The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

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The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by the_lone_fox »

I was thinking, when the Rapture comes will our earthly physical bodies go to heaven? Or will just our souls be taken up leaving our lifeless earthly bodies behind? I believe it is the second answer but I never really gave it much thought. Not to mention the whole resurrection thing. Oh and one more thing. Is there a since of time in heaven? For instance if I were to die right now, assuming there is no sense of time in heaven, would I just be resurrected immediatly and then judge at his second coming? Thanks for your time!
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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by Jac3510 »

The rapture is the resurrection--for the Christian, anyway. Since the resurrection is the resurrection of the physical body, then the rapture will result in the removal of the physical body.
  • 51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory. (1 Cor 15:51-54)
See the word "changed"? Notice that the dead will be raised from the dead (resurrected) and those still alive will be "changed." They, like the dead, will receive their glorified bodies.
  • According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. (1 Thess 4:13-17)
A direct reference to the rapture. Paul makes it a point that the dead will be raised first, and then, after they, then those still living will be raptured/resurrected.
  • They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years . . .This is the first resurrection. (Rev 20:4b-5)
The context here is Jesus' establishing the 1,000 year reign. Those who were not raptured and thus lived through the tribulation but who died martyrs' deaths when they turned to faith in Christ during that time will be resurrected. They, like the saints who were dead before the rapture and those alive at the rapture, will take place in the "first resurrection."

So, the "first resurrection" can be understood as a parade. Jesus was first, followed by the dead saints, followed by those alive at the rapture, followed by the righteous who die during the tribulation. In some schools of thought, there the OT Saints have already been resurrected (this happened after Jesus ascended to the throne) and for still others there will be a final group to take place in the first resurrection at the Great White Throne Judgment, being those who died righteous during the 1,000 year reign.

God bless
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by Struntzizzle »

I actually have a different question. When we die, will we still remember or recollect the people we knew or the places we went?
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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by Daniel »

Struntzizzle wrote:I actually have a different question. When we die, will we still remember or recollect the people we knew or the places we went?
I would guess so, as the Bible indicates we will be rewarded (or punished) based on our actions on Earth. That being said, I think that the specifics of our lives will seem far less relevant at that point.
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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by Struntzizzle »

That being said, I think that the specifics of our lives will seem far less relevant at that point.

I agree, Thank you.
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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by because »

How many (total) resurrection are there going to be?


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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by obsolete »

How many (total) resurrection are there going to be?


The Bible tells us of two resurrections. The first one is mentioned in Revelation 20:5. This is after the Tribulation before the millennial reign of Christ. I would guess that the second one will be after the millennial reign. See also the first part of Revelation 20:5.
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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by because »

When Jesus was Resurrected some saints was resurrected . (one). Before Tribulation (pre-trib rapture) Resurrection (two).
After the Tribulation (three). At the end of Tribulation (four). Four events of First Resurrection(believers) and one Second resurrection which is for the unbeliever. Is this what you mean?


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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by obsolete »

because wrote:When Jesus was Resurrected some saints was resurrected . (one). Before Tribulation (pre-trib rapture) Resurrection (two).
After the Tribulation (three). At the end of Tribulation (four). Four events of First Resurrection(believers) and one Second resurrection which is for the unbeliever. Is this what you mean?


You are right in saying that these events are resurrections, but do not have anything to do with the first or second resurrection of the dead. I think it was to show that Death had no power over Christ. That He conqured it.

John is very specific as to when the first one will happen. Like I said before, I believe that the ssecond will be after the millenial reign of Christ. Because people will still be growing old and dieing, those who have not and those who have accepted Him during that time and before during the Trib.

Both resurrections are for those who believe in Jesus alone. Remember, Jesus was resurrected and had a glorified body after that. So it is for believers only. What would be the point of a non-believer getting a resurrected, receiving a glorified body only to be in eternal torment in the lake of fire?
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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by because »

1. So people that are dead (believers) during the millenium are going to be resurrected at the end. You call this one the Second Resurrection?

2. And you are saying that the unbelievers are not going to be resurrected at all. Is this correct?

3. How about those people during the millinium time that survive to the end? What will happen to them?


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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by Jac3510 »

Actually, the traditional premillennial, dispensational view (which I hold to) is that there are two resurrections (as noted, the first and second), but the various events you talked about, Ador, are all part of the first resurrection. As I said earlier in this thread, the first is to be considered something like a parade. Jesus was chronologically first, followed by the OT saints, followed by those dead in Christ at the rapture, followed by those alive at the time of the rapture, followed by those who are raised into righteousness at the GWTJ (i.e., the righteous who die during the mill. reign).

I don't think we should take the first and second resurrections to be necessarily chronological, as if FIRST the righteous get raised and THEN the unrighteous get raised. It's actually a matter of position. Daniel simply refers to this as the resurrection of the righteous and the resurrection of the wicked. I firmly believe that, at the GWTJ, there will be people raised who will be sealed in eternal life and those who will be sealed in eternal condemnation. While the exact resurrection may be simultaneous, those who are given life will take place in the first resurrection, and those who fall into the second death in the Lake of Fire will take part in the second resurrection.

So, again, you have:

First Resurrection:
1. Jesus
2. OT Saints
3. Dead NT Saints (at Rapture)
4. Living NT Saints (at Rapture)
5. Dead Tribulation Saints (Returning with Christ at the 2nd Coming)
6. Living Tribulation Saints (possibly? If so, at the Judgment of the Sheep and Goats)
7. Dead Millennial Saints (GWTJ)

Second Resurrection:
1. All Wicked Dead from Adam to Armageddon (GWTJ)

It's worth noting that, in addition to those who experience the 2nd death of the 2nd resurrection, there are also several groups who will suffer the 2nd death:

1. The Antichrist and False Prophet (At 2nd Coming)
2. Nations that mistreated Israel during the Tribulation (Judgment of Sheep and Goats)
3. Satan and his demons (just before GWTJ)
4. Death and Hades (GWTJ)

I'm pretty sure that covers just about all of it . . . somebody let me know if I missed something. :)
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by because »

Thanks Jac, Obsolete explanation is kinda blurry so I ask more question. You have the same understanding of mine of the First Resurrection are all for believers (different event but called 1st) and the Second Resurrection are for all unbelievers at the end of Millennium.
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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by because »

Jac, what about Rapture. How many Rapture Event is going to be (group)? We know that before tribulation is one. Is there another one at the end of the millennium? And what verse do you refer to about pre trib rapture. I have been reading quite a bit about the rapture and I was a pre tribber but not sure for now. I am trying to place it where.
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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by obsolete »

because wrote:Jac, what about Rapture. How many Rapture Event is going to be (group)? We know that before tribulation is one. Is there another one at the end of the millennium?
No there will be no need for one since Christ will be here on Earth to judge to dead and those alive at the end of the millenial reign.
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Re: The Rapture....and a bunch of "dead" Christians?

Post by because »

As long as the Lord lives the story do not end. The word of God is a living one. Meditating on the word is a healthy one. Either you share or observe, try to relish the beauty of the Lord. I would like to know the "verses" regarding Rapture and the clear "passage" that point to Pre-trib Rapture.
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