killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

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killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by ratgibson »

Im new here to posting. This site actually helped me come to Christ back in October this year and Im trying to make sense of this new life in God I am supposed to live.

This question may have been adressed and i doubt theres a real answer but here goes:

The law from Moses says thou shall not kill. However Deut. and Leviticus has alot of stoning to death of people at the hands of Gods people. Does that mean Im supposed to kill any of my gay friends or anyone of them who may practice witchcraft?

By this I could understand since we are not held to the worlds laws that say murder is illegal and my loyalty is to God and his commandments but Im not about to bludgeon my friends or family to death...but it seems like God really wants me too....this bothers me more than anything I suppose...
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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by ratgibson »

on a quick note i know later on in the new testament that I am supposed to follow the law in spite of grace so this makes the issue that much more hard to swallow.
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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by cslewislover »

ratgibson wrote:Im new here to posting. This site actually helped me come to Christ back in October this year and Im trying to make sense of this new life in God I am supposed to live.

This question may have been adressed and i doubt theres a real answer but here goes:

The law from Moses says thou shall not kill. However Deut. and Leviticus has alot of stoning to death of people at the hands of Gods people. Does that mean Im supposed to kill any of my gay friends or anyone of them who may practice witchcraft?

By this I could understand since we are not held to the worlds laws that say murder is illegal and my loyalty is to God and his commandments but Im not about to bludgeon my friends or family to death...but it seems like God really wants me too....this bothers me more than anything I suppose...
ratgibson wrote:on a quick note i know later on in the new testament that I am supposed to follow the law in spite of grace so this makes the issue that much more hard to swallow.
Well, the laws were given to the nation, God's people as a whole at the time. They are not for individuals to carry out. The commandment to not kill applies to individuals: to not murder. So please don't, lol!!

Remember in the NT, too, the story of the woman caught in adultery? After Jesus talked with the men around her (who, if you noticed, didn't bring the guy she was caught with), they all left and didn't carry out the stoning. We are to have mercy.

"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8).

"Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!" (James 2:12-13).
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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by ratgibson »

thank you for your post, it puts me at ease. for all my life since i can remember ive fought against god. i mean really hated him, jesus, etc and made it my mission to disprove him and i have sinned and blasphemed moreso than the common individual thanks to my awful history with a deplorably genre of music called Horrorcore. (a style of music that makes marilyn manson look like a boyscout)

But i gave all that up when I just wasnt winning in anything and God started showing me what the real deal was. He drug me out of New Mexico on a whim suddenly 20 hours away from home. I drove there alone to induldge in blasphemy and wicked works with some friends (nothing illegal) and it was supposed to be a 3 week trip. I came home on Gods word suddenly after like...3 days at 4 AM. I just got done watching Zeitgeist and later was getting all points of view which eventually led me to finding this site which is when I got gods call to go home.

This happened on the 1st of October and ever since then Ive been wrestling with my decision to seek forgiveness. I asked 4giveness when I left New Mexico and wept and all that jazz but still fought with god when I got home. yesterday a sermon from Pastor Hagee was on tv and things he said finally got me to stop this charade and make the full scale change and pursue to know God through his son Jesus. ive been telling all my friends and they all have been suprisingly accepting of me even though they are lost and practice witchcraft and despise Christianity. my biggest fear was for any of them to hate me for this which even then isnt that bad. ive been picked on and hated enough through high school.

Havent read through all the Bible just yet, got most of it down but Im getting there. I dont want to ramble because I could go on forever like a little school girl about my newly found salvation in the lord, but ive noticed Im alot happier and peaceful today thanks to Christ and Gods love.

being a sinner was whack. ha ha.
by the way, im almost 23 but young at heart, im silly by nature for some reason.
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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by Cactus »

Well I am pretty sure that the commandant is "you must not murder", definitely intentional cold blooded killing then!

Anyway perhaps we can be new here together?

