Well let me first introduce myself to u, my name is Abu Hamza, no im not the militant abu hamza…I don't know him and have nothing to do with him. That's not my real name but just to protect my privacy I have to assume some nicks (btw abu hamza just means father of hamza)
I came upon here and I wanted to share some points about your Christianity that I found very interesting and at the same time very amusing. No im not a Islamic missionary, just a normal everyday muslim getting along life the usual way.
Before we get started off we'll just make sure we're connecting here. When I am addressing the Christian, I am automatically assuming that you believe in the trinity (The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost/Spirit)…and that the Father is God, Son is God and Holy Ghost is God…but theyre not 3 Gods but 1 God (as in 1+1+1=1 formula). These three are coequal and coeternal. They are part of 1 system of God. And as the RSV Bible mentions in one of its editions you believe “the Father is almighty, the Son is Almighty, and the Holy ghost is Almighty, but theyre not three almighty's but one almighty” etc.. as it goes on.
Even tho you may not believe in it you would recognize it as an article of faith for any Christian.
Secondly when im referring to your bible, im not talking about any specific VERSION, just any other bible…the KJV, RSV, NIV, Schofield, Douy or any other one of those. The Bible is the old testament and the new testament.
That aside, ill just clarify MY own beliefs as a MUSLIM. I believe that Jesus was one of the mightiest messengers and prophets of God, but not God. I love him and respect him. No muslim is a muslim if he does not believe in Jesus. I believe in all his miracles, bringing the dead to life etc.. given by God.
Please I am not trying to insult any Christian here, my aim is simple, to let you know something u probably didn't know.So now that we have some mutual understanding I think we can start ticking.
1) As all three “members” of the trinity are “coequal and coeternal”, as theyre one God, one God should know the other correct? What one God knows the other God should also know because theyre not two Gods but one God. Because theyre One theyre knowledge is One, their might is One and their thinking can never crash (according to your church's categerism). Theyre basically one (although I don't understand this I assume you do) but three. If that is the case then WHY does the HOLY GHOST inspire Mark to write
“But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angles which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father” (Mark 13:32)
Funny isn't it? Being Christian you still didn't notice it, open the bible and look it up.
That Verse has successfully made the Father automatically higher, more knowledgble than the Son. Well then that gives u a hierarchy correct? But God is ALMIGHTY, ALL KNOWLEDGBLE….then why doesn't Jesus know? Because he isn't God. There can only be ONE God, because God is almighty and if theyre two Gods with the same power than there is no God, because God is almighty All-powerful. God knows everything, he created you and me. He is above All. Then tell me how can one part of God know something and the other part not, its obviously relating to you that Jesus is NOT a part of God, GODLY but not GOD. Explain to me so that I can understand, the holy spirit inspired it, it's the word of God isn't it? It cant be wrong, not one word of it, God wouldn't have said it if it was wrong because God knows what he says! Then WHY DOESN'T JESUS KNOW?
2) IF that doesn't satisfy you that Jesus is not all knowledgble then hang on, if he is “God” he's a POWERLESS God:
“I can of my own self do nothing” (John 5:30).
Now tell me, God the holy spirit inspired this, what was he trying to say?? Was he deceiving John? NO. when Jesus says he can of his own self do nothing what is he implying? Is he implying “God can of his own self do nothing”?? If he is, then who with whose help can God do everything?? With the help of the greater God? But theyre can only BE ONE God, thus there is not trinity, no greater God lesser God etc.. Jesus is testifying for and saying “Hey listen I have no power , the of my own self, God above has given it to me” if hes not than what is he saying? You tell me. WHY DOESN'T JESUS HAVE NO POWER OF HIS SELF IF HE IS INDEED GOD??
3) Good and Evil, these are two opposites. As Satan is evil, God is the opposite, God is good. Now IF God was also evil then who would be good? There would be no Good on the earth. Thus if the devil is evil then God MUST be good. And anyways God has to be good because God is good, and goodness is a virtue and God has virtue not vice.
Now let me quote you your bible. Matthew Chapter 19 Verse 16
“And behold one came and said unto him (unto Jesus i.e) “Good master, good master, what good things shall I do that I may have eternal life?” And he saith unto him “Why callst thou me good, there is none good but one”
You might say he was trying to be modest, a man can do that but NOT GOD, he cant disclaim himself from being Good, because then he is implying that God is not good (or a part of God is not good?! 1+1+1=1???)
4) Now God cannot be tempted. Correct? God created temptation, how can HE be tempted? If you don't trust a muslims word, then u might as well read what the holy Spirit inspired James to write
“The True God, he cannot be tempted with evil, neither he tempeth any man” (James 1:13) Agreed? God cannot be tempted. On the same table? OK?
Then if that is the case that God cannot be tempted, how come JESUS IS TEMPTED??? The SAME God is now saying about Jesus:
“But he in all points was tempted like as we are, but without sin” (Hebrews 4:15)
Without sin, but still tempted! James says that a true God is not tempted, and if Jesus is tempted then Jesus is not a true God? HOW COME GOD INCARNATE JESUS WAS TEMPTED???!
That's not all, according to the Bible God was tempted by the Devil for 40 days in the wood.
5) Now you will have to agree with me that God is all knowing all powerful. He knows everything and we know nothing correct? Let me ask you a simply question: Does God who created the Heavens and the earth, does he LEARN THROUGH EXPERIENCE???? No?? Well Jesus if he is indeed God, then your God learns through experience. READ Hebrews Chapter 5 Verse 8:
“Learn Learned he obedience by things he suffered”.
WHAT?? GOD SUFFERING??? And to top it off hes learning thru suffering??? Like he touches he fire, ooh it hurts, stays away from fire…is this your idea??? Is this a quality of God?? It's a quality of a man! A man who Jesus, he was not God!! WHY DOES GOD NEED TO LEARN THRU EXPERIENCE?? DOES GOD SUFFER?????!!!
6) Now this God if he is indeed God, this God was hungry!!! CAN U IMAGINE A “hungry” GOD?? God created hunger, he does not become hungry like u, me, Hitler and every tom, **** and harry. He does not need any nutrition!! He doesn't follow the RDA, because he IS GOD, he is self sufficient. Open your Bible and READ, God inspires Mark:
“And on the morrow when they came from Bethany, he was hungry” (Mark 11:12)
Jesus is not God.
7) God was wearied??? WHAT? God wearied, I cant believe this. READ, your holy spirit inspired John to write:
“Jesus therefore wearied with his journey and sat thus on the well” (John 4:6)

“He was asleep” Matthew 8:24. Also in Luke and Mark you find GOD sleeping. Amazing isn't it?
I have more to come, im not trying to attack you or anything, but u just gotta open your eyes and look for the truth. I love you all and until my next post,
Abu Hamza