I'm new here :)

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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I'm new here :)

Post by emjay »

I'm a newbie here but wondered if I might find some like-minded people here on the subject of creation. I must point out I am by no means a scientist or any religious expert, I just wanted to share my beliefs. I very much doubt any of this will be revelatory to you all but here it is:
I truly believe that science and spirituality are compatible, I think the problem people have deciphering between Darwin's theory of evolution and the teachings in the bible are that they are thinking of God as an intervening being, creating creatures one by one, which is obviously wrong. I believe god created everything (the big band), with the intention of it turning out the way it has. This does not contradict the bible, I understand the bible's teachings of creation (i.e the six days) to be metaphorical for an incomprehensible length of time, I think it is short sighted to even contemplate that our time is anything like that of God's!
The only reply I've had from an Atheist on this theory is that if god created everything then who created god... Well, as written in the bible: God is, always was and always will be! Something has to exist without creation or else nothing would and it is evident that we are the result of creation through evolution, which I believe to be God's intention. Is it not scientific to say that nothing can be created out of nothing? Therefor the 'big bang' must have been created by something.
I think it is quite funny that scientists are unable to contain or analyze 90 odd% of what they believe the universe to be made up of and yet they label it 'dark matter'. This to me says they have got it seriously wrong somewhere down the line. I really do think the LHC experiment will bring nothing more than disappointment as I believe there to be a far greater power at work than the higgs particle. Still, not long to find out!
The last point I would like to make is that Einstein's equation about matter: 'E=MC2', which, correct me if I am wrong means that matter is a concentrated form of energy, also is compatible with spirituality! Where else is there any form of energy other than that we already know?? If you have experienced anything of the spiritual world, as I have, then you would agree!
Sorry to impose my beliefs here, I don't want to sound like I am preaching to anyone and it does feel a bit weird exposing my inner-most thoughts over an internet forum but I figured that's probably what this place is about and hopefully someone will think the same as me! y:-?
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Re: I'm new here :)

Post by B. W. »

Welcome aboard Emjay!

Many members share your view that the six days of creation are 'metaphorical for an incomprehensible length of time,' and that God followed a pattern of creating during these six days. Others may tend to disagree so be prepared!

Science is man's invention - creation is God's
(by B. W. Melvin)

Old Polish Proverb:
Not my Circus....not my monkeys
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