Cheers :wave:

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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by cslewislover »

ratgibson wrote: being a sinner was whack. ha ha.
by the way, im almost 23 but young at heart, im silly by nature for some reason.
:pound: Hey, I'm Vicki and I'm 47 and I'm young at heart too, but I was thinking more like I felt like I was . . . 23. :lol:

Anyway, I'm so glad to hear all that - it's so wonderful what the Lord does. I'm glad I could help, too :)
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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by Cross.eyed »

ratgibson wrote:thank you for your post, it puts me at ease. for all my life since i can remember ive fought against god. i mean really hated him, jesus, etc and made it my mission to disprove him and i have sinned and blasphemed moreso than the common individual thanks to my awful history with a deplorably genre of music called Horrorcore. (a style of music that makes marilyn manson look like a boyscout)

But i gave all that up when I just wasnt winning in anything and God started showing me what the real deal was. He drug me out of New Mexico on a whim suddenly 20 hours away from home. I drove there alone to induldge in blasphemy and wicked works with some friends (nothing illegal) and it was supposed to be a 3 week trip. I came home on Gods word suddenly after like...3 days at 4 AM. I just got done watching Zeitgeist and later was getting all points of view which eventually led me to finding this site which is when I got gods call to go home.

This happened on the 1st of October and ever since then Ive been wrestling with my decision to seek forgiveness. I asked 4giveness when I left New Mexico and wept and all that jazz but still fought with god when I got home. yesterday a sermon from Pastor Hagee was on tv and things he said finally got me to stop this charade and make the full scale change and pursue to know God through his son Jesus. ive been telling all my friends and they all have been suprisingly accepting of me even though they are lost and practice witchcraft and despise Christianity. my biggest fear was for any of them to hate me for this which even then isnt that bad. ive been picked on and hated enough through high school.

Havent read through all the Bible just yet, got most of it down but Im getting there. I dont want to ramble because I could go on forever like a little school girl about my newly found salvation in the lord, but ive noticed Im alot happier and peaceful today thanks to Christ and Gods love.

being a sinner was whack. ha ha.
by the way, im almost 23 but young at heart, im silly by nature for some reason.
Thanks for this post ratgibson, I love a good testimony.

Welcome to the board.
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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by B. W. »

Good place to begin in the Bible is the Gospel of John...and the book of 1 John.

As for the Old Testament, keep in mind this following theme:

In the Old Testament, God's desire was to restore love back in the hearts of people to love God. This communion was severed during the Fall. He desired to restore love (love for God) back into the heart of people but people rejected this and instead chose other things/methods to revere other than God.

John 3:19, “And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.” ESV

So, way back during the time of Moses, this intent of God to restore "love" (love for God) was written:

Deuteronomy 30:6, “And the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live.” ESV

The Lord revealed that at a future date and time this would come about. It did so thru Christ:

John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” ESV

John 17:26, “…I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them." ESV

However, what people revere more than God remains the same so there is a battle between the Flesh and the Spirit. We revere what we love. Many people revere other things rather than God so there is a war within us as the apostle Paul often wrote of. During these personal battles we learn that God does indeed love us and this begins to develop within us love towards God.

I hope this makes sense to you. I think I simplified things probably way too much so if you have questions, please feel free to ask…so others can answer and help too...

God Bless!
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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by jt777 »

Good to hear you are getting closer to God. But if you have been involved with witchcraft in the past you need to get rid of anything associated with whichcraft and confess and renounce whatever you did to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His Spirit and cleanse you and leave no room for anything evil. Occult practices are very dangerous since demons exist just as angels do and the devil doesn't like it when his prisoners decide to leave! Pray for protection and guidance and change your friends to those who know God and who will encourage you to become the person you were meant to be.

Also, re your question, God does not want us to kill anybody! The old testament has been replaced with the New Testament of Jesus Christ. It is not for us to judge and condemn others or take the law into our own hands. God has appointed the police, the courts and authorities for that job :) for some more Q&As on God check this blog out.
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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by jlay »

The Law that governed Israel was the moral law, civil law, etc. It was THE LAW and it was serious and severe. We live under the new covenant promised through the prophet in Ezekiel 36.

