USA is now an Obama Nation

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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by Swamper »

Obama may not raise taxes directly, but he will allow Bush's tax cuts to expire, which is effectively the same thing. Everything I've read about this guy suggests that he wants to basically castrate our country and suck up to the European countries and the terrorists. Call me old fashioned, but I'm a "country first" kind of guy and I don't agree with Obama at all.
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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by B. W. »

Gman wrote:
B. W. wrote:Evil always tries to groom a person into accepting it...
B.W. I will have to respectively disagree with you on this... Obama isn't a communist, sorry. If we want to talk about evil, there is certainly a large amount of that too in the republican party.. We needed to shed our skin of this administration to survive...
I applogise on this and will say no more and edit that comment form the post.. :oops:
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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by Gman »

B. W. wrote:I applogise on this and will say no more and edit that comment form the post.. :oops:
No problem B. W.. I appreciate your concerns...

Thank you.
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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by harth1026 »

BavarianWheels wrote: Na...I like the idea of the rich paying more on the surface. It's like a "ha-ha!" moment. :)
But really, what did the rich really do to be laughed at? There are a lot of people who legitimately worked hard to become rich. And many of them use their money to help others in one way or another. Granted there are a few people that abuse their power of wealth, but there are bad people in all categories. We really shouldn't penalize an entire group just because of a few bad eggs.
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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by Zebulon »

B. W. wrote:Evil always tries to groom a person into accepting it...

I voted for McCain only because of Palin.
Have a look at this for the fun of it... ... &aid=10786

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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by jenna »

I personally don't care for either of them. Both have good sides and bad sides. It is my personal belief that God decides who He wants in office, and will put him there one way or another. Just one more reason I choose not to vote.
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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

Zebulon wrote:
B. W. wrote:Evil always tries to groom a person into accepting it...

I voted for McCain only because of Palin.
Have a look at this for the fun of it... ... &aid=10786

Their prank just goes to show how perverted we have become. The Bible says that we are to honor and pray for our rulers, not ridicule them and subject them to sexual innuendo.

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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by BavarianWheels »

jenna wrote:I personally don't care for either of them. Both have good sides and bad sides. It is my personal belief that God decides who He wants in office, and will put him there one way or another. Just one more reason I choose not to vote.
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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by Cross.eyed »

B. W. wrote:Sadly The USA is now an Obama Nation,
Yep, lets just pray for the possibility that he might govern from the center, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
It appears the Left wing - I'll say it Marxist elements - have swept into power by swindle and successful trickery.
I have to agree that it looks like socialism at least on the surface, but I do think there will be more opposition than we think.
...And yes it does have the bad taste of trickery.
I am not a prophet and never claim to be. Now is your turn to chime in on what you think will happen in the future based on your best guess. So please chime in on what you think will happen under the heals of an Obama Nation?
I don't things can happen as fast as they think and in four years, people may reopen their eyes to the realities of having doctrine pushed in our face whether we like it or not.
Here is my best guess…

Be prepared for a rough ride the first hundred days after Obama is sworn in January. There will be political reprisals as well as the sad silencing of free speech in America so that any dissenting voice against the ruling powers is silenced. Internet commerce will be taxed and any blog or website that opposes the Obama will be forced to close.
Certainly they'll move as fast they can, but its going to take a while to get the agenda moving at all, think red states and the dissent that will be generated by various forms of media and I'm not talking MSM.
Our taxes will be raised, people will see the mistake they made while others will chant with extended hand — Obama ,Obama — the Messiah - the savior - the One - the Leader!
Bull's eye on the taxes- even if he doesn't raise taxes below a given income level-we will get the fallout from increased prices from the companies/corporations. You could call it camouflage taxing.
Many Businesses will leave this country to avoid paying large taxes. Expect increasing Gas prices and fuel oil increases by spring. Expect abortion on demand, Bill Ayers type educational policy to be enacted, parent rights stripped, no school choice, and Schools becoming propaganda learning centers rather than schools.
No disagreement here, I think we half way there already.
US Sovereignty will be dissolved. US Armed forces brought to its knees. Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela will exploit US weakness — form a pack and plant missiles and may launch such a missile attack against us in the near future.
A pretty dim picture and certainly very possible, but I'm wondering if mideast terrorists may be planning a surprise for the new President.
Obama's true beliefs about Israel will be realized and Israel maybe abandoned by the US very soon,,,
It's not just Obama but many of the liberals who have also voiced opposition to Israel for decades -I think Obama will be getting pushed hard on this.
Watch the news and see Hamas and militant Arab Factions happily parading in the streets over the Obama win.
Just as much as they did the day after 911, there are too many in our higher office' who chant "We can all get along, we only need to set up dialogue with these people!".....unhuh, get along to our graves is what they want-Christians first.
I guess the Christian Church in America needs awoken through a new form and type of persecution to gets its act together to come together. This is really a sad day for America — we were once a great nation but now the nuts run the show.
Yes, and an awakening needs to happen to the rest of the nation as well. Historically, liberalism has never been sucessful for very long in any country. If it didn't fail on it's own principle, then it has usually morphed to socialism, marxism, degraded communism, etc. We are now seeing the beginning of Europe edge into the trap.

