Montauk monster - what is it?

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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by BavarianWheels »

zoegirl wrote:It seems akin to someone going to the enemy when they are fighting, pointing to the side and saying "look, what's that!" (a la "Princess Bride").
It's "Inconceivable!"

One of my favorite movies!
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by zoegirl »

BavarianWheels wrote:
zoegirl wrote:It seems akin to someone going to the enemy when they are fighting, pointing to the side and saying "look, what's that!" (a la "Princess Bride").
It's "Inconceivable!"

One of my favorite movies!

I was thinking of the quote when Vizzini is having his battle of wits with Westley and he points over his shoulder and says "What in the world is that!?!" and switches the goblets.... :ebiggrin:
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by BavarianWheels »

zoegirl wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:
zoegirl wrote:It seems akin to someone going to the enemy when they are fighting, pointing to the side and saying "look, what's that!" (a la "Princess Bride").
It's "Inconceivable!"

One of my favorite movies!

I was thinking of the quote when Vizzini is having his battle of wits with Westley and he points over his shoulder and says "What in the world is that!?!" and switches the goblets.... :ebiggrin:
Yes, I know the scene well.

I think I've watched that movie at least a dozen times. It always makes me laugh.
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by zoegirl »

I win...probably close to 20

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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Davidjayjordan »

zoegirl wrote:FIrst, the Montauk project falls under urban legend and conspiracy theories, and as such, *does* fall under the category of "fun to talk about or write sci-fi movies about" but not much else. The link you gave simply provides the search results on GOogle and those are filled with nutjob conspiracy theories. (Nut job conspiracies are just the honest truth behind what happens to the shallow and spiritless. This thread is about the Montauk monster, so make the connections or mock Anita for posting the pic. or discuss what you think it is from your everything they tell you perspective must be true)

Secondly, trying to establish that this is a demon simply by a picture is rather ludicrous and doesn't seem to fall under what a Chrstian should do. (Christians should use thier brains and understand history and sacred architecture, as welll as the dark side and what they are doing. if you are too afraid to do so because you think Jesus wants us to be in the dark to their manipulations, so be it. That's not my choice. Now back to the Montauk monster that was found where the Montauk project occurred) We should be using our minds and hearts to figth spiritual battles, yes, ut not fall into silly conclusions about physical beings. -not to mention that you can't with this picture alone- (Then do consider getting out of this discussion because Anita seemed to start it in all sincerity.... and if you want to say the picture is false, go for it. Say something of value if you post on this thread. Make your spiritual quess or physical quess as to what you think it was.... or move on to another thread)

So any conclusion about this animal being a demon is rather weak considering the paltry amount of evidence. YOu have urban legends and spook stories. (Name calling sacred architecture and the volumes of literatuire about other creatures than you are used to in your little world is rather limiting to say the least. Would you also call the creatures of the fifth and sixth trump, unreal and unbelieveable and impossible. For it seems according to you, if you haven;t seen them, they don;t exist. Small world, but do permit others to go beyond your limitations)

Spiritual warfare is so mnuch more serious and giving credence to these stories instead of focusing on scripture distracts us from the warfare itself. (Yiour e evading the real spiritual world, probably because you have bnever fought it. That's scripture, and as a missionaryu on the foreign field, I know of things that would break your comfortable western bubble, even though they happen HERE as well, But lets stick to the topic of the Montauk monster that you say..... what is your opinion anyway as you seem so critical of mine. ) It seems akin to someone going to the enemy when they are fighting, pointing to the side and saying "look, what's that!" a la "Princess Bride" (Its O.K. as mentioned you haven;t fought spiritual entities before so you are a little naive as to their looks and probably their actions and lies as well. But believe me they aren;t the greateswt and most beautiful creatures in the world. But if you say they have to conform to what you have seen in the past, you don;t make a very good case for your theories.)

Given the time that an animal is in the water, the bloating, the deomposistion, the removal of skin by scavengers, it is no surprise that this animal is hard to recognizem, not to mention the things that can be done with speical effects.
)Say something, as again that comment says nothing. Are you saying it is a fake picture, or unrecognizavle, therefore no one can say anything beyond what you know or recognize. It looks like a cargoyle, and it was found in Montauk, the place where the evil spiritual forces were helping evil America and her evil military forces..... Me thinks you must be a worshipper of America to fight the truth about their obvious perfidious deeds. only people that love nationalism and patriotism deny that their beloved nation would commit such evil acts against their own citizxens and those in other countries. But lets stay away from that topic HERE and stay on course, as to what this monster was......

