You fail. I wasn't presenting a Biblical've presented that drinking is encouraged through your Biblical interpretation. Just calling you on your interpretation and lack of enough belief in your interpretation to stand on it. I don't advocate do.Canuckster1127 wrote:Bavarian Wheels,You wouldn't demand your right to drink EVEN as a Christian having told me all you have about “Jesus…” and that it's not forbidden by God, we shouldn't make higher standards,…?? You wouldn't defend your God-given right? Believe me…if I believed as you do, I would. The fact of the matter is this: There are many with a problem with alcohol and in my own head, by continuing to drink “moderately” and thus remain legal, allows, affords, and encourages them and others to drink as well. Their “choice” of complete abstinence is made difficult by your “right” to drink.
Thanks for your thoughts on the matter.
When you can present a Biblical position that is consistent logically that supports the standard you are advocating, I'll be delighted to consider it.
In the meantime, I'll follow the scriptural admonition,
It's nice of you to offer to be the judge. I choose not to accept your invitation.II Cor 2:16-17 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-- things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.
Not a judgement call...sincere question...but I guess the answer is not within your ability to answer with any real substanciation because IF your position was Biblical, it would be easy to answer. Besides, it is not me promoting "drinking" as is you. Therefore it is your "Biblical" position that needs some explanation in regard to the "standard" you promote and the question of logic in your "abstinence" from alcohol when it's not "Biblical" to abstain from alcohol...especially when you claim it was for work within a religious...and I'll assume...Christian organization. What are the moral implications in working and teaching for a religious organization in which you don't believe as they do? I really wonder this as you seem to take morality seriously. Since you decline to answer, it forces me to make a judgement call. If that is what you prefer...that being that simply not standing up for your beliefs and giving in to another person's or organization's beliefs to gain a job seems to me very suspect to say the least. By their fruit you will know...fruit in this case being simply the logical implications of your admitted actions. the text.
You promote drinking to be well within Biblical consistency and standard...yet one other...I put forth as Christ Himself claimed...but then that Sabbath thing is only OT...and only for Jews. Should'nt marriage be "Jewish" too then if it was instituted at creation and prior even to the Sabbath? But this is a question for another topic.
For now, I respect your opinion that alcohol consumption is within the standard of Biblical interpretation for the Christian, however I can't respect your lack of conviction in such thinking by your own admission. Either you're hot or cold...or something like that anyway.