Front Loading

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Front Loading

Post by godslanguage »

On the curious about Darwinian Evoluiton thread, Bgood (a geneticist) asked me to provide a`clear cut definition of front-loading. I thought it would be a good idea to create a new thread dedicated to front-loading rather then Darwinian Evolution in general. Front-loading is an idea that has been floating around for quite some time now, I believe Mike Gene originally coined the term (more information can be found here: link but the concept is used widely in software engineering and programming as well as in other disciplines. Ontogeny, John A. Davison (retired Professor of Biology from UOV) believes, is the best model for phylogeny- an unfolding of preloaded/pre-existing information to some determined state.

Here is a definition (my definition- I propose) of front-loading:

Front-loading, an act of concentrating proactively substantial biological knowledge (specified functional information - a master template ) into a info-processing system that overtime will generate desired expectations (results) in response to future contingency (events). At each subsequent event rather then greater complexity emerging different complexity emerges as a function of control code and other determinant modules that reactively ( as a response to physical and environmental context) and asynchronously (with little to no respect to specific time ordering between a current state of a form and the next state of environment ) trigger and generate new body plans (form and function). This all happens as a function of the master template which predicts to a certain extent the next state of qualities of information to be unfolded (sub-templates are unique in form as a result of determined ordering or position effects of information which is important). Predictions of front-loading include abrupt appearance with no `real`adaptive significance rather expected adaptive significance (anticipation). Its expected that the earliest of lifeforms contain much of this `visible` and dormant code just lying around. Its also expected that if two of the same types of master templates are seperated between continents (isolated from each other) that overtime expected results in parallel comparisons (of form and function) should be relatively indistinguishable with only minor variabilities or minimal offset. The capability to interbreed becomes very likely as well.
"Is it possible that God is not just an Engineer, but also a divine Artist who creates at times solely for His enjoyment? Maybe the Creator really does like beetles." RTB
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Re: Front Loading

Post by waynepii »

Its also expected that if two of the same types of master templates are seperated between continents (isolated from each other) that overtime expected results in parallel comparisons (of form and function) should be relatively indistinguishable with only minor variabilities or minimal offset.
Well, are they "relatively indistinguishable"? Say between Australia and the rest of the world?
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Re: Front Loading

Post by godslanguage »

waynepii wrote:
Its also expected that if two of the same types of master templates are seperated between continents (isolated from each other) that overtime expected results in parallel comparisons (of form and function) should be relatively indistinguishable with only minor variabilities or minimal offset.
Well, are they "relatively indistinguishable"? Say between Australia and the rest of the world?
Waynepi, thats the whole point, to investigate this deeper. I have provided a few concrete examples of this before (one of those can be found in John A. Davison's papers if I recall). Front loading, I believe would be compatible/inline with evolution, but rather then what Dawkins says "evolution creates an illusion of design", from a Front loading perspective, "evolution would create the illusion of NS & RM".
"Is it possible that God is not just an Engineer, but also a divine Artist who creates at times solely for His enjoyment? Maybe the Creator really does like beetles." RTB
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