I tend to blame the declining culture of our nation as to how we got started in this direction.
Even though abortion is my number one issue, it doesn't seem that any of the issues will be the downfall of this great nation but rather the mindless following of the masses-(sheeple).
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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by rodyshusband »

Prognostications are impossible especially regarding the future :lol: !!
As a Christian, I believe that all life is sacred. Therefore, all races are sacred. Mr. Obama's race is not an issue, although it is exciting to see the first African -American president elected in our lifetime. Personally, I did not vote for the senator because his worldview is opposed to the Christian worldview.
I've mentioned this on other threads so forgive the redundancy. It bears repeating here. America has been in a moral decline for decades. It is impossible to determine exactly who propelled this country into decline since the entire culture has changed.
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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by zoegirl »

rodyshusband wrote:Prognostications are impossible especially regarding the future :lol: !!
As a Christian, I believe that all life is sacred. Therefore, all races are sacred. Mr. Obama's race is not an issue, although it is exciting to see the first African -American president elected in our lifetime. Personally, I did not vote for the senator because his worldview is opposed to the Christian worldview.
I've mentioned this on other threads so forgive the redundancy. It bears repeating here. America has been in a moral decline for decades. It is impossible to determine exactly who propelled this country into decline since the entire culture has changed.
It is good to see that race relations have changed to such a degree. I agree. DOn't agree with his policies, nor with him personally.

Interesting to note that Iran sent a congratulatory letter to Obama...not exactly good that a terrorist supporting nation is happy that he won. Then when Obama stated that they shouldn't have nuclear material, they sounded both surprised and angry.

I do think that we will face some terrorist acitivity pretty soon. Given the displeasure that Iran has already shown, I wouldn't be suprised at some increase in activity. He better start thinking how we will respond to this. He won the election primarily on the economy but he certtainly wasn't the hawk that McCain would be.

I am also rather cynical when I hear that Obama has already started to think of ideas to downplay the high expectations of his supporters. Good of him to do this AFTER the election, he was certainly happy to have their high expectations support him INTO the white house. After the election, their high expectrations can only hurt him...when reality means that he cannot fulfill them.

Still think he lacks integrity. Even Newsweek referred to his power as creepy.
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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by Cross.eyed »

I didn't know that about newsweek, they usually back the liberals and if they're calling it creepy, thats scary!
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Post by thesenator »

Here Israeli analyst provides a detailed comparison of Obama to Michael Jackson: ... sident.htm
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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by Harry12345 »

^ :?

I don't know why everyone's moaning about the rich paying more taxes than the poor. y:-/ If you're earning a lucrative salary, a higher tax bracket really isn't going to hurt.

However, Obama wants stem cell research and he wants to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. This is very bad! Do you know what will happen once the DoMA goes? States will be forced to recognise same sex marriages... and ALL STATE WIDE BANS ON SAME SEX MARRIAGE WILL BE STRUCK DOWN! :shakehead: Prop 8 will essentially be rendered useless!

Universal Health Care = Good. :D I have heard a lot of horror stories about people having an accident and ending up with a fat medical bill over in the USA!

Removing tax cap on FICA = BAD! I thought the whole point of the tax cap was that you only only paid into the system as much as you were going to get out!!!
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Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Post by Swamper »

Harry12345 wrote:I don't know why everyone's moaning about the rich paying more taxes than the poor. y:-/ If you're earning a lucrative salary, a higher tax bracket really isn't going to hurt.
The thing is, it'll hurt a lot of small business owners who are just barely rich enough to be paying these higher taxes. In order to get the money to pay the taxes, they'll have to pay employees less, or lay them off, which means less jobs.
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