The First Cell

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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B. W.
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Re: The First Cell

Post by B. W. »

Himantolophus wrote:can't argue with that, they are technically "designing" a cell
Have any of you seen the movie — Evolution?

When David Duchovny read to his Biology class the answers to a question on an exam, 'What is a Cell' he read one that went something like this:

“My Uncle lives in a single cell…He designed...”

Anyway great comedy movie!!
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Re: The First Cell

Post by Anita »

Last edited by Anita on Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The First Cell

Post by zoegirl »

Ah. Ecclesiastes..."Much studying wearies the mind" My favorite quote during grad school :esurprised:

Wlecome to the discussion. Yes, much of the arguments are not new.
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Re: The First Cell

Post by Anita »

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Isn't it the truth though… we can't even create a new color that isn't already in the rainbow. Even the stars are all composed of the same elements.

The Universe is a closed loop.
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Re: The First Cell

Post by mrpinz »

"Still doesn't explain how the fatty acids and nucletoids came about in the first place. Silvertusk."

Here we go then -
During the first billion years on earth, there was little free oxygen and no ozone to absorb UV radiation from the sun. Yet, simple organic molecules were formed under such harsh conditions. Laboratory experiments simulating the primitive earth have confirmed that organic molecules could have been formed. When gases such as CO2, CH4, NH3, and H2 were heated with water and energized by electrical discharge or by UV radiation, they reacted and formed small organic molecules. More importantly, the organic molecules that were crucial to life (amino acids, nucleotides, sugars, and fatty acids) were also generated.
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