Free Will

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: Free Will

Post by Gman »

Harry12345 wrote:What do Free Will, the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, Bigfoot and a truthful politician all have in common?
Ah.. Hairy backs with free will to spend money?? :mrgreen:
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Re: Free Will

Post by cslewislover »

Harry12345 wrote:What do Free Will, the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, Bigfoot and a truthful politician all have in common?
Wow, Harry. I'd like to hear more of your take on this. :)
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Re: Free Will

Post by rodyshusband »

Harry12345 wrote:What do Free Will, the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, Bigfoot and a truthful politician all have in common?
My guess is that Harry will say none of the above actually exists (the "truthful politician" was the giveaway) ;)
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Re: Free Will

Post by jlay »

Free will is one of those great mysteries.
What is the basis of the question? Is it biblical?

Sometimes I get a little frustrated and upset when this subject comes up.

the scriptures teach that God is not a liar, He is just, and justified in His judgments.

So, if a man kidnaps, tortures and rapes a child, are we to believe that God orchastred this, and that this person simply acted out his puppet like life? If that is the case then this man is not guilty, and God's word condemning murderers to judgment is a joke.

I can't conceive how God knows every fork in my road, and every fork of everyone who will live. But I am content to trust that He does, and that He will grant me the desires to chose the correct fork when the time comes.
The irony in it all is that our will is what must come under subjection to God's will. That is called surrender. Pretty interesting, because if we had no level of free will, then what would we have to surrender? What would we have to deny? Romans 12:2

If you didn't have some sort of free will, could really even ask yourself the question, do I have free will? y:-?
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Re: Free Will

Post by Keefy »

and that He will grant me the desires to chose the correct fork when the time comes
I would argue that choosing the correct fork is often the least desirable option open to me and I have to make a real force of my will to do it! Example - standing up for my beliefs in a conversation with someone, disagreeing and possibly offending them requires a real exercise of my own free will. The easy option would be to stay quiet or aquiesce, but in so doing I will not have used my own will but instead conformed to the will of the world. The good fork that God wants us to walk down can be painful, boring, tedious, difficult and full of obstacles. Of course this is where God is testing us - will I put my faith and trust in Him and keep it there even when I have had enough or I'm bored or I'm poor and tired or things look like they are getting worse not better? The fact that we would willingly choose such a hard road is the very way in which God wants us to use our free will and I imagine it's a great source of pleasure for Him, and a great source of distress for the enemy. It's good to remember that the fruit of the spirit includes perseverance and longsuffering.

Conversely, by choosing the wrong fork, I believe we erode our free will. By following the easy road that everyone else does, the road that panders to our desires, our own individuality becomes lost in a sea of conformity. Our will becomes bent by the people around us, we conform and we become slaves. Jesus died to set us free!
Last edited by Keefy on Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Free Will

Post by Keefy »

Replying to my own post! Bad Keefy...

Just wanted to add that I think the question to ask is not "Do I have free will?" but instead, "Is my will free?"
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