"Jesus freak's to the world"?

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"Jesus freak's to the world"?

Post by Anonymous »

Without a voice we are judged as not important, if we cannot see people think it affect our ability to think meaning they think we are not normal.
If we drive slow on the freeway people automaticaly begin diffrent assumtions. People with morals are called uptight or "goody two shoes".
People who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and abide by his rules are called "Jesus Freaks". Yea i admit i am a Jesus Freak!

Freak- A person who has broken away from conventional society.

Conventional- Acting or behaving according to commonly ACCEPTED or APPROVED ways.

2 Corinthians 6:17-18 "Therefore, Come our from among them and separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and i will recieve you. "I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty!

Well practically everything we come upon in this world is .. Unclean!
Meaning that if we would view our faith as the worlds uncleanliness then we would not be able to call ourselves Jesus Freaks. I am honored to be called a Jesus Freak, Because im abiding by the Lord Almightys Rules. He tells us in 2 Corinthians to SEPARATE ourselves from the world, and their uncleanliness. Meaning we are breaking away from conventional society , commonly accepted or approved way. So we are following the lords rules, Are you willing to be a freak for Jesus? I know i am!


Post by Anonymous »

Did this have to do with my username??? :lol: I support your fact. I am all for God/Jesus/Holy Spirit.

Post by Anonymous »

Well not really Brian but ok! Um thanks its totaly important to follow God rather than ourselves. So have a blessed day.

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