asking God into your life

Are you a sincere seeker who has questions about Christianity, or a Christian with doubts about your faith? Post them here to receive a thoughtful response.
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Post by Mastermind »

Born again doesn't automatically turn you into a bliss generator. It just makes the good so good that you have a much easier time ignoring the bad.

Post by Anonymous »

God will bring us peace in that we don't have to worry about fixing everything, we know God already has, we just need to follow him. JBirdAngel, every christian is bound to have doubts, its normal considering since God has been pushed aside in secular society. However as mentioned previously these doubts can easily be answered on the internet.

Also you shouldn't have a deep sense of fear for God, but instead you should turn that fear into love for God and the fear aspect of it should be fear of turning away from God not so much fear of God.
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Post by JBirdAngel »

Thank you, and how do you mean that the doubts can easily be answered on the internet?
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Post by Deborah »

would you guys agree that discussion helps to combat doubt ?
I know that study does, and discussion on what we have studied helps to inforce it in us.
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Post by JBirdAngel »

i agree that finding others who interpret things the same and believe the same as you very much helps reinforce your own beliefs if thats what your saying, but i didnt know why the internet specifically was said to clear all doubts, the internet can raise them as well, just as in real life i suppose, i just didnt know what was meant and still am not sure, but yes i think conversation and discussion about it through like minded or similiar believing individuals can help, even if you know the truth, if everyone else doesnt agree its hard to remain believing or sticking to what you believe in alot of instances, or atleast very hard to not seriously doubt yourself alot and such ya know.
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Post by seedling »

"However, I'd like to reassure you, take it however you may, that Christianity does infact stand on very solid rational foundations, and it is alright to have doubts, but just be sure you seek answers to them. The Internet is a great resource."
Yes, Kurieuo, it is. I have been doing much seeking on the internet and in reading books. I did go to the link you gave me and will more thoroughly check it out this weekend. One of the things I am discovering is that I don't totally trust the bible as the "divine" source that Christians claim it is. It is a beautiful book. It carries much truth about man. It was written by men, longing to know the meaning of life. It was written by men who needed a "God" on their side because they feared the world that they were born into (and to an extent, rightly so, this is normal).
"Born again simply means is that one has made the decision to ask Christ into their lives, as they want to change and desire to be with and follow Him. At such a point, the Holy Spirit comes to you, and you become spiritually born, and are able to approach God and have a relationship with Him despite your sin. That's all born again means, although the changing point can often be accompanied by strong emotions—perhaps the born again experience you are talking about?"
Yes, this is the experience. But emotions can be deceiving. Man is a very resilient being in and of himself without the "spirit of Jesus" floating into him. Man has a great ability to comfort himself. Many people from many different religions have had deep spiritual experiences. The majority of them are emotions longing for some level of comfort, of safety and for meaning in their lives. I guess I have come to belief that God was in me at the moment of my conception. He created everything I am, He created the strands of DNA that came together to create me ... He is absolutely a part of me. Why the big deal about "asking him in"? (I know all the verses ... but I am questioning the reasoning of the men of that time, the way they perceived the spiritual.) We know so much more now ...

Jesus when he was on earth showed us how to live ... so that we would have rivers of living water flowing in our being and flowing out to others. He showed us how to love one another. He didn't come to make us "Christians." He came to bring us out of "religion", out of the rules and regulations (the Law) and out of being a Pharisee. "You search the scriptures yet you won't come to me." Because he was just a man ... a man who shows you the truth about yourself. A man who truly loves you and who teaches you to truly love yourself. So ... I guess I don't believe in the "spirit of God" or the "spirit of Jesus" entering into me. I believe it has been in there all along. I just had to realize it and make a decision to seek it out and follow it.
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Post by Deborah »

JBirdAngel wrote:i agree that finding others who interpret things the same and believe the same as you very much helps reinforce your own beliefs if thats what your saying, but i didnt know why the internet specifically was said to clear all doubts, the internet can raise them as well, just as in real life i suppose, i just didnt know what was meant and still am not sure, but yes i think conversation and discussion about it through like minded or similiar believing individuals can help, even if you know the truth, if everyone else doesnt agree its hard to remain believing or sticking to what you believe in alot of instances, or atleast very hard to not seriously doubt yourself alot and such ya know.
ooh because hun you can research and find almost any topic here to prove as God instructs us to do, he wants us to prove all things and hold fast to the good (my guess good is truth)(1Th 5:21)
In one of my searches I found this

