Jesus wasn't taught, but knew ALL Science

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Jesus wasn't taught, but knew ALL Science

Post by Davidjayjordan »

O.K. this is God and science....

Jesus is God and Science is knowledge of the unseen and seen worlds... the whole EMF and everything. And hence a discussion in this forum seems appropriate or fitting.

So a basic concept for discussion or confirmation is that Jesus was God and the Creator and ALL Knowing or He was merely a stepping stone to the greater Father.

As a Christian missionary, from scriptures and life and scienctific study I will suggest to you that the Jesus never learned, He knew all things from the Beginning. he didn;t study the Torah and scriptures and prophets, he knew the letter of the Law and the SPIRIT of the law, because He was from the BEGINNING. He was not inferior to the father, but was one with the Father, and the Creator. hence knowing all and having a Plan for all, He was never taught life but created all life for a purpose.

Going further if what I say is true, then it also has to be mentioned that Jesus of course knew all SCIENCES and all real facts and every underlying cause and effect and all math, physics, biology, chemistry, etc... etc ... and all history, including the Flood history that he confirmed.

(Ha, just threw that in, to confound some of the million billion trillion year brethren, as there minds need to focus more and be more consistent to make them more powerful and less wishy washy in their compromise of facts and dates, and the DIVINITY of JESUS, who is GOD and who knew ALL SCIENCES)

I like exact equations and prefer the equals sign when thinking about the Lord and the father and Power and Creation rather than < or the reverse.

You will use one verse of literary contradiction because it will say he learned, I differ. He knew, and was ALL knowing and even all powerful when on Earth if He chose to be so, but for our sakes He did not use His POWER, but became as us, to show us physically and spiritually how to act and live and love.
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Re: Jesus wasn't taught, but knew ALL Science

Post by Davidjayjordan »

O.K. if all have agreed that Jesus knew all things, and was always right and knowledgeable and always spoke the truth in HIS WORDS, even if He always didn;t speak in terms of physics or biology or the chemistry he designed and established from the BEGINNING.

WHO now will dessent and say his direct words on Noah were inaccurate or twisted or misinterpreted or false or mistaken or stemmed from HIM not having a computer and not knowing recent so called archelogical evidences, etc that are available to so-called modern man.

For if you do, then you surely have to go back one POST and say JESUS was not all knowing and you have to start calling Him fallible and less than the Father etc etc...

So be consistent now, logical and rational. For LOGIC is mathematical and not a literaryu word at all. Its set theory or set LAW !!!

If Jesus knew all and need not have been taught, then logically he must have known all things and ALL correct history and hence because He was from the BEGINNING, He had to have known the forefathers, and time frames and NOAH.

But just be honest, as that is the only way to advance. AND BE LOGICAL !!!
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Re: Jesus wasn't taught, but knew ALL Science

Post by cslewislover »

We know extremely little of Jesus' early life, before he began his ministry (the last three years of his life). Biblically, there does not seem to be any reason to believe as you have written, concerning Jesus' early years. God can do all things, and while Jesus was from the beginning and is the word (all of the word), that doesn't mean he couldn't have emptied himself and become like an ordinary human being for a time. He was a baby and a child, and during that time, he surely didn't know all. Think of what he would have been like. Why would people from his home town not respect him as the Messiah? Because they knew him as a child.

Also, if he wasn't truly human, he would not have known all the temptations of sin, and he wouldn't be able to empathize with us. He wouldn't be quite the advocate.

There is nothing written about him, except prophecies concerning him, until he stays behind in Jerusalem when he's 12. If he knew all things, why would he stay behind - letting his parents leave without him - to stay and listen to the teachers? Granted, he amazed people with his knowledge and he said he was about his father's business. So obviously he knows spiritual things and teachings more than the normal person at this point. One can imagine that this spiritual development continued until his ministry started. And who knows how much he really knew in his human body, ever? He had a human brain, so his knowledge base was probably limited. He prayed all of the time, so he surely was getting instruction from his father. Of course, once he was glorified in heaven, then all of his knowledge and godliness returned. That's my take on it so far. I may look up some sources.
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Re: Jesus wasn't taught, but knew ALL Science

Post by Davidjayjordan »

Sister in the Lord, Thank you for sincerely responding... so let me do likewise...

Also, if he wasn't truly human, he would not have known all the temptations of sin, and he wouldn't be able to empathize with us. He wouldn't be quite the advocate.

