"My friend who is in college in iowa is going through a really hard time. Last month she got into a really big fight with one of her friends before he left for the airport. She was supposed to take him there but since they got in a fight another guy had to take him. On the way there, they crashed into another car head-on and her friend d1ed. The last words she ever said to him was to get out of her life. She feels partly responsible and has lost some friends because of all this. Shes really struggling right now. I talked to her last night about it for 1 1/2 hours. She says some days are better than others and sometimes she gets mad at G0d for letting it happen even though she knows its how He wanted it. She is a believer but this is really hard for her. Please keep her in your prayers."
From Haley (sw_lady_cats_bball) on Neopets