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Post by lilbassist93 »

Im pretty interested on the subject of divine healing so if you have been healed in Jesus name or have seen somebody healed please post it here! :D ...and please do not make anything up....
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Re: Healings

Post by cslewislover »

I've had a divine healing of sorts, but it's personal and I won't post it here. Maybe I'll tell you through a pm. I have a file on healings somewhere as well - lol! I knew a lady personally, from church, who's daughter was healed of a terminal illness. I can't remember the details now, but I think it's in that folder and I'll let you know if I find it. Sorry I don't have more right now.
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Re: Healings

Post by lilbassist93 »

its alright :)
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Re: Healings

Post by Gman »

My belief about healings is that it isn't always something that happens right in front of our eyes instantly... Sometimes people think that is the only way God heals. For me, healing or cures can also come from people or a doctor. Either way I would say that God heals in mysterious ways whether it is through man, nature, or instantly... As far as answering prayer, I have proof that it DOES work.
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Re: Healings

Post by zoegirl »

I would agree with this...Ihave heard (and I wish I could remember the source) that despite misconceptions to the contrary, miracles were/are rare throughout histrory and I remember the source tracing the miracles int he bible and finding that there were long times of no miracles punctuated by short burst of many miracles, the time of Christ would be one time.

far more often God works through natural means....the discoveries of medical research.
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Re: Healings

Post by Byblos »

Gman wrote:As far as answering prayer, I have proof that it DOES work.
Me too.
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Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
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Re: Healings

Post by cslewislover »

I had forgotten about this one healing that Chuck Smith was involved in, but my Pastor repeated the story on Sunday. Chuck Smith is the founder of the Calvary Chapels, and he doesn't go around healing people, lol. Anyway, one day this family came up to Chuck with an older man in a wheel chair. He hadn't been able to walk in five years. Now, the man didn't ask for prayer for that, but just for a cold he had. Lol. So after Chuck prayed for him, God told Chuck to ask the man to stand. And Chuck's reaction was, "What? You're kidding, right?" Or something like that; he couldn't believe it. But God told Chuck the same thing again, so Chuck told the man to stand up. And he did! Of course, or I wouldn't be telling you this story. :D He hasn't done this since. He believes it's up to God to heal, not us, and not everyone should expect to be healed (maybe that's not exactly how he'd say it - I'm not sure).
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Re: Healings

Post by ageofknowledge »

We had a guy at our church get healed. He had nine bleeding ulcers and his stomach was so tore up that he was going to die. He was in Loma Linda Hospital in CA and the doctors were preparing to give him a goat's stomach so he could live. Two ladies at our church expressed that God told them to go pray for this man's healing. They drove down to the hospital and prayed for him. Instantly his ulcers were all healed. They left for home and needless to say the whole medical staff was amazed. They kept him in for a few days feeding him pizza and Mexican food trying to get his stomach to bleed with no luck as he didn't have ulcers anymore. So they chalked it up to a medical miracle and let him go. Today he leads the recovery ministry at our church.

Our Pastor is a spirit filled man that has, over the years, prayed for many people's illnesses and some of them were healed. Terminal cases too like Cancer.

Myself, I am sick and poor and live in pain but prayers for healing have not yet cured me. I don't even have money for any medical care so I just exist without any treatment. God gave me a word; however, that helped me grow spiritually and as a result I have faith that God will either heal me or provide medical care so I don't have to continue to live like this. I don't know when though.
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