Israel was God's CHOSEN people and those people lived under the Law. The Law demonstrates God's uncompromising holiness. A very important thing to know. Because if we don't understand God's holiness, then sin is no big deal, and the cross is ridiculous. The cross only makes sense if God is absolutely uncompromising in His hatred of sin. The cross is the only means that the wrath of God can be diverted from the sinner. And thus the cross also ushers in the age of grace. Christ is the fulfillment of the Law. (Matt 5.) Paul said the Law was a schoolmaster to lead Him to Christ (Gal 3:24)

Also, if God is not uncompromising in His holiness, then the flood, the stoning of sabbath breakers, etc. only make out God to be a mean spirited killer, which He is not. The wages of sin is death, whether a person is stoned or not. Sin=death, and if you ever doubt this, just drive by a graveyard and see all the evidence.

So, if you tried to exact God's justice by killing homosexuals or any sinners, you would be violating the cross. Jesus hung on that cross and took your stoning, and worse. Go in your new walk that you are saved from the utter depravity of your human heart, by a merciful God.
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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by dayage »

The idea behind the commandment was "you shall not murder." God set up a judicial system to deal with capital punishment and justice in general (Deuteronomy 16:18-19; 17:4-12; 19:4-7, 11-13, 15-21). No one was to take the law into their own hands.

Also, we now have the Holy Spirit permanently indwelling believers. We are to be salt and light to those around us. In the old covenant this was not the case and sin could and did spread more rapidly, so the death penalty was used more often as a way to stop the outbrake of sin. Deut. 17:12; 19:19

See how sin spread in Genesis 4:5-8 to 4:23-24 to 6:5, 12-13. Even after the flood man began to sin. God said to fill the earth, but man refused Gen. 11:1-8. Then we read about Sodom and the cities of the valley 18:32; 19:4, 13.
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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by brandiejenn »

There are alot of things in the old testiment that are not practiced anymore. You have to look at the old testiment more as history of the Jewish people and their relationship with God. God knew that people would not stop their sinful ways. He cleansed the earth when he sent the great flood. But as the population grew again man's sin followed him. But God had promised Noah that he would never destroy man again in that fashion. Our sin stems from the tree of knowledge with Adam and Eve. This will always be our burden and shame. God being perfect in everyway had to come up with another way to judge us because all men have sinned and fell short of the gloriy of God. So, he gave his Son to die for our sins that we might be saved if we so choose. Since Jesus was born and died we no longer fall under the laws of Moses but under the teaching of Jesus.
Jesus said to turn the other cheek, to LOVE your enemy and your neighbor, not to judge other yest you be judged. Our goal today is to try and live our lives as best we can in Jesus image. To spread the Good News of Jesus and what he stood for. If others do not want to listen then that is their choice, we cannot make them no more than God will make them even though he could. That is why our relationship with God is based on Faith and Faith alone. Of course this is just my thought and what I get out of studing the Bible. Hope it helps.

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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

Small correction here:
jlay wrote:Israel was God's CHOSEN people
That is wrong. Israel is God's chosen people; the verb tense should be present. God is not a man that He should change His mind.

I'm assuming you made an honest mistake. Carry on.

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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by Essene »

I think we just never kill - ever.

Especially our fellow man.

We are supposed to forgive and turn the cheek.

War is bad, killing is wrong. We should have no armies, soldiers, weapons or guns.

That's what I read in the teaching of Jesus.
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Re: killing...maybe have been answered, i am new

Post by Essene »

I think we just never kill - ever.

Especially our fellow man.

We are supposed to forgive and turn the cheek.

War is bad, killing is wrong. We should have no armies, soldiers, weapons or guns.

That's what I read in the teaching of Jesus.
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