Need advice on dealing with the world...

Discussion for Christian perspectives on ethical issues such as abortion, euthanasia, sexuality, and so forth.
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Maybe if I had used a different example...
"My actions prove that God takes care of idiots."

He occasionally stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.
- On Stanley Baldwin

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An atheist can't find God for the same reason a criminal can't find a police officer.

You need to start asking out girls so that you can get used to the rejections.
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Post by seedling »

"i have seen prostitutes be good parents, drug addicts, etc. having gay parents to many children is a God send."

What I have said about Saddam Hussein is the same thing you have said here. What is a "good' father or mother? Well, hopefully first a good example, one who practices what they preach. Is a prostitute a good example to her daughter? NO. Does she love her daughter? Yes, in the only way she knows how. Did Saddam love his son? In the only way he knew how. "Good" is a relative term. Most of us wouldn't know "good" if it hit us over the head.

"comparing a homosexual to a mass murderer is stupid and only high lights the weakness of your argument"

I see no difference. Both end up screwing their kids in the end. Same with the minister's kids, if he's not careful.
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

"Good" is a relative term. Most of us wouldn't know "good" if it hit us over the head.
If good is relative....Your argument disolves if you believe in ethical relativity....Since only I can tell you if what hit me over the head is good....
I see no difference. Both end up screwing their kids in the end. Same with the minister's kids, if he's not careful.
:?: Pardon :?:
"My actions prove that God takes care of idiots."

He occasionally stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.
- On Stanley Baldwin

-Winston Churchill

An atheist can't find God for the same reason a criminal can't find a police officer.

You need to start asking out girls so that you can get used to the rejections.
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Post by Prodigal Son »


you still don't make any sense...but, you usually don't. :?
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Post by seedling »

colors ... what I am saying is ... what kind of a parent can a prostitute or a drug addict be? What kind of spirit will they pass on to their children? They have no respect for themselves, how can they engender this in their kids? You pass on to your children what you ARE, not what you SAY. Actions speak louder than words. So ... it is crazy to think that a prostitute or a drug addict can be a good parent, they are passing on sickness to their kids, in one way or another. The child may conform or rebel. If the child rebels, he may become a Christian minister, so strict with his kids that the spirit of life is killed and they become homosexuals or delinquents, or worse, just like him, dead to the living word. Or he conforms and becomes a drug addict himself and his offspring also don't have much of a chance. Homosexuals have the spirit of lust. They define themselves by their sexual activity. I'm "gay" ... I'm a punk rocker ... I'm a Christian ... I'm hip-hop ... I'm goth. People are always looking for an "identity." What can I identify with? Every gay woman I have ever known had been traumatized in her youth, whether it was apparent to anyone or not.

Jesus said "you know how to give good things to your children. When they ask for bread, you don't give them a stone." This is a no-brainer. Even a Saddam Hussein cares for his litter.

AKM ... "good" IS relative ... what's good for me is not good for you and vice-versa. Jesus said "only God is good." The spirit of truth is in the moment.
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Post by Prodigal Son »


i understand what you're saying, but you must realize, everyone passes on sickness to their children.

it is God's role to judge and determine who he believes is "good enough."

p.s. good is not relative.
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Post by seedling »

Hi colors,

I am not judging anyone. I am in no position; it is not ours to judge. I am just making observances, which every human being does. And you are right. All parents pass on sickness to their children. But there is a way to stop it.

I don't believe "God" is into who is "good enough." Good is relative. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was chosen over the tree of Life. The tree of Life is what we need, not the knowledge of "good" or "good enough."
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Post by Darwin_Rocks »

I am not judging anyone. I am in no position; it is not ours to judge.
what kind of a parent can a prostitute or a drug addict be?...They have no respect for themselves
Enough said.
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Post by Darwin_Rocks »

What you are doing Seedling is generalising to a point that is truly disgusting. To paint ALL prositutes with the one brush is absurd! There undoubtly many different types of people who are prostitutes and drug dealers ie, Women who DONT want to do what they do but have no other choice. Indeed there are some prostitutes I would rather trust with children then some Christians.

By generalising as such you are making life easier for yourself and justifying your own behaviour.

