I need some perspective

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I need some perspective

Post by VWP »

I am in a situation I can do absolutely nothing about. I feel like it is just so unbearable I can't go on. I have been reading the Bible, and just can't find comfort. It is just so unfair and wrong. I just spent reading several things on love and I was reading how that love takes no account of the evil done to it, it pays no attention to a suffered wrong. But it is wrong what has been done. And although the Bible is instructing not to pay attention to it inside my heart is breaking into a million pieces. Does any one out there have any words of comfort for Me? I have never felt this way ever before in my life and I feel as though a knife has been stuck in my heart.
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Re: I need some perspective

Post by Gman »

VWP wrote:I am in a situation I can do absolutely nothing about. I feel like it is just so unbearable I can't go on. I have been reading the Bible, and just can't find comfort. It is just so unfair and wrong. I just spent reading several things on love and I was reading how that love takes no account of the evil done to it, it pays no attention to a suffered wrong. But it is wrong what has been done. And although the Bible is instructing not to pay attention to it inside my heart is breaking into a million pieces. Does any one out there have any words of comfort for Me? I have never felt this way ever before in my life and I feel as though a knife has been stuck in my heart.
VWP it sounds like you are you are hitting a wall.. I think it is actually good that you realize you can't do anything about your situation. This is where God comes in.. Without God we are nothing and can't really do anything about it. With that, what situation in the Bible are you referring to?
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Re: I need some perspective

Post by cslewislover »

VWP wrote:I am in a situation I can do absolutely nothing about. I feel like it is just so unbearable I can't go on. I have been reading the Bible, and just can't find comfort. It is just so unfair and wrong. I just spent reading several things on love and I was reading how that love takes no account of the evil done to it, it pays no attention to a suffered wrong. But it is wrong what has been done. And although the Bible is instructing not to pay attention to it inside my heart is breaking into a million pieces. Does any one out there have any words of comfort for Me? I have never felt this way ever before in my life and I feel as though a knife has been stuck in my heart.
It is normal for us to have emotions, though. When we are wronged, we grieve, but we don't lash back or take revenge or get bitter. It's OK to grieve, but we leave the rest up to the Lord. Did you want to talk about it some more?
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Re: I need some perspective

Post by WConn »

VWP wrote:I am in a situation I can do absolutely nothing about. I feel like it is just so unbearable I can't go on. I have been reading the Bible, and just can't find comfort. It is just so unfair and wrong. I just spent reading several things on love and I was reading how that love takes no account of the evil done to it, it pays no attention to a suffered wrong. But it is wrong what has been done. And although the Bible is instructing not to pay attention to it inside my heart is breaking into a million pieces. Does any one out there have any words of comfort for Me? I have never felt this way ever before in my life and I feel as though a knife has been stuck in my heart.
VWP, sounds like you are reading Corinthians. I think I am going thru the same thing you are going thru right now. I too read the bible and find it to be a scary book, but at times I find something which gives me a moment of peace. I have had my heart ripped out of my chest recently as a result of a failed relationship. Sometimes there is not a good answer to the questions we have in life, but I am sure that you will slowly find that over time, things get better. Yes, as you say, what was done was wrong. You need to grieve and move one, you have been hurt, wronged but again, you need to take time to grieve, cry and move on. Try to find someone to talk to, a pastor, priest, counselor. I will remember you in my prayers.

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Re: I need some perspective

Post by jlay »

It is very difficult to offer much comfort on a chat site. I'm sure there are many on here who would love to sit down with you and help you work through your issues. FWIW, we will be glad to help, pray and guide where we can.

Feelings. I can remember feeling absolutely devestated from a relationship thinking that life wasn't worth living. I could not find comfort in the bible because my emotions were directing and leading me. feelings and emotions are real and were created by God, but they should never lead us around. Faith should lead. If our life is a train then emotions should be the caboose, not the engine driving our lives. Feelings can mislead us. They are not reliable when they are the guiding force in our lives. Faith should be the guiding force.
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