Evolution explains something yet again!

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: Evolution explains something yet again!

Post by zoegirl »

Given that I teach at a Christian school, yes :esurprised: :ebiggrin:

However, we teach a much of the information about microevolution and teach from a secular text. Personally I am OEC and progressive creationist.
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Re: Evolution explains something yet again!

Post by godslanguage »

But Dawkins never said there is no god(s). He said he believes the probability of one is very low. The teaching of evolution is not equivalent to atheism. If that were the case, the Vatican, Orthodox Church, and most moderate and liberal Protestants would be accused of atheism. The Pope has said that evolution shows the majesty of a designer and its ability to design evolution.
Dawkins is no scientist, neither is the Pope. The Pope takes his advice from Kennith Miller wannabees, so you can't blame him.

The probability for God's existence is extremely high, if not, all the evidence for fine tuning in the universe tells us (atleast) that chance is an unlikely assumption.
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