"Well I might do bad things or have impure thoughts once and a while but there is no way I am worse than a prostitute so I must be going to heaven."

Sadly the world doesn't work like that. There are Good and Bad people in EVERY profession. I'm sure God would rather accept a good hearted prostitute who has not accepted Jesus into heaven then a low life Priest who has accepted Jesus but also molests children.
Good is relative.
Whilst morals are somewhat relative to the age and the changing nature of society, to say that Good is relative is another expample of gross exaggeration whilst morals change the nature of begin Good as opposed to Evil DOES NOT change in that Murder will ALWAYS be seen as Bad and Theft will ALWAYS be seen as bad.
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Post by August »

Evil DOES NOT change in that Murder will ALWAYS be seen as Bad and Theft will ALWAYS be seen as bad.
And where did this knowledge of good and bad come from?
Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else."

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Post by seedling »

Whilst morals are somewhat relative to the age and the changing nature of society, to say that Good is relative is another expample of gross exaggeration whilst morals change the nature of begin Good as opposed to Evil DOES NOT change in that Murder will ALWAYS be seen as Bad and Theft will ALWAYS be seen as bad.

Is murder ALWAYS BAD??? NO. Is theft ALWAYS BAD? Not if I'm hungry. Talk about generalizing. You don't make sense. You play with words. And you don't read very carefully.

I never said prostitutes were BAD, don't put words into my posts. I said they don't respect themselves. And most of them that I have known do not. They are sad women. But I do not judge their heart. And I never said I was going to heaven ... don't tell me what I'm thinking and feeling inside and then put it into words for me, you have no clue.
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Post by Mastermind »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:Whilst morals are somewhat relative to the age and the changing nature of society, to say that Good is relative is another expample of gross exaggeration whilst morals change the nature of begin Good as opposed to Evil DOES NOT change in that Murder will ALWAYS be seen as Bad and Theft will ALWAYS be seen as bad.
You've got to be kidding me. Somebody should tell Hitler and Stalin that murder is evil. See what they tell you when they strip you naked, march you into a field and blow your brains out.
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Post by Prodigal Son »


you barely made sense there again, but i managed to piece together a few of your thoughts.


i said, "all parents pass on sickness to their children."

you said,
But there is a way to stop it.
NO there isn't a way, that's why Jesus died for our sins. we can try to make things better, but people will always be flawed. your current mode of thinking is not moral or correct or christian. you are making generalizations of a group of people's character based on one error of living in their lives. that is not christian. homosexuals may sin when they have intercourse with the same sex, but that does not mean they don't have the right to be parents. that is closer to nazism than christianity.
Good is relative.
no it's not. i think darwinrocks clarified that enough.
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Post by seedling »


Jesus said "be ye perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect." Why would he say this if it is not possible? Is he lying? Being perfect is just being ... innocent, not doing everything right. And that is the way to stop passing on the sickness ... innocence. Like Jesus was innocent. And by innocence I do not mean naivite. I mean non-judgemental, open hearted. Most Christians do not have this ...

you are making generalizations of a group of people's character based on one error of living in their lives.

If someone steals, I can conclude he is a thief. There may be alot of reasons for it ... he may not want to be. He might think it's cool to steal and get away with it. He may be hungry. His father may have been a thief and our parents are the ones who make the deepest impression on us. But he is a thief, let's be real here. And he is passing those values on to his children. Is this something good? You decide.
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Post by Kurieuo »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:What you are doing Seedling is generalising to a point that is truly disgusting. To paint ALL prositutes with the one brush is absurd! There undoubtly many different types of people who are prostitutes and drug dealers ie, Women who DONT want to do what they do but have no other choice. Indeed there are some prostitutes I would rather trust with children then some Christians.
I'd agree. However, I don't think seedling wants dismissed out-of-hand that it is important to understand what is right and wrong, and to try to live a good moral life. I'm sure we could all agree here. Yet, at the same time, it is important to know why people may be lead down such a route, and trying to love, understand and encourage people to a live a better life as Christ did. Not everyone has the same life, so Christ's words should also be remembered, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." (Luke 12:48)

"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
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