thrust of his argument on why one should not sleep with prostitutes (1 Corinthians 6:15-16), or with multiple partners for that matter... because there's more that goes on than a pleasurable time.

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Post by JBirdAngel »

but what does it mean to you and what does it mean to them to have that bond, i do not think your souls get connected to each other, i do not believe that everyone whose ever had sex with anyone is going to have that kind of connection in Heaven, its the in love relationshp between one man and one woman created by God to be as one that is important and it is that relationshp that sex is meant to be had in, but we mess everything up.

Some things in the Bible are, well mostly everything in the Bible is to lead a good healthy and right life, there are alot of health risks involved in having sex with just anyone, such as disease, also producing unwanted offspring and other complications, besides the fact that sex is designed for just the one man one woman in love relationshp, it causes alot of problems outside of that relationship, so to what degree does it acutally combine people, i do not think that sex truely connect people beyond a physical level, it is the love, which i think you have said didnt you, although you still seem to support sex, you cannot say that rape doesnt do it but regular sex does, because its the same thing, sex is something meant to be held between one man and one woman that God created to be in love with each other and as one flesh, they are as one flesh as they are in love and because they have sex and because of everything they do, but sex is not neccesary for that relationship, not everyone can have sex, but that doesnt stop them from being in love, also Paul seems to state that marriage only has to do with sex, we know this to not be true, marriage has to do with being in love as well and that is the true meaning behind it, so i do not know how to take all of Pauls teachings, but i do know that the truth is not exactly how everything he says sounds, I know that marriage for me has little to do with sex compared to being in love, i am in love, and without that sex would be nothing.
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Re: One flesh/in love/marriage/

Post by Kurieuo »

JBirdAngel, are you trying to see how many times you can say "sex" in one post or something? You seem to want me to challenge, so I'll start with your original post, and begin picking out points I disagree on. ;)
JBirdAngel wrote:I am wondering your thoughts on the one flesh in love relationship being in Heaven, or rather the new earth that most people actually mean when they say Heaven. Is not Heaven the restoration of the Garden of Eden, and a return to the perfection God created and all the things He decided were good, which definatly includes the one man one woman one flesh relationship between Adam and Eve. One flesh does not refer to sex in that verse it refers to being in love, for when Adam and Eve had sex they were not one flesh, but instead it says that they knew each other.
Now I agree with you that one flesh does not mean sex, a meaning which I believe is evidenced against in Scripture (1 Corinthians 6:15-16; Matt 19:3-6; Mark 10:2-9).

Yet, I disagree that heaven is a restoration to the Garden of Eden, and disagree that the Bible teaches everything was "perfect" in the beginning. God only calls His creation "good" and "very good", but never perfect. What was perfect however, is humanities relationship with God, and by a perfect relationship I mean there was no barrier between us and God because of our sin.

Now as to "one flesh" being a "love relationship," I don't believe such is exegetically accurate. Yet, I'd allow the implications of this to be in the Genesis 2:24 passage (i.e., in the "cleaving/uniting" portion), but I can't exegetically read it into the "one flesh." While Paul appears clarify the "uniting" as a sexual union in 1 Corinthians 6:15-16, this need not mean such is necessarily disassociated from "love."

Now with specifically the "one flesh," this goes back to the way Eve is said to be created. Woman is literally said to be taken from man's flesh and bone, and so Adam says of woman, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh." (Genesis 2:23) Thus, the symbolism in the method God used to create woman, is that man is missing something without a woman—the two are incomplete without each other. The two sexes are designed to go together like hand in glove. Thus, when the two do come together, they become one flesh because the part of man in woman becomes united again with man.
JBirdAngel wrote:The Garden of Eden would have lasted forever if sin had not occured, and so Adam and Eve would have been in love forever and reproduction would have existed forever.
Disagree, for if no sin occurred, then there is no reason to assume God would have created everything the same. God chose us in Christ before the creation of the world (Ephesians 1:4), and so God has predestined Christ to die for our sin before the creation of anything including the Garden of Eden (Acts 2:23; Acts 4:27-28). If it were possible for us not to have sinned (which seems logical), then I believe a large reason behind God creating our temporal world would be gone. Therefore, I don't believe God would have created our temporal world is this were the case.
JBirdAngel wrote:Jesus very much supports marriage between one man and one woman with no divorce, which supports the idea that it is the right and true way for things to be and as they will be when sin is taken out of the world.
I'd agree, but would add we must not glim over Romans 7:2-3, where Paul argues that marriage is binding up until death. He says:
  • For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law of marriage. So then, if she marries another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress, even though she marries another man.
JBirdAngel wrote:As everything that is wrong with this world is because of sin, the Garden of Eden was perfect adn without sin, sin entered the picture and messed everything up into what we have here and now, then sin will be removed and will have Heaven, this does not eliminate our exclusive one man one woman one flesh in love relationships, but instead makes them better because we will not need to marry or be given in marriage in order to keep and have and establish those relationships.
In some respects I'd agree that sin causes a lot of problems, but as previously stated I disagree everything was perfect, and I disagree that "sin" has the power to destroy creation if God intended it to be perfect. Such a belief, though common amongst Christians, is to make God out to be impotent against sin, in which case, how can Christ conquer sin?