You have no opinion, I have one...and stated it. Straight forward and simple. Do tell us when you have an opinion. Thanks
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by zoegirl »

Dude, you are seriously twisting my words and putting words in my mouth. I am not a "worshipper" of America simply because I don't listen to kook conspiracists and read into a simple picture. :roll:

I have an opinion, it is that one cannot make ANY conclusions about this picture especially in this day of sensationalism. This could have been a dog (my *opinion*) that has been dead and chewed upon by the scavengers in the water. Bodies decompose and bloat after death, the skin starts to fall off as well as the fur. IT could be raccoon, although that seems doubtful....we have no indicating of scale in the picture, so this coud be a big rodent or a large animal. Because of the damage to the body we cannot establish fur, shape of body, or the paws/feet. This should be big flashing red lights to anyone trying to draw a conclusion from this.

We also know that people love to make sensations and so we know that we should not jump to conclusisons just because someone posts a picture in the news.

Are you *REALLY* not suspicious of the fact that there has only been one picture of this creature?! Oh, but wait, those government cover-up operations must have worked hard to take it away.

Considering that in this day and age people record *everything* on their cell phones, the fact that there is only one picture is suspicious.

Until we could look at it from all angles, examine the teeth, observe the body structure, see the damage, etc, we cannot conclude anything firm.

Now I;m not debating whether there could have been experiments regarding time-warps. Obviously there could have been experiments to this effect. Why you think this ties into extra demonic activity is beyond me. THere is plenty of real demonic acticity we should be concerned about, not this.

And finally, why you think this says nothing is rather silly and absurb. You are the one drawing hasty conclusions from conspiracy theorists and one picture of something you cannot examine. I would say that says nothing in my book.
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by BavarianWheels »

But we must listen to David...he has a "science" degree!
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by B. W. »

Davidjayjordan wrote:...Say something, as again that comment says nothing. Are you saying it is a fake picture, or unrecognizavle, therefore no one can say anything beyond what you know or recognize. It looks like a cargoyle, and it was found in Montauk, the place where the evil spiritual forces were helping evil America and her evil military forces..... Me thinks you must be a worshipper of America to fight the truth about their obvious perfidious deeds. only people that love nationalism and patriotism deny that their beloved nation would commit such evil acts against their own citizxens and those in other countries. But lets stay away from that topic HERE and stay on course, as to what this monster was......

You have no opinion, I have one...and stated it. Straight forward and simple. Do tell us when you have an opinion. Thanks
I have not seen a cargoyle - is that a new line of automobile from Detroit a new bail out model?

Next, I never knew any angelic beings had flesh and blood - let alone physical bodies…

Therefore, in the famous most often quoted phrase from a former Forum member “Fortigrun:”

Scripture Please!
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by zoegirl »

Ah, but BW, David doesn't view "give me the scripture" as valid argument, judging from his webpages comments, so the fact that gargolyes aren't mentioned in scriptures or whether the angels have bodies doesn't concern him.

But I too would be interested in any scripture that would show this.

DAVID wrote:The church Christians are trained to believe that every verse in the Protestant Bible is the exact word of God. These they tear apart and dissect word by word as if every sentence or every fragment of a sentence has great spiritual truth. Why, because they deem every verse written by every author as the `Word of God'. In this way, they can claim that they believe every Word of God, and hence try to pretend that they obey every Word of God. (SEE Worshipping Scriptures)

One of their main reasoning behind this is the faulty interpretation of Pauls words in Timothy 3: 16,17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable fordoctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

For wait a minute, Paul wasn't saying the letter he was writing to Timothy, was scripture. Paul was surely referring to the scriptures of the Old Testament ...... the direct words of the Lord through His prophets. Paul wasn't writing to Timothy as if it was THUS SAITH THE LORD, Paul was just stating that those words that were given in the Spirit by the Lord, are SCRIPTURES and these RED LETTER direct prophecies are given by inspiration of God. Paul was not saying, all his words, that were written to the babe churches were the absolute direct words of God and direct THUS SAITH THE LORD PROPHECY. And yet church Christians hang on every word that has ever come out of Paul's mouth, as if each word and phrase was the direct words of the Lord. It just isn't so, as even the apostle Paul would admit and did admit.

