The flood--a reasoning

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The flood--a reasoning

Post by Anonymous »

So, God sentenced death on all mankind. However, he saved 8 people. So, whereas before all things were flourishing like a flower, before Adam sinned, the entire world would have been like one huge perfect garden--until death entered, and all life began to die.

This is why thorns are now formed, due to the curse and death, and also why Adam needs to work the ground, because things now die, so he must farm and work it or else it will be a wasteland.

Likewise, as the punishment of death and sin increases, and as sin, itself, increases, God's wrath and punishment increases. Likewise, with all of this death going on, the planet would begin to overheat--from the inside outward, as well. So, then, with all the life now dying, there would be an increase in moisture in the atmosphere--just like in the autumn when things dry up and fill the sky with clouds of snow.

Likewise, the earth also filled up with heat due to the deadening of its rain forestry (garden state), and so the core steamed the water beneath the surface, on account of death (caused by sin--keep in mind), and so a multitude of geysers would have sprung open, like volcanoes, filling the surface with water, because of the heating of the core outward which make water into steam and send it outward.

Likewise, the death of also life now sentenced would catch up, and with all life now dying, the increase of moisture all over the globe at once would indeed induce a canopy of water, and likewise an all around flood. Why? Because if all things suddenly begin to die at one time, whereas before they were all living equally and everlasting, then a flood would likewise mimic this in which all the moisture of this suddenly new imposed global autumn, among which the heating of the core within to spray the lower springs above the surface as volcanoes (geysers), would in fact lead to a huge global flood, on account of man's sin--which caused death.

Post by Anonymous »

This is my speculation, what do you think?
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

I think our core is a heat reservoir-it's so hot that any amount of heat injected into it wouldn't change the overall temperature. I do agree that thorns were formed because of sin, because as God said, because because Adam listened to his wife and sinned, He curses the ground. As far as the Flood. Over the canopy thing and the springs of the deep, I'm not sure. I used to go for a canopy, but now I'm not sure. The theory I've read on the flood was a huge crack split open, starting in what is now the Atlantic trench, and went all around the world. Because the rock pushed down on the water in subterranean chambers, the water could have shot out (at a minimum, with no other mechanisms) at about .5 miles per second.

Just so you know I'm not spurting off my own thoughts on the Flood:

We can never be for sure...but when I go to heaven....I'll be asking some questions on how He did it....
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Post by hermitville101 »

Could be I suppose... Or could have been a part of it. I tend to think it had more to do with God being angry at the world. I have a feeling He used a variety of ways to make the flood happen, but I wasn't there, so I'm not too sure.
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Post by Deborah »

Adam was instructed to care for the garden. Gen 2:5 says there was no man to till the ground. Therefore even back then,we were expected to work the ground. But perhaps before sin occurred it was not such hard work.

As for the flood I read that in Noah's day the whole world was morally corrupt, Everyone lived for their own pleasure, not God's. God could not find anyone on earth interested in pleasing him, so he grieved and regretted making man. God became so disgusted with mankind, that he considered wiping it out. Gen 6:7 And Jehovah said, I will destroy man whom I have created, from the face of the earth, both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air. For I repent that I have made them.
But there was one man who man God smile.
The bible says that Noah bought pleasure to God Gen 6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of Jehovah. God said this guy brings me pleasure. he makes me smile. I'll start over with his family.
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God smiles when we use the abilities he gave us

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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

So what's the popular thought in here on the Flood? Canopy, no canopy, do the springs of the deep refer to huge reservoirs of water God used (I solidly believe that part)....Oh, and I have a question-do you think God sort of put the beginnings of the Flood after the Fall? Did he change something back then that would cause a Flood later (in the same way manufacturers make parts of cars, watches, etc... to fall apart in a certain number of years to stay in business...when they could make them last longer (though they'd go out of business, of course)) or after everything was set, Noah stug in his coffin, He initiated the Flood?
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Post by Deborah »

AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:So what's the popular thought in here on the Flood? Canopy, no canopy, do the springs of the deep refer to huge reservoirs of water God used (I solidly believe that part)....Oh, and I have a question-do you think God sort of put the beginnings of the Flood after the Fall? Did he change something back then that would cause a Flood later (in the same way manufacturers make parts of cars, watches, etc... to fall apart in a certain number of years to stay in business...when they could make them last longer (though they'd go out of business, of course)) or after everything was set, Noah stug in his coffin, He initiated the Flood?
all I have to say is HUH! or however you spell it lol *cries*
Church tradition tells us that when John, son of Zebadee and brother of James was an old man, his disciples would carry him to church in their arms.
He would simply say, “Little children, love one another”
After a time his disciples wearied at always hearing these same words and asked “Master why do you always say this?
He replied, “it is the Lords command, and if done, it is enough”
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

You must be blonde.....
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Post by Deborah »

AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:You must be blonde.....
no just a confused baby christian :oops:
Church tradition tells us that when John, son of Zebadee and brother of James was an old man, his disciples would carry him to church in their arms.
He would simply say, “Little children, love one another”
After a time his disciples wearied at always hearing these same words and asked “Master why do you always say this?
He replied, “it is the Lords command, and if done, it is enough”
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Calm down, everything under control....OH MY GOSH SPOTTED APES RUN!!! Kidding :P
"My actions prove that God takes care of idiots."

He occasionally stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.
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Post by Kurieuo »

AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:So what's the popular thought in here on the Flood? Canopy, no canopy, do the springs of the deep refer to huge reservoirs of water God used (I solidly believe that part)
I think Peter qualifies the extent of the flood well:
  • But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. (2 Peter 3:5-6)
What was different about "the world of that time" compared to today?

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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Were you answering or asking a question? I couldn't tell...
"My actions prove that God takes care of idiots."

He occasionally stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.
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Post by Kurieuo »

Well... just the canopy idea or the amount of water needed depends on your position. However, in direct answer to your question, there is a response in Genesis 7:11 - "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month-on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened."

"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
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