Implications of Alien Life

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Implications of Alien Life

Post by Darwin_Rocks »

Hey what is the general Christian view on the discovery of alien life and it's implications on the Bible?

Do you guys believe that aliens could exist or are we special because we are the only ones exist in the universe?
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Hey what is the general Christian view on the discovery of alien life and it's implications on the Bible?
There has not been any discovery of alien life. That's the basic view. And for me, I don't see why God'd create other creatures and hide it from us...and I don't think it's possible they exist....and look on this site for more stuff
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Post by Mastermind »

I don't see why God would make such a huge universe only for us. I'm 100% sure there are aliens.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

i had a ufo experience, so i know they are real. what they are is the real question. since i've become christian i've started to believe they might be demons! i'm sure that sounds weird...but, oh well! :D
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Post by Poetic_Soul »

Even if there are aliens;....they still are under the authorty of the Most High. They may not need a Savior but they still would have the same God as us.

Post by Anonymous »

There has not been any discovery of alien life. That's the basic view.
It's funny hearing a christian say they need proof to believe in something.

Also, wouldn't god have to send another jesus to go die for the aliens? Or do they just use our jesus?
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Post by Poetic_Soul »

If the aliens are not in a fallen state like human beings, there is no need for a Savior. But they are still under the same will of the GOD that we serve.
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Post by bizzt »

LOL... I don't believe in Aliens :wink: Basically the only things that I can think of that might have those type of Properties is Angels and Demons for Example I believe it was Elijah who never died but Ascended to heaven on a Chariot of Fire.
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Post by Dan »

bassman wrote:
It's funny hearing a christian say they need proof to believe in something.
Did you somehow stumble upon these forums while completely missing the website? :roll:
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Post by Felgar »

colors wrote:i had a ufo experience, so i know they are real. what they are is the real question. since i've become christian i've started to believe they might be demons! i'm sure that sounds weird...but, oh well! :D
I agree. It could possibly be part of long-term indoctrination of popular culture by satan that will be used to explain a large part of the population disappearing at the rapture, and also as a mechanism through which to unite the world as we know the anti-christ will do. Granted, that's a lot of speculation.

Regarding finding life and Christianity, there are 3 possibilities as I see it:

1) There's no other life at all - both Earth and all life on it are unique. Clearly no conflict with the Bible here.

2) There's life, but no intelligent, sentient life. Maybe there are whole worlds filled with dolphins and dinosours (or more likely just bacteria). Most Christians will agree that our soul is what elevates our cognition above the animals. So again in this case, we really only have extension of what we also have on earth. I do wonder, how much effort would we spend trying to talk to monkeys if we found them somewhere else.

And 3) there are fully sentient beings who are also created with a soul like us. This is a little stickier, but if it happenned I bet once we learned about them we'd actually reinforce our faith through the examination of our concepts of God and morality. We'd see how we both came from the same place. :) Wouldn't it be remarkable when we both had matching 10 commandments? :D
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Post by Darwin_Rocks »

there are fully sentient beings who are also created with a soul like us. This is a little stickier, but if it happenned I bet once we learned about them we'd actually reinforce our faith through the examination of our concepts of God and morality. We'd see how we both came from the same place. Wouldn't it be remarkable when we both had matching 10 commandments?
How would Jesus figure into this then? Would they have an Alien Jesus of their own, what's the story there?
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Post by Deborah »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:
there are fully sentient beings who are also created with a soul like us. This is a little stickier, but if it happenned I bet once we learned about them we'd actually reinforce our faith through the examination of our concepts of God and morality. We'd see how we both came from the same place. Wouldn't it be remarkable when we both had matching 10 commandments?
How would Jesus figure into this then? Would they have an Alien Jesus of their own, what's the story there?
why would they have a jesus of their own if they existed. The fact that Christians believe that god came to earth in the form of man (Jesus christ)
to show the way for all his children to walk under one umbrella again.
Jesus came to provide the opportunity to save all mankind. But as stubborn as mankind is they think they know better than their creator.
IF aliens exist, then like us they would have been created by god in his image. And if that is so that would make them children of god just like us and they would worship and honour the same god that we do.
but all this is simply speculation! because aliens are legends or myths to normal everyday people, and if they do exist the governments of the world cover it up.
Church tradition tells us that when John, son of Zebadee and brother of James was an old man, his disciples would carry him to church in their arms.
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Re: Implications of Alien Life

Post by Kurieuo »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:Hey what is the general Christian view on the discovery of alien life and it's implications on the Bible?

Do you guys believe that aliens could exist or are we special because we are the only ones exist in the universe?
Define alien? Many Christians believe in alien life, just not the kind you'd likely have in mind. I really don't see any relevancy to your questions, but Christianity must be on solid foundations if hypotheticals are required to prod at Christian beliefs. ;)

If you've never read it before, I'd recommend getting a copy of Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe.

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Post by Felgar »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:How would Jesus figure into this then? Would they have an Alien Jesus of their own, what's the story there?
It all depends on what God's plan for them is... Jesus was part of God's plan for us, but for someone else God could have anything planned. It's all just speculation, but there are other possibilities. Among them:

- They never fell like Adam and Eve. Satan was sent to Earth, so maybe they wouldn't have had that negative influence in the first place to cause sin. Without sin it's likely that God would walk amongst them like He did with Adam and Eve - Jesus is not required for their salvation.
- They were never given free will. In this case they would be incapable of sin... Similar to animals, though just much more complex and made in God's image. No matter what they do, animals cannot be said to have sinned.
- They are never given a chance to repent - this is how the angels exist... Once they sin, they are done. No repentance, no grace.
- I suppose they could also be in a fallen state with no law, as we were from Adam and Eve until Moses and the Law. Or between the law and a saviour...
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Post by j316 »

One could certainly make a case for aliens based on the "many mansions" quote by the Lord, and many people have done so. I do not find such arguments convincing because it could just as well relate to us as to aliens.

What I see as more convincing is the account in Genesis that explains the origin of our reality and ourselves, it would be remarkable if God simply failed to tell us that He had done it all before, that we are not the highest expression of life in this universe, the image of Him. I have a problem seeing God as the creature in Alien or stepping out of a ufo.

I am not debunking anyones beliefs and mean no offense but I don't see much evidence in either the so-called real world or the bible to support a belief in aliens. I think it may be a manifestatation of a basic human need for a savior.
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