
Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Post by jenna »

My husband and I were talking about dinosaurs this morning and he told me something that sounded very interesting. He said that God had actually created dinosaurs for man, and also killed them all at just the right time so that man would have all the oil, fossil fuel, and gasoline that we need today. Any thoughts on this?
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by zoegirl »

I have heard this before as well and it makes sense to me. Although I think GOd is delighted in all He makes, so I think there was enjoyment in what He made, not just to make fuel.
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by frankbaginski »

Hi there,

As for coal it does seem that ancient forest were buried and became a fuel source. Not the swamps that most people are told about. Now the oil is a different matter. Oil can be made from coal but raw oil in the ground seems to be everywhere, just concentrated in some areas. Some people, me included think that it may have been made with the earth. Just a thought, obviously can't be proven. If God gave us air to breath then why not liquid energy.
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by Kurieuo »

jenna wrote:My husband and I were talking about dinosaurs this morning and he told me something that sounded very interesting. He said that God had actually created dinosaurs for man, and also killed them all at just the right time so that man would have all the oil, fossil fuel, and gasoline that we need today. Any thoughts on this?
This is what I have heard Hugh Ross reason over at RTB. I think it may have been in his book The Genesis Question. If your husband has this book I would recommend having a read of it.
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by madscientist »

Nice idea jenna!! :) also seems true. However, not only dinosaurs but all that comes with it. And also I think it was created so that today we have so many theories such as evolution and all that; God somehow wants us to think - to have many "truths" or arguments which make us want to deviate, or on the other hand, reinforce the faith. Now we also get into whether we believe dinosaurs are 65 million years dead, and that man was not existant when these creatures were. But as for a YEC or someone like that this may well be his belief. 8)
And what good is from some of the coal and that? We have energy, but we have become the society of high consumption. Coal is impure, produces pollution. OK that could go since the rate isnt that fast. But look at oil - how many conflicts it causes! And pollution, global warming and all that. Well we could also look at it as "God made it good but man corrupted its use", just as drugs, such as cannabis, alcohol, and all that. :o
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by waynepii »

jenna wrote:My husband and I were talking about dinosaurs this morning and he told me something that sounded very interesting. He said that God had actually created dinosaurs for man, and also killed them all at just the right time so that man would have all the oil, fossil fuel, and gasoline that we need today. Any thoughts on this?
Oil is produced by the breakdown of vegetation and animal matter under water - basically the muck at the bottom of swamps, marshes, lakes, and shallow seas. The perception that dinosaurs are an "ingredient" of petroleum probably resulted from dinosaurs who ran afoul of tar pits, so their fossils were found in petroleum deposits.

Oops - I have been reading these threads to get caught up and didn't realize I was posting to an old thread until after I submitted the post. Sorry :oops: .
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by zoegirl »

no worries :)
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by Barabus »

My husband and I were talking about dinosaurs this morning and he told me something that sounded very interesting. He said that God had actually created dinosaurs for man, and also killed them all at just the right time so that man would have all the oil, fossil fuel, and gasoline that we need today. Any thoughts on this?

Maybe he made them to test us? For 1000s of years man has lived just fine without oil. Only in the last century did we begin to use it and it has clearly caused damage to the planet, has made the air and water unhealthy, and has been the source of power struggles..even wars. Meanwhile we have the knowledge and the capablity to use the power from the sun, water, and wind......also provided by God.

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Re: dinosaurs

Post by Delay »

zoegirl wrote:I have heard this before as well and it makes sense to me. Although I think GOd is delighted in all He makes, so I think there was enjoyment in what He made, not just to make fuel.
I seem to mostly relate with this reply.
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by madscientist »

I just think it's how things went. Evolutionists say we all evolved and so all the steps preceding us were necessaaruy. We could also say why we were here only for the last thousands years; why God bothered waiting 15 billion yrs with a universe with no being woth free will in it - but that was all to bring man I think... that'sd how things "evolved". For those who believe man and dinosaur still lived together (some hold that view) - and that apparently this evidence was hidden somewhere then i really dont know :D

Or, just simply to see who'd be a crazy evolutionist and reject God and who would stay loyal despite those unresolved issues? Who knows! :P
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by CliffsofBurton »

First, I want to say that I don't think man and Dinosaurs existed in the same periods.

I also am not sure that dinosaurs specifically turned into oil. That is just currently the best explanation science has. My reasoning is that I think that if some of the dinosaurs turned into oil, why didn't the rest of them? I think, that if they had, we wouldn't even know about dinosaurs.
Last edited by CliffsofBurton on Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by madscientist »

Hehe yeah :D it was more plants and other things like fossils (?) that did it. but was just natural way of things i think rather than some planned thing. other species were back then and died out but we may not pay so much attention to them. Yeah i dont believe they did either. But, how do we explain Noah's arc with 1 of each? :D was it back when there were many fewer species (probbaly dogs werent by then - just wolves) or was it some metaphor? or did it only refer to a local flood rather than global? i mean, one cannot have 1 of each for so many days if there were millions of species. besides, they would end up eating each other etc and die - not all species live 40 days and then all the rest till earth dried so i dont know! :P
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by Gman »

If God made the dinosaurs for oil then he probably would be guilty of creating our high CO2 emissions as well.... Not good in my opinion. :)
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Re: dinosaurs

Post by godslanguage »

Gman wrote:If God made the dinosaurs for oil then he probably would be guilty of creating our high CO2 emissions as well.... Not good in my opinion. :)
:P But if God anticipated for CO2 emissions its possible that CO2 emissions aren't that bad at all :D
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