Why, because many of the things Paul wrote about were in direct opposition to what the Lord stated through his prophets. (SEE Paul's Dress Code ) For similarly when Paul wrote his notoriously worshipped 1 Corinthians 7 opinions about women, these opinions of Paul just shouldn't be taken as SCRIPTURE. They weren't, they were only his opinion, as even Paul himself said..
1 Corinthians 7:6 But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.

O.K. So some parts of the 66 Books of the Bible are not direct Red Letter WORDS of the Lord through His prophets or spoken by the Lord during His Life. We just can;t equate the Lamentations with the Book of John and the words that Jesus literally spoke. They are not of the same importance. There are historical books, poetry books, letters between believer's books and prophecy books with direct prophecy. All are scriptural and well worth reading, but the Lord's WORDS are the most important to know and understand. These show his overall PRINCIPLES.

Because when you understand the Lord's precepts or oprinciples as talked about by isaiah and so many others, then you will have a standard on which to base all other words that you hear and read. For not all the Lord's words He spoke while here, were written down. Jhn 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.Amen.

The Lord said sooo much more. The Bible of 66 books is just the BASIC introductory text, to get us going to connect up with Him so we are able to search and seek out MORE. The Lord hasn't stopped speaking as the church people believe, because prophecy, the Lord's has said He will be speaking to us through His Spirit in the Last Days. he will have to speak to us, personnally just to lead and guide us through the Hell that is coming. We won't be able to just trust in written words, but have to be able to receive the living words of the Lord even while on the the run. We have to be able to hear personally and individually to our King. Jhn 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, (s)he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

But the church people deny that the Lord is still speaking and will speak to us personnally. They for the most part feel all prophecy has been fulfilled and hence we have no need of hearing from the Lord. They being afraid of the final warning in the Book of Revelation which stated that..

Rev 22:18-19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things,God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

So they erroneously think, the Lord has stopped speaking and if anyone gets more detailed prophecy from the Lord they are violating this warning of Revelation. Mind you at the same time they are taking from that very book by not believeing it, and subtracting from its words by not believeing in it. They are literally petrified in hearing from the Lord, and therefore villy will accuse anyone that prophesies apparrent new scriptures, even if those prophecies fill in details we need to know in the Latter Days

This being a given, because we not daniel or John the Revelater are going to have to go through them, and we have to fulfill what all the prophets have written about, including ....Joel 2:28-29 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

This we can NOT do, unless we get new living scriptures straight from the Lord. We can test them by comparing what is prophesied with all other scriptures and the Lord's PRINCIPLES, but the Lord does have to speak to us now and in the future. Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth hissecret unto his servants the prophets.

And for the Lord to reveal His secrets to us, He has to give us new scriptures, new words as we go along. For knowing what the Lord has said, we can discern with His Spirit what He is saying to us, and even what He said through other of his prophets and authors in the past. We can read the old accepted Bible that included the Apocrypha without condemnation, if we have faith and discernment. We can find out that many of its Books are complimentary and confirming to what the other prophets have spoken like 2 Esdras 2. WE can read great true stories and very spiritual books like Tobit and the Book of Enock, so quoted in normal scriptures.

We don;t have to be fearful of reading newspapers, magazines, or library, or science books because the Lord can tell us if there are truths within and whether or not they connect up with all His other truths. As we won't limit the Holy Spirit to speaking only through what has already be written.For there has been a few deletions like the famous Missing Passages of the Book of Mark, and there has been subtle changes like making the Holy Spirit masculine rather than its feminine origin in ancient scriptures. But we can discern what is TRUTH, and what is scripture and what is important.It is our responsibility so that we won't superficially and self righteously say, 'I ONLY believe scriptures in the Bible' For when most say that, it is an indication that they have been trained into looking backwards and not forwards. This we can not do, as we have to go beyond the past, and walk with our Lord into the future.
So I guess the gargoyles and angels having bodies not being mentioned in the scripture doesn't matter :roll:
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by B. W. »

zoegirl wrote:Ah, but BW, David doesn't view "give me the scripture" as valid argument, judging from his webpages comments, so the fact that gargolyes aren't mentioned in scriptures or whether the angels have bodies doesn't concern him.

