Why thanks, Bart, I appreciate that....
Mainly I was surpirsed at the strength of the offense taken at a 1) minor zinger (which I knew to be minor because I know you enough on this board, although even assuming the worst seemed hardly warranting the level of disgust) 2) a minor mix-up, between two very popular people who do interact with each other...the mix-up was certainly not meant maliciously (even if the zinger....hit its target) and certainly corrected rapidly.
Especially in light of the mistakes that have been committed, mathematical calculations which were obviously wrong and yet, becuase of their willingess to hold on the erroneuous conclusion of a young-earth, were kept on web-sites and published in books far longer than they should have. COnsidering this, it seems bizarre to get so wrought up over, again, a minor zinger and minor mix up...one which was corrected very rapidly...
And if I came off as having too much fun...well, I must confess, I was sitting there at my keyboard not taking it seriously....yup...I will confess...I don't think and still don't thinka minor mix-up like this warranted that level of offense.
But yes, I do think holding on to bad science (science that the two in question hold to), especially when they do post videos on youtube that essentially claim that we are splitting the church up and eroding the foundation of scripture, is bad. I have posted at length on this before and so will refrain from continuing on my favorite soap box....I know, I know....it will be tough
(but I htink that most who have been invovled in this particular thread know my views...probably ad nauseum....you don't have to confirm that
I know, Adam, that *you* don't think that his is a church splitting offense...and if, in my language, I gave that impression, then I do apologize...I know you don't...
YOu don't....they do, and they were who I was meaning my strong language for.
(PLus I was a bit offended at you casting slurs upon my investigative and reasoning skills....but...I can cast that aside...*sniff* I can let that go....I think....)