I'll deal with more later, but I'm sure what I've written will keep you entertained for now. ;)

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Post by JBirdAngel »

i dont care about writing sex in a post, you all were focusing on the sex factor, my main area is the in love area.

Now I agree with you that one flesh does not mean sex, a meaning which I believe is evidenced against in Scripture (1 Corinthians 6:15-16; Matt 19:3-6; Mark 10:2-9).
This talks about one aspect of being one flesh, sex is an aspect of being one flesh, and is the main concern of the time, with the way marriages were and such, being in love was not really a huge concern and probably not fully understood to alot of people, in the times you just bought whichever wife you wanted or it was arranged and so on, normally with little care about love as it was more about money, land, and power.

Yet, I disagree that heaven is a restoration to the Garden of Eden, and disagree that the Bible teaches everything was "perfect" in the beginning. God only calls His creation "good" and "very good", but never perfect. What was perfect however, is humanities relationship with God, and by a perfect relationship I mean there was no barrier between us and God because of our sin.

All the elements of the Garden of Eden are found in Heaven, or rather the new earth and new Heaven, God's presence, the tree of life, teh river of life, paradise.

The Bible does teach that Adam and Eve would have lived in the Garden forever had they not sinned. Genesis 2:9,16,17 Genesis 3:22

I believe that God is perfect, and that He doesnt make mistakes, I also believe that God gave us free will, the ability to choose to obey Him or to disobey Him, to accept Him or reject Him.

God doesnt do things just because He knows what we are going to do, if He did, this world would never have existed and He would have just thrown those He chose to save into Heaven, but He loves us so much He allows us to have our choice and our will and gives us time to turn towards Him, there are several places, OT and NT, where it shows that God allows more time for people to accept Him and repent. Therefore I do not believe that God made a mistake in the Garden, He intedend it to go on forever had we not sinned. If the Garden would have gone on forever if we hadnt sin and God fully allows for this, then to think that He has to change something of His original creation in order for it to last forever would mean that He didnt do it correctly to begin with, something that i do not believe since God is perfect.

Now as to "one flesh" being a "love relationship," I don't believe such is exegetically accurate. Yet, I'd allow the implications of this to be in the Genesis 2:24 passage (i.e., in the "cleaving/uniting" portion), but I can't exegetically read it into the "one flesh." While Paul appears clarify the "uniting" as a sexual union in 1 Corinthians 6:15-16, this need not mean such is necessarily disassociated from "love."
God is love, and teaches us to love, I believe very much in being IN love, and as that being more than just love, there is evidence of this everywhere, as most agree that it exists and have a belief in it, though they may not be able to say from where it comes... people have a basic search in them to find the one person they are in love with, just as they have a basic search to seek out God, but of course this doesnt always happen exactly as it should, people may not find such things, or the sin of this world may make them think differently, that because of the sin there is no God, or because of sin and death there is no IN love, etc.

Also I hate to break it to you, Paul isnt perfect, he may be inspired by God, but all true Christians who receieve the Holy Spirit are, as it is teh Holy Spirit that leads them and guides them. Paul is speaking on one asset of being one flesh. However, since you allowed a love relationshp to exist as far as cleaving and such, then you would have to say that Paul saying that marriage is basically only for sex in 1 Corinthians 7, is also then not fully correct to the whole truth.

Just because God inspires someone does not mean He gives that person the whole truth of things, such as Moses who wrote the law of divorce, whcih for a time worked and was allowed, but not should not be.
'd agree, but would add we must not glim over Romans 7:2-3, where Paul argues that marriage is binding up until death. He says:

For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law of marriage. So then, if she marries another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress, even though she marries another man.
As for this we simply need to look at the context of which Paul is talking, Paul is talking about the law, not about God's ways, and if we read a little further we see this:

4So, my brothers, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit to God.

