Please pray for my son Joshua.

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Please pray for my son Joshua.

Post by Anita »

WOW, A PRAYER THREAD! This is a fantastic topic. I believe prayer is essential. Studies done on prayer suggest that those that have been prayed over after surgery have recovered faster. I believe there is much more truth in prayer that science has only begun to touch the surface, or completely understand the full magnitude of its power.

Firstly, all my prayers go out to all here who have posted. I have read most of them and at least have given some conscious time to each one. And I will certainly take time to pray in the evening for all of you who have put a prayer request in. The more prayers the better.

Secondly, I have a much needed prayer for my son who is “in the dangerous years” of his life (17 going on 18). I keep praying for him and he just keeps on regressing. He is rebellious, defiant, stubborn, lies, into evil satanic music, smokes marijuana, has two tattoos, growing his hair out too long, wears his pants too low on his waist, is 3 credits short of graduating high school, has already received 3 vehicle speeding tickets, and has a girlfriend who he engages in sex with (thank G-d she is on birth control - so I'm told). He doesn't even eat meals at home anymore and is always busy with his friends and girlfriend, in fact he rarely even calls me on his cell phone to tell me where he is. Its usually always me calling him to find out where he is. Many nights he hasn't even come home to sleep.

I cant figure where I went wrong?! I didn't raise him to be like this. I feel like an alien has taken him over. Even worse I feel like Anna Nicole who lost her son. It almost feels as though a demon has a strong hold on him.

One thing good going for him is that he is extremely intelligent (school wise) and holding down a part-time job working at KFC. Plus in general, he is a genuinely good kid. And I suppose I should be thankful that he is at least healthy.

Please pray for him that this time passes by quickly and he matures and goes on to make something good of his life. I am hoping that it is just a stage, as most of us have all gone through it at around this age.

The more prayers the better for him, as mine don't seem to be enough.
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Re: Please pray for my son Joshua.

Post by Daniel »

I will pray for your son. Although I will warn that I am a college student who listens to heavy metal (though I do attempt to be discerning of the lyrics to avoid Satanic content), has one tattoo, and has received three speeding tickets in the last couple of years :esmile:

I do hope that you can continue to be a godly influence and that he will see the light, even if it takes a dramatic event for this to happen.
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Re: Please pray for my son Joshua.

Post by Anita »

Thanks Daniel! Please keep my son in mind, and when you pray, pray that all the knowledge that you have learned thus far in life can also be passed on to my son.

Please dont forget him, he is special. He's special because he has a mother that happens to be a mouthpiece for G-d, and evil does not like this.
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Re: Please pray for my son Joshua.

Post by Byblos »

y[-o< y[-o< y[-o<

Anita, you and your son will be in my prayers. I have 2 teenagers myself (one will be 15 this September and the other 13 next may). I feel for you and hope and pray every single day that my wife and I are doing the right thing and raising them the right way just the same way you feel you did. But you know what though, there really is a limit to what you can do and there really comes a time when children need to grow up and need to shoulder their own responsibility.

God bless and good luck,

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Re: Please pray for my son Joshua.

Post by Anita »

But you know what though, there really is a limit to what you can do and there really comes a time when children need to grow up and need to shoulder their own responsibility.
This I know is true to an extent. But I am a Jewish mother, and we never truly let go of our children.

I am very disappointed in him as he is making unrational foolish choices. I thought I raised him to be smarter than this. All of a sudden he did a 180 and his personality completely changed into somebody that I don't recognize. This may be because of drugs such as marijuana that he confided in me that he was doing. But you know I cant tell him otherwise that it is wrong.

Like I said earlier, my prayers don't seem to be enough and I thank you for setting time aside to pray for my son, even just a few positive conscious thoughts about him may help.

And I will also include you in my prayers for your children.
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Re: Please pray for my son Joshua.

Post by Anita »

Things are getting worse... he just got another speeding ticket today!
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Re: Please pray for my son Joshua.

Post by Gman »


Sorry to hear the news. We will pray for you...

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Re: Please pray for my son Joshua.

Post by Cross.eyed »

Anita, prayers sent from Ky.

My oldest son went through a period of this kind of behavior. We prayed and it took a while but now he is clean and has been for several years.
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Re: Please pray for my son Joshua.

Post by Anita »

Thanks Ky, Gman, Byblos and Daniel and everyone else for your prayers... please continue to pray for him!
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