But I too would be interested in any scripture that would show this.

So I guess the gargoyles and angels having bodies not being mentioned in the scripture doesn't matter :roll:
But David specially said cargolyes - not gargolyes — After all, he is a science guy and we need to take what science guys say literally as there is no room for error...

That maybe Detroit's next new line of cars for all we know :D

Drive a cargolye and scare the competition maybe the sales slogan — you think???
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Davidjayjordan »

I am repulsed by your supposed Christian mockery and slandering Bavarian wheels.

Now mocking my spelling as if spelling makes a difference to principles. Literay types always do this, as I have poor eyesight, and am a poor typer, because I am a pecker. Again you can try to mock and defame me for that as well. Shameful disrespect, and yet you have your comforting fellow mockers, who say nothing against your deflamatory slandering away from true discussion. Shameful.

People are suppose to speak up about the way you act and write and I am talking about your atitude and mockery...... if they don;t this is not a respectable forum. if others sit and do nothing in the face of your slandering when you are suppose to set the tone as an administrator then this isn;t the place for me.

I am used to heathen boards where I try to bring reasoned arguments for the Lord to their forums, but they usually show more class and respect than you are showing.

Are you sure Rich is in agreement with your mockery on all boards and not just this one.

Has your supposed power gone to your head and heart ?

It seems so, apology and change and maybe I shall answer you if you have the courage to answer me.
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by BavarianWheels »

Davidjayjordan wrote:I am repulsed by your supposed Christian mockery and slandering Bavarian wheels.

Now mocking my spelling as if spelling makes a difference to principles. Literay types always do this, as I have poor eyesight, and am a poor typer, because I am a pecker. Again you can try to mock and defame me for that as well. Shameful disrespect, and yet you have your comforting fellow mockers, who say nothing against your deflamatory slandering away from true discussion. Shameful.

People are suppose to speak up about the way you act and write and I am talking about your atitude and mockery...... if they don;t this is not a respectable forum. if others sit and do nothing in the face of your slandering when you are suppose to set the tone as an administrator then this isn;t the place for me.

I am used to heathen boards where I try to bring reasoned arguments for the Lord to their forums, but they usually show more class and respect than you are showing.

Are you sure Rich is in agreement with your mockery on all boards and not just this one.

Has your supposed power gone to your head and heart ?

It seems so, apology and change and maybe I shall answer you if you have the courage to answer me.
LOL...yes that was me above...seriously, David. Now I know why you think the Mantauk creature is a demon...your vision is the least. I think you've dreamed of too many crystals and they have blinded you.
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Davidjayjordan »

As you are consistently subjective rather than objective and consistently disrespectfull and full of mockery in covering your ignorances and closemindedness ..... B.W.
I shall avoid the devoid, and only answer or respond to the serious and the respectful whatever their views may be.

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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Davidjayjordan »

Bavarian Wheels, further search seems to indicaste you are not B.W. the administrator even though you POST similarly, you are into cars and come from California. He says he is from Colorado and does declare himself to be a CHRISTIAN.

SO even though I won't respond to you anymore, I would truly like to know if you are a Christian, Bavarian Wheels. Whatever brand you like is fine with me, but would you call yourself or label yourself as a Christian ?

A simple YES or NO would suffice. I always like to search for cause concerning the effects.

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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by BavarianWheels »

Davidjayjordan wrote:Bavarian Wheels, further search seems to indicaste you are not B.W. the administrator even though you POST similarly, you are into cars and come from California. He says he is from Colorado and does declare himself to be a CHRISTIAN.

SO even though I won't respond to you anymore, I would truly like to know if you are a Christian, Bavarian Wheels. Whatever brand you like is fine with me, but would you call yourself or label yourself as a Christian ?

A simple YES or NO would suffice. I always like to search for cause concerning the effects.

I am happy to hear that your research seems to indicaste I am not B.W. It is heart-warming, to say the least, that you have found some truth in some research you've done. I feel honored to be part of this milestone.

Now, how would whether I am Christian or not answer the cause of the effects your feeling?
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