6But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.

Paul saying that a woman whose husband dies is allowed to remarry has nothing to do with God's will or His way, it is used to show that we too now are not bound by the law. It is saying by law the woman can do this, but then it turns right around to say that the very law that allowed her to do that we no longer are bound by, now he is not saying it is wrong for her to marry, but he is saying that the law of man is not the way of God, for now we are free from that law in order to bare good fruit for God, so the law of the times cannot be taken into account for this discussion as we are now free from that law, and as we have seen with Moses' divorce law, it is not fully true and accurate.

In some respects I'd agree that sin causes a lot of problems, but as previously stated I disagree everything was perfect, and I disagree that "sin" has the power to destroy creation if God intended it to be perfect. Such a belief, though common amongst Christians, is to make God out to be impotent against sin, in which case, how can Christ conquer sin?
you say that sin doesnt ahve the power to destroy creation, you are right, look around, creation is still here, but it is corrupt, and it is not sin that destroys this world it is God as we see in Revelations. But as you stated yourself sin does have the power to cause problems, adn to corrupt things, such as our relationship to God, and as you would say throwing a barrier up between our relationship to God, but sin also threw barriers up between all of our relationsihps as well as our actions. God does have the power over sin, that is made clear in the Bible adn through Jesus, I do not think that Christians believe sin can destroy God or His creations, but we do understand that it corrupts His creation, God is good and so cannot be near what is not, God is love and God is life, to fall away from God is to fall away from life, so the earth and everything we were given is degraded and corrupted until God sees fit to restore it to His glory.

So i dont believe that your side is valid, i believe that God and the Bible much more supports there being an in love relationship in Heaven, people believe that there mother and father will still be there mother adn father dont they? Your relationship to the one God created for you to be one flesh for, is even more important than that relationship, because without that person you are not whole and complete, so surely that relationship will be in Heaven, and far better than it could be here.

Also my first time trying to use quotes and such, but i think it worked alright, when you do it did you put my name in first for the quote or how do you get it to say who your quoting? Thanks.
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Post by JBirdAngel »

Deborah wrote:ty JBirdAngel, silly to be worried about such a silly little thing isn't it :oops: but it is these little things that um hang us :?

Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments (scripture posted in a previous post) to me that says if you don't strive to keep the commandments of God, then you don't love him. Everyone falls once in awhile and what is good is God made the provision for this, he told us we can ask his forgiveness and if we truely mean it, it will be given. to me this means he knows that his children are not perfect, so he meets us half way.
your welcome, and while it is silly for us to worry, do not think i am without worry, i worry a ton and about everything, but God does assure us that we need not worry, and of course we all worry as you do because we all want to make sure we love Jesus and do as He asks. I believe that God clearly knows we arent perfect, and I think He does far more than meet us half way, He came and died for us, not only did He meet us half way, but He went the rest of the way by taking our punishment Himself.

I worry very much about my past present and future as well, so your not alone and dont feel bad about worrying, it helps show your true love for Jesus i think.
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Post by Poetic_Soul »

I believe that when we get to heaven, our intimacy will be redirected towards God himself. There is no reason for marriage but with the Lamb Of God. Angels do not pro-create, thus is the only reason for intamacy between man and wife.
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Post by JBirdAngel »

i am getting frustrated, you cannot say that angels dont procreate, you have no idea if htey do or not, the Bible doesnt say it one way or another, also the intimacy one has with God is way different then the intimacy between one man and one woman, you are not supposed to have sex with God, that is for the one man one woman relationship, the Bible doesnt say that it will all be turned to only God, God is supposed to be the center of our life there and here as well, and in the Garden, still He loves us enough and gives us the person we are in love with.
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Post by Poetic_Soul »

When I mean intimacy, it's not in a sexual content. Just on experience alone, I've been intimate with God. A glimse or should I say a fraction of what Gods love feels like is undescribable. He makes love to my heart and my soul to the point that I can not stop crying. I love my wife to death but she could never in a million years make me feel that way. Gods love goes deeper than the physical. I am a 37 year old man that searches that feeling every day. I rarely get that feeling from God but it does come when needed.

As far as angels procreating, read Matt 22:29-31 and Mark 12: 24-26. Have you ever heard of a female angel in the bible? What about a baby angel in the bible? No. Why? Because there is no procreation in heaven. You can say that after the 1000 yr reign of Christ on earth but not in heaven.
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