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Discussion for Christian perspectives on ethical issues such as abortion, euthanasia, sexuality, and so forth.
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Post by Darwin_Rocks »

1. Terri Case:

Don't be so quick to judge those that want to end her life. Not everyone out there who agrees with Palliation wants to kill for the sake of killing. They do it for the sake of easing ones suffering. So people who want to pull the tube aren't doing it to hurt Terri but rather to ease her pain. The question is whether this woman has any quality of life, whether she is in pain or not. Because of the delicate nature of this subject I dont think anybody whom isn't in contact with her can even attempt to make this decision.

2. Homosexual Marriage

I honestly still dont see what all the fuss is about on this one? Why does everybody care so much, how is it immoral?
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Post by Kurieuo »

Become a Christian, then you may see things more clearly, at least begin to. You're not Christian, so you're not bound by our same rules.

This may sound strange, but do you advocate rape? If not, perhaps you could lead me to understand "why" rape is immoral. This is not to say I don't believe rape is immoral, but I'm interested to see how you might come to such a conclusion.

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Post by August »

1. Terri Case:

Don't be so quick to judge those that want to end her life. Not everyone out there who agrees with Palliation wants to kill for the sake of killing. They do it for the sake of easing ones suffering. So people who want to pull the tube aren't doing it to hurt Terri but rather to ease her pain. The question is whether this woman has any quality of life, whether she is in pain or not. Because of the delicate nature of this subject I dont think anybody whom isn't in contact with her can even attempt to make this decision.
Are you intentionally naive on this? Read up on the case first, before making comments. Her parents and siblings are there with her, and has been for the last 13 years, as are 33 doctors and nurses who testified that she could see improvement with rehabilitation. They are the ones asking for her to be given the opportunity to recover, which is being denied by her husband, who suddenly, 10 years after the fact recalled a conversation in which she said she would not want to live like that, right after he had a child with another woman, and the inital grant money to take care of her dried up.

So you are proposing that we kill every person who suffers, or has no "quality of life"? What gives you the right to decide that?
Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else."

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Post by Felgar »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:1. Terri Case:

Don't be so quick to judge those that want to end her life. Not everyone out there who agrees with Palliation wants to kill for the sake of killing. They do it for the sake of easing ones suffering. So people who want to pull the tube aren't doing it to hurt Terri but rather to ease her pain. The question is whether this woman has any quality of life, whether she is in pain or not. Because of the delicate nature of this subject I dont think anybody whom isn't in contact with her can even attempt to make this decision.

2. Homosexual Marriage

I honestly still dont see what all the fuss is about on this one? Why does everybody care so much, how is it immoral?
This is just typical liberal BS... Claiming to 'care' for these people and do what's best for them. Meanwhile they condone and encourage relationships that have no potential for creating life, (not that it's the only issue with homosexuality) they endorse murdering unborn children, and now even the elderly and disabled.

The concept being attacked by the liberals is simply the sanctity of life... We have no right to take it, and have a responsibility to preserve and create it when we can. What's even more ironic is that in the obvious absense of any true morality, the arguments for killing these people are spouted off as if they are based on some higher principles. To me, it just goes to show what happens when people fail to recognize any and all outside authority and as a result feel as though they have no accountability. I digress, but there's a reason why recognizing a higher power is one of the 12 steps...
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Post by Prodigal Son »

sadly, though, 20% of gay couples have children...
i don't think that's sad at all. there is no evidence that gay couples are bad parents...and plenty to show that they are positive parents to many children. what i think is sadder is the fact that thousands of children languish in foster care, being abused and unloved...becoming sociopaths, drug addicts, and the sewage of society...all because they had no one to love them. i think gay parents are better than no parents.

remember, even if homosexuality is wrong under God, homosexuals are not necessarily bad people. and if they sin in one area of life, does not automatically make them incompetent in all areas. i have seen prostitutes be good parents, drug addicts, etc. having gay parents to many children is a God send.

it is God's duty alone to judge.

it is our duty to love.

you shouldn't condemn people for their mistakes. you should try to help them.

don't let your inclinations to judge/criticize become hate.

p.s. on terri--

that poor girl was meant to die along time ago. we have been intruding on God's plan far too long. it's humans' pathetic attempts to play God that have kept her around this long. we aren't killing her by pulling the plug, we are simply allowing God to take her as planned. let that poor girl go.
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Post by Darwin_Rocks »

Finally someone speaks sense on these forums!
don't think that's sad at all. there is no evidence that gay couples are bad parents...
what i think is sadder is the fact that thousands of children languish in foster care, being abused and unloved

it is God's duty alone to judge.

I dont think it's as simple as letting her go however we need to analyze the situation a little more.
Read up on the case first, before making comments. Her parents and siblings are there with her, and has been for the last 13 years, as are 33 doctors and nurses who testified that she could see improvement with rehabilitation.
I never suggested we should palliate her, I NEVER suggested that at all, maybe you should read the post properly before you use the handy 'quote' button that you guys so eagerly love.

What I'm suggesting however is that by labelling those that do suggest palliation such as this angry young fellow here...
This is just typical liberal BS... Claiming to 'care' for these people and do what's best for them.
...Is simply not on. They are medical professionals as well and their idea is just a valid as the other professionals. I dont agree that we should kill her at all, I would never attempt to make a decision unless I had met her and had all the facts at hand so dont put words in my mouth.

