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Post by SerenityALWAYS »

I'm 18 and have always believed in god ; my parents are christians. My father has always been very strong on me and always spoke to me about the word of god. I would follow the word of god before and then I back slided and ugh I feel horrible for it but recently it got to the point I wouldn't even open up the bible. I was so caught up in things of the world and I came across temptation :( I promised god I would keep my virginity until I was married and I did so well all these years. But recently I spent the weekend over my now ex boyfriends house and things went alittle too far, we didn't really have sex but he tried and succeeded half way. I didn't bleed or anything. I snapped back into reality and stopped immediately. I felt so hurt and wrong and ibegged god to forgive me. But the very next day I found myself on my knees in the shower crying asking god to please forgive me and I begged for my purity back so bad. I am ashamed and I have not told my parents at all and I don't plan to because they would be so hurt. I have vowed to never have sex until marriage again. I feel god stepped aside before and let the devil tempt me to see how much faith I had and I failed. I also feel god sent the holy spirit to make me feel convicted so I can stop the wrong I was doing and change. I still feel so depressed and unpure. Even though I still feel ima virgin because I didnt really have sex I still feel unpure because I have already been touched. Some one please help me; has god forgiven me? Can I be pure again? :( please give me some type of advice or help.

i spoke to a friend of mine who is christian and she told me I need to bow down on my knees and accept jesus as my savior and mean it from the heart and I won't feel such a burden anymore. She also explained to me that the devil will constantly remind me of my sins even though god has forgiven me. He knows my weakness and will use it against me. It will constantly be a spiritual battle.
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Post by Kurieuo »

God loves you regardless, and I'm sure had already forgiven you/us through Christ's act even before we asked.

Sounds like you are really ashamed of yourself for breaking principles you felt strongly about. I've done this too. When it happens we can either try to excuse it or shrug it off and perhaps continue rolling down hill, or we can accept we made a mistake and use this to make ourselves more resolute and determined to avoid the same mistakes again. The former I have seen leads to a mess in a person's life, whereas the latter I'm sure often leads to greater quality and character in a person.

Hope this helps. :wave:
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Post by zoegirl »

THis is exactly how wonderful the grace of CHrist is...He welcomes us back into HIs arms again and again...we are to throw ourselves onto that throne of Grace from Jesus and cry to HIm, just as you have done. He HAS forgiven you and as awful as you feel, don't let that keep you from your relationmship to Christ.

Just keep refelcting that God DID talk to you and you DID listen and stopped. Sexual temptation is incredibly powerful and it's no mistake that chaperons were the norm for so long. :esurprised: I had a situation much like yours and every so often I remember how close I came and I still mourn that I came that close. But that also helps us grow.

I am glad to hear that he is now your ex-boyfriend. He doesn't sound like someone who cared for you enough to help you. A man who is wothy of your love will be a man who cares enough to not place you in temptation, pressure you, or "try" to have sex.

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
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Post by brandiejenn »

I praise God for giving you the strength to overcome your temptation. You feel that God let you decide own your own in this matter. Remeber that even a father has to let his children stubble sometimes to learn the greater lesson. But it was a collective of your upbringing from your parents and your Love for God that got you thru it with no harm no foul. I think that your relationship with God will be strengthened a great deal because of this. Also your personal strength believing that you can resist temptation should also be strengthen. I am sure that the Father has forgiven you of the sin that you have confessed, now it is time for you to forgive yourself. However I do feel that you need to confess this to your parents of course this is your choice (you are 18). The important thing is that you have made it right with God. I am very proud of you for your final decision in this matter.I just hope that you will pray about such things in the future before you get yourself into a situation that you cannot get out of. I'm sure that in the future you will be better prepared to deal with such issues because the armor of God that you wear has been strengthened thru this trail you have indured.

I'll be praying for you........

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Post by zoegirl »

From my favorite author...

"Remember He is the artist and you are only the picture. You can't see it. So quietly submit to be painted---i.e., keep fulfilling all the obvious duties of your station (you really know quite well enough what they are!), asking forgiveness for each failure and then leaving it alone.You are in the right way. Walk---don't keep on looking at it."
— C.S. Lewis (The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, Volume 3: Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy, 1950 - 1963)
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Post by slcraig »

Your Faith hath healed you. (Your Love of God has shown you your shame, your faith in God has taken it away)
Go and Sin no more. (Pray always, God's will be done)
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Post by dayage »


Your friend was right. Give your life to Jesus and make Him your Lord as well as your Savior. Jesus died just for sinners like US.
And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us , in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:5-8
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