Speaking in tongues?

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Speaking in tongues?

Post by lilbassist93 »

hello!i go to a christian school and they held a "special" chapel one time and SUPPOSABLY got me to speak in tongues :? ....well they said just babble like a baby and talk a buncha jibberish and you are speaking in tongues.......i dont think that is speaking in tongues is it?or at least not the true way..anyway i would appreciate your input on this...oh by the way the school is also a pentecostal church.
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Re: Speaking in tongues?

Post by zoegirl »

Perosnally, I don't like the idea that God would need us to sepak in gibberish. Why would He?
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Re: Speaking in tongues?

Post by Jac3510 »

The Greek word used in the NT for "tongues" is glossa. It means "language." I don't think anybody would consider baby-babbling a language, and rightly so. Bottom line, I don't believe that the "tongues" you hear people speaking in today are at all related to the tongues the earliest Christian's spoke in. Now, you show me someone who can speak Spanish, French, English, German, etc., without having gone through the process of learning it, I'll say you've found a real instance of tongues.
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: Speaking in tongues?

Post by zoegirl »

A polyglot!!
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Re: Speaking in tongues?

Post by lilbassist93 »

i dont think the disciples said "hey! lets talk a buncha jibberish"....i knew something was wierd about it...plus i noticed that the person teaching sorta took the verses that supposably supported it out of context....go figure :?
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Re: Speaking in tongues?

Post by Gman »

lilbassist93 wrote:hello!i go to a christian school and they held a "special" chapel one time and SUPPOSABLY got me to speak in tongues :? ....well they said just babble like a baby and talk a buncha jibberish and you are speaking in tongues.......i dont think that is speaking in tongues is it?or at least not the true way..anyway i would appreciate your input on this...oh by the way the school is also a pentecostal church.
We got a nice little section on it right here...

http://discussions.godandscience.org/vi ... =8&t=32915
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