What Christians tend to get worked up about is this idea of 'murder'. I think ending someones life who is in extreme pain, who NO LONGER WANTS TO LIVE is not murder, in fact I think you owe it to them to do it, the un-christian thing would be to allow them to exist knowing that there is no chance of recovery. Once again for those who lack the simple interpretation skills developed in high school, I AM NOT FOR KILLING TERRI, I'm merely saying that ALL aspects need to explored.
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Post by Mastermind »

She isn't in any pain at all. From atheist standards, she's just a lump of meat. Why not let her parents keep her as a pet if they want to?
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Post by seedling »

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Post by seedling »

remember, even if homosexuality is wrong under God, homosexuals are not necessarily bad people. and if they sin in one area of life, does not automatically make them incompetent in all areas. i have seen prostitutes be good parents, drug addicts, etc. having gay parents to many children is a God send.

I'm sure Saddam Hussein was a great dad, too. He took care of his family the best way he knew how ... I'm sure his daughters and wife are grateful for the wealth he accumulated that they are probably living off now.
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Post by Darwin_Rocks »

comparing a homosexual to a mass murderer is stupid and only high lights the weakness of your argument
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Post by Deborah »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:1. Terri Case:

Don't be so quick to judge those that want to end her life. Not everyone out there who agrees with Palliation wants to kill for the sake of killing. They do it for the sake of easing ones suffering. So people who want to pull the tube aren't doing it to hurt Terri but rather to ease her pain. The question is whether this woman has any quality of life, whether she is in pain or not. Because of the delicate nature of this subject I dont think anybody whom isn't in contact with her can even attempt to make this decision.
If this is the same case i know about, she wasn't always in a coma, and her husband denied her physical therapy that could have taught her to chew again. That is what Terri's money is for, HER RECOVERY! not to be spent on trying to kill her! this man wants a kick up the behind! he was even noted to say "is the b*tch dead yet" there is no way in heaven or hell that this man should be terri's guardian and have anything to say about her wellbeing!
Church tradition tells us that when John, son of Zebadee and brother of James was an old man, his disciples would carry him to church in their arms.
He would simply say, “Little children, love one another”
After a time his disciples wearied at always hearing these same words and asked “Master why do you always say this?
He replied, “it is the Lords command, and if done, it is enough”
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Post by Deborah »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:comparing a homosexual to a mass murderer is stupid and only high lights the weakness of your argument
Point is this life is to prepare us for an iternity with god living among us.
Some of us are going to pass this test some of us aren't.

Seedlings point is simply in the eyes of god both are sinning against what god wants for HIS children. If he created us should he not have some say in how we love our lives, but he gave up that say, but he does have a say in how we live our lives if we wish to share eternity with him. If we disobey
gods laws then we can expect to spend eternity separated from god.
Church tradition tells us that when John, son of Zebadee and brother of James was an old man, his disciples would carry him to church in their arms.
He would simply say, “Little children, love one another”
After a time his disciples wearied at always hearing these same words and asked “Master why do you always say this?
He replied, “it is the Lords command, and if done, it is enough”
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Post by Prodigal Son »

I'm sure Saddam Hussein was a great dad, too. He took care of his family the best way he knew how...I'm sure his daughters and wife are grateful for the wealth he accumulated that they are probably living off now.
you know what i'm sure of? that you made absolutely no sense with that statement! :shock: :lol:
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

I don't use the quote button :P I do it by hand.
1. Terri Case:

Don't be so quick to judge those that want to end her life. Not everyone out there who agrees with Palliation wants to kill for the sake of killing. They do it for the sake of easing ones suffering. So people who want to pull the tube aren't doing it to hurt Terri but rather to ease her pain. The question is whether this woman has any quality of life, whether she is in pain or not. Because of the delicate nature of this subject I dont think anybody whom isn't in contact with her can even attempt to make this decision.
She isn't in any pain, but by now she probably is. As she slowly dies of hydration, her mouth will dry up, her tounge will swell up and split, her stomach will shrivel, and one by one her organs will shut down. Then her brain will go. She didn't even need the feeding tube-she just needed someone to feed her. Her husband, it seems to me, had it added so that he could claim she's on life support and "pull the plug." And in any situation, murder is murder-even when state sanctioned (and I also think the dragon of a court system needs its head lopped off, it's too powerful, capable of condemning someone to death and not allowing anyone to stop her. It has impeded Jeb Bush's attempt to help out).

I honestly still dont see what all the fuss is about on this one? Why does everybody care so much, how is it immoral?
It's an abomination, and it's lust. And before anything else is said, let me say, leaning to homosexuality isn't wrong, if you are tempted to have relations with the same gender, that isn't itself immoral. The actual act of doing it is. It's the same with murder-I can think about it, but it's wrong to do.

i don't think that's sad at all. there is no evidence that gay couples are bad parents...and plenty to show that they are positive parents to many children.
My problem with gay couples as parents is that, one, it's destruction of the family unit. It's supposed to be a man, a woman, and children...not a man, a man, and children....What bothers me is that the children will be desensitized. The children will probably see nothing wrong with homosexuality after being raised by a couple, so this could lead to slacker morals...
comparing a homosexual to a mass murderer is stupid and only high lights the weakness of your argument
I think whoever said that was just saying that one area of your life does affect the rest. Sadly, though, people think this isn't true. When a politician cheats, has a horrible family life, etc, people for the guy claim that that won't affect his job-which it will! If your wife can't trust you, for example, how can everyone else!
"My actions prove that God takes care of idiots."

He occasionally stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.
- On Stanley Baldwin

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An atheist can't find God for the same reason a criminal can't find a police officer.

You need to start asking out girls so that you can get used to the rejections.
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Post by Dan »

AttentionKMartShoppers wrote: It's an abomination, and it's lust. And before anything else is said, let me say, leaning to homosexuality isn't wrong, if you are tempted to have relations with the same gender, that isn't itself immoral. The actual act of doing it is. It's the same with murder-I can think about it, but it's wrong to do.
Matthew 5:21-5:22
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