There is nothing written about him, except prophecies concerning him, until he stays behind in Jerusalem when he's 12. If he knew all things, why would he stay behind - letting his parents leave without him - to stay and listen to the teachers? Granted, he amazed people with his knowledge and he said he was about his father's business. So obviously he knows spiritual things and teachings more than the normal person at this point. One can imagine that this spiritual development continued until his ministry started. And who knows how much he really knew in his human body, ever? He had a human brain, so his knowledge base was probably limited. He prayed all of the time, so he surely was getting instruction from his father. Of course, once he was glorified in heaven, then all of his knowledge and godliness returned. That's my take on it so far. I may look up some sources.
We know extremely little of Jesus' early life, before he began his ministry (the last three years of his life). Biblically, there does not seem to be any reason to believe as you have written, concerning Jesus' early years. God can do all things, and while Jesus was from the beginning and is the word (all of the word), that doesn't mean he couldn't have emptied himself and become like an ordinary human being for a time. He was a baby and a child, and during that time, he surely didn't know all. Think of what he would have been like. Why would people from his home town not respect him as the Messiah? Because they knew him as a child.

Also, if he wasn't truly human, he would not have known all the temptations of sin, and he wouldn't be able to empathize with us. He wouldn't be quite the advocate.

(OK now go slow... and consider what you are saying.... for when using the word advocate, it appears you sare saying he is one of us and therefore he can approach and be the stepping stone to the greater Father and more powerful and all knowing ALMIGHTY the church people would say. Is this your point of view, for it seems you have given it away in your early writing ? I would suggest to you, that He is much more than an advocate but our Saviour and deliver and GOD as doubting Thomas found out and as all those that accepted HIm found out. He is not a stepping stone to ALMIGHTY GAWD as the church people pretend as they proclaim their ascent to holiness and the veryu THRONE. But lets move on....)

There is nothing written about him,Flaw.... (but you won;t understand it as yet)except prophecies concerning him, until he stays behind in Jerusalem when he's 12. If he knew all things, why would he stay behind -(To be about His Father's business which was His business as He was now of legal age to do so..... having become a man in human terms and years. And though having never learned scriptures he instructed the those who has studied all their lives. Jesus was the living WORD and knew everything and no man could teach HIM anything. Jesus was the teacher and the Great Scientist and the GREAT CREATOR. Its simple equality of the trinity. All are equal and all are the same and ONE. None are more or less than the others. Father, SON and HOLY GHOST are ONE.... Put an equation there and you have it solved. No big mystery at all. Jesus is God is the Holy Spirit they are ONE.)

letting his parents leave without him - to stay and listen to the teachers? (NO he taught, they listened and Mary remembered His supernatural BEGINNING and backed off chastizing HIM..... She knew he was SUPERNATURAL and DIVINE and so did his old age students once they heard HIM speak. Kesus knew all things and totally confounded them with HIS KNOWLEDGE.)

Granted, he amazed people with his knowledge and he said he was about his father's business. So obviously he knows spiritual things and teachings more than the normal person at this point. (UGH... you have already excused yourself into not believeing he was DIVINE and ALL KNOWING IN POWER and wisdom and have made HIM a mere boy or man in need of growing up and more maturity and more lessons from rabbis or others or so called modern day Stephen Hawkins etc etc etc..)

One can imagine that this spiritual development continued until his ministry started. And who knows how much he really knew in his human body, ever? You say his knowledge was limited. OK you can hold your opinion. Your choice accroding to your belief system So be it)

He had a human brain, so his knowledge base was probably limited. He prayed all of the time, so he surely was getting instruction from his father. Of course, once he was glorified in heaven, then all of his knowledge and godliness returned. That's my take on it so far. I may look up some sources.

You mioght try asking HIM rather than looking for man made sources. Church cemeteries teach word derivation and church interpretation rather than following logic and reason or KNOWING JESUS personnally.

Do ask HIM FIRST is my suggestion to you. It should be something you know absolutely and completely from your heart, for as mentioned you are suggesting that Jesus was finite and not very knowledgeable and not very strong and not very...... and on and on. As a long time missionary, I would differ with you. As a mathematician and scientist, I would differ with you.

Jesus was the GREAT I AM, that was is and will be the ALMIGHTY FATHER ...Isaiag 9: 16 etc etc etc etc etc..... just ask HIM
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Re: Jesus wasn't taught, but knew ALL Science

Post by cslewislover »

I don't believe Jesus is just a stepping stone. He is Lord, and I do have a personal relationship with him. Jesus is referred to as an advocate in heaven for us though, that's what I was referring to (Job 16:19; 1 John 2:1).

Do you think you could clean up the repeats and coding above? Sorry, it's just real hard to make out.
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Re: Jesus wasn't taught, but knew ALL Science

Post by Davidjayjordan »

Yeh, will try Sis, but its a bit different than my standard black and red coding. So will attempt to figure it out, so I can insert my thoughts after quotes from others.