I guess though that the net makes it easier to research. It's easy on the net to find a community with the same basic beliefs as ourselves, but if we try hard enough we can find that same sort of community almost anywhere we live.
Perhaps also it is true that by discussing different beliefs it may make us morethoughtfull of our fellow man, to find out why they believe what they do.
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Post by Poetic_Soul »

The Romans Road

There is an epidemic within our community that no one cares about. An epidemic that surpasses the death toll of crime, deadlier than terminal cancer and AID'S put together. The State keeps silent about it and the government wants nothing to do with it. Meanwhile people are dieing by the minute without a known cure. This epidemic is called sin and everyone of us is infected. So with that being said, allow me to take you on a journey. The journey called the Romans Road.

ROMANS 3:9-20 This is universal. Sin is not divided to plague certain people. There is no them and us. There is no those and we. Scripture says in verse 11, there is None righteous, no not one. I'm a no one. You're a no one. We all pertain to be unrighteous.

ROMANS 3:23 We all miss the mark. On our own standards we become we are weighed down on our shortcomings and down falls. Believe it or not, the ten commandments (which is called the law) only reveals what is lacked between God and man……give Example.

ROMANS 6:23 This is the penalty of sin. Both physical and spiritual. We came into this world as a spiritual still born. Yet the only cure for this universal epidemic is the gift of JESUS CHRIST.

ROMANS 10:9-10 After the acknowledgement of knowing where you stand before God, confession is made( to you and God). Realizing that you need a loving Savior to heal you from the epidemic of sin. This is a free gift……give Example.

JOHN 3:16 says that God loved you so much, that He gave is Son to take your place on the cross. And if you believe in Him you will not perish but have everlasting life.

Asking Jesus into your life

Post by Anonymous »

You wont find this concept anywhere in scripture. When the rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus didn't respond, "Well, I'm going to go die on a cross in a little while. All you need to do is ask me into your heart and say this prayer... You'll be all set after that." Check out what he did actually say (it's in Mark 10? or Luke 18?)

If you don't enter through the door of repentance you cannot be saved. The real question should not be if you've asked Jesus into your life, it should be have you repented of your sin and put your faith in the grace of God? "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand."

Salvation is not a covenant between you and Jesus (hence the He's in your heart now). It's a covenant between God and His only begotten Son. You must partake of Jesus' covenant with the Father (see John 17).
But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they. Acts 15:11
COLORS - to answer your question: John the Baptist had the Holy Spirit within him before he was even born...
For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb. Luke 1:15
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Post by Prodigal Son »


thank-you. you helped clarify something for me. when i asked God into my life, my prayer consisted of repentance and asking for forgiveness for my life/behavior/sins. many people have told me that they've accepted jesus as their saviour but that "nothing happened"...maybe they haven't really repented?


Jesus was/is not
just a man...
do you know any men who can raise the dead, make the blind see, walk on water, rise from the dead? there is much documentation even outside the bible that verifies his miracles. how do you explain them?

Post by Anonymous »

COLORS - not quite sure what your last paragraph was asking.

I've heard of many people in our day who have healed people, raised others from the dead, heard 8 year old boys speak in perfect, unbroken English. I'll be on a missions trip this summer in which I expect similar things to happen. I'll try to remember to post them on here.

As far as Jesus just being a man... well he was a man but he was also God. "Great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh..." 1 Tim 3:16. There's also a lot of other places that establish this - ever read the book "More than a Carpenter" by Josh McDowell?

"There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12

If there was just some way that I had to realize that the spirit of God was already inside of me, then why did Jesus have to die on a Cross? All I needed to do was think hard enough and figure out that everything I need is already inside of me... Sounds similar to Lucifer's comments before he was cast from heaven. Pride is an abomination to the Lord. Look to Jesus, not yourself.
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Post by Prodigal Son »


:) in that last paragraph i was answering seedling's comment on Jesus being "just a man".
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Post by Felgar »

PremoMD wrote:I'll be on a missions trip this summer in which I expect similar things to happen. I'll try to remember to post them on here.
Awesome Premo - one day I'll have to go on sabatical and do the same. Kinda tough at 26 though. :) I expect you'll have your world rocked a few times, just from my experiences with close family members who've gone on trips. And please do remember to post some of the highlights.
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