Don;t be offended by the word Sis it is just a parallel of BRO, meaning Brother, for we are from the same FAMILY
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Re: Jesus wasn't taught, but knew ALL Science

Post by Davidjayjordan »

Rationally and logically moving on ...

If we are going to talk about the true history of the world, we have to understand the worldwide flood that occurred over 4,000 years ago. (SEE Forefathers Timeline) It's a geological fact that can be proven thru the geological record and is scientific rather than merely religious. The fossil record confirms the Flood and all evidence suggests that it did in fact take place not just locally in the Mid-East but throughout the whole world. Yet it wasn't merely the moisture of the air falling as rain but the fall of a water layer above the earth, and the release of waters from below that caused it. This, of course, produced tremendous geological changes, continental movement, including a polar shifting and a change in the whole weather patterns of the Earth.

And it is because of this, that over 200 different cultures have recorded the Flood in their histories, to document in similar but different ways this worldwide geological event. Why, because the deluge effected all cultures, as all following cultures stemmed sociologically from the Mid-East. For from the Gilgamish Epic of babylonians, to the Creation tablets of Nineveh, to the Rosetta Stone of Egypt, to the stories told among the Eskimos and Indians of North America, all these cultures knew and passed on their history from the Great Flood. And it is mentioned in most of them that Noah and his Family were the only human survivors.

And so again it has to be mentioned that Noah's Ark was not a myth but a historical fact and a historical huge boat that was designed to survive the Flood. (See Genesis 6 ). And from sightings of it still upon Mount Ararat by over 22 people explorers, locals, and researchers, from Marco Polo to Navara, the evidence still remains. But don't take my word for it, as you can decide for yourself when considering the undeniable evidence of its existence on Mount Ararat, in eastern Turkey. A good research book for this would be 'In Search of Noah's Ark' by David Balsiger. Do study and consider it, for it explains in detail what I need not repeat. And when you catch the significance of this and what it really means, and who is really in control of the whole world, then your searching will not be wasted in finding out this truth.

Or you can simply read the brief description of this historical event in the Bible, as Moses recorded these events after first hand conversations with the Lord himself. For archelogically all the other places and events have been confirmed and substantiated, so why not the Flood and the Ark as well. And it has been by the science of geology. For the great sedementation you see today is from receeding of the Flood waters. And the fossilization that has remained occurred because the quick onslaught of the flood caught these animals and plants in conditions that could bring about fossilization and a record of the greatest geological devastation to ever hit the Earth.It makes sense scientifically and matches up with the true science we know now, except that much of today's false science rejects this historical fact and facts because they reject the reasons that brought on the Flood…. which was the rebellion of man against the Creator.

It was seeming paradise before the Flood, as the whole world was enveloped in a water shield above that produced a true greenhouse effect below producing not only the Garden of Eden but a lush grassslands and tropical gardens from pole to pole. Temperatures were moderate only varying about two or three degrees and the Earth was not watered by rain previous to the Flood but only by a gentle mist. Conditions were perfect right from the start of the Lord's Creative Process. NO creatures evolved and no laws evolved into being, but all cycles and all animals and plants and all conditions for growth and multiplication were in place right from the beginning or 'Genesis'. (SEE Creation versus Evolution Board)

Yes, Adam and Eve were literal human beings and Noah was only the seventh generation after them. So when we acknowledge and understand our true roots from true science and archeology and gain an appreciation of our heritage, the more we can understand the world as it is today. For when we then then all other events including the future and Prophecy will make more sense to us.

In my opinion from true history, archeology, sociology, scriptures and science


Written a few years back, but it applies exactly and helps people or Christians be consistent, as Jesus confirmed Noah many times, and the true histroy and time frames of Noah are absolutely sound and correct according to many sources, including Mathew and others.
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Re: Jesus wasn't taught, but knew ALL Science

Post by Johngreg »

David Jay Jordan is a friend of mine, (living close by) and he was banned from here. So if you want this thread to continue, just ask me, and I can see if we can come up with an answer or answers. His point on this thread, was that Jesus knew everything, and Jesus stated that there was a world wide flood, and that Noah existed. It was clear and concise. Either Jesus was lying or mistaken or it was the simple historical truth. The latter is obviously true. There was a Noah and there was a worldwideflood.

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Re: Jesus wasn't taught, but knew ALL Science

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

Johngreg wrote:David Jay Jordan is a friend of mine, (living close by)...
So, are you on the same ward?

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If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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Re: Jesus wasn't taught, but knew ALL Science

Post by Johngreg »

I heard this forum was full of mockery.

If so, I shall leave, I hate wasting my time.

If it was scientific I might stay.

If there was respectful Christians here I might stay.

If not BYE...
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