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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by Byblos »

Welcome TCHOP561.
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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by B. W. »

TCHOP561 wrote:I just stumbled upon this website a few days ago and I've been hooked ever since. This website is amazing. There is so much that i want to read. There also seems to be a wealth of information here on the forum. I wish i was half as smart as some of you. I read some of the articles and i have a hard time wrapping my head around some of it. I still enjoy it though. :ebiggrin:

Well, i look forward to the discussions and growing in my faith.


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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by zoegirl »

TCHOP561 wrote:I just stumbled upon this website a few days ago and I've been hooked ever since. This website is amazing. There is so much that i want to read. There also seems to be a wealth of information here on the forum. I wish i was half as smart as some of you. I read some of the articles and i have a hard time wrapping my head around some of it. I still enjoy it though. :ebiggrin:

Well, i look forward to the discussions and growing in my faith.


Welcome!! Have fun here!
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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by TCHOP561 »

Thanks :D

posted my first thread, feel free to comment and share your story. ... 14&t=33650
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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by rhallia »

Hi everyone, its Rhallia here, new to the site hoping to get lots of tips from you more experienced users ; ) . hope everyone has had a blessed weekend.
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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by zoegirl »

welcome !!!! HOpe you enjoy the discussions and fnd what you are looking for.
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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by Gabrielman »

Hey, first post, kinda figured it was a good idea to introduce myself first. Not much to say other than Hi. T_T
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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by cslewislover »

Hi Gabrielman! Well, I hope you learn from the site and we can hear from you. :)
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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by Gabrielman »

A pleasure to meet you cslewislover. Awsome pic. Where did you get it and what anime is it from? Just asking, I like a good anime.

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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by cslewislover »

Hey Gabrielman :) - The anime image is from the preview trailer for the much-anticipated but never actually done 2nd season of Kiddy Grade. Kiddy Grade and Solty Rei are my favorite animes, but they are older. They are both more grown-up and serious ones, and both ran only one season. But Kiddy Grade was supposed to have a 2nd season, after the original had been overwith for several years. I don't know what happened. What anime do you like? I'm still not finished watching Bleach (lol). Someone told me Epic was really good (I think that's what it was called), but I haven't started watching it yet.

Hold on. I just saw that you listed Kiddy Grade under your favorite shows. Are you serious? I've hardly met anyone who's even seen it.

Have you seen Buso Renkin? I think it is only OK. But I love this image I got from the 2nd season.

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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by Gabrielman »

Yeah I loved kiddy grade! Too bad it doesn't have a second season. I am a sucker for romantic animes mostly. I do enjoy bleach. One of my favorite animes is To Heart. You should check it out if you like romantic animes. I also enjoy cowboy bepop (did I spell that right?), Full metal Alchemist was also a good one. There are a few others, but like I said mostly just the Romance animes. I haven't seen Buso Renken, I will have to look it up and check it out, thanks! :ebiggrin:

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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by cslewislover »

Well Buso Renkin is romantic, but I'm not totally sure what you mean by romantic. Lol. Woule you consider Bleach romantic? What is To Heart about? I guess I should watch Full Metal Alchemist. Did you see Full Metal Panic? Much of that is SOOO funny! But the seasons are so different from one another. I have a Kiddy Grade album on photobucket if you're interested. More and more people are using my images on other web sites. ... y%20Grade/

Oh, your quote you wrote is so nice!
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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by Gabrielman »

What I mean by romantic is something with a good love story, (i.e. two people falling in love), I don't like it when they imply that two people have an intrest and in the end the main charictar is shrounded by potential lovers and has not chosen one of them. I don't think Bleach qualifies as romantic, at least not yet... To heart is about a girl named Akari who has fallen in love with her childhood friend, Hirouky... I think I spelled it wrong, sorry... anyway, she spends as much time with him as she can and slowly starts to think that maybe he isn't interested in her. In the end her best friend asks her if she is in love with him, she ofcourse says yes, but her best friend was... well I'll let you watch and find out! :) There is supposed to be a second season, but I can't find it for the life of me. I am interested in the kiddy grade on photo bucket, however I have no idea what a photo bucket is, I am horrible with computers.

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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by cslewislover »

Well the link should take you to my photobucket album.

Yeah, I hadn't watched enough of Bleach to know. I mean it was getting all romantic, then they cut that out, basically.

Full Metal Panic is romantic, and, as I said, hilarious.
:D But I think it was the 2nd season, not sure (the second year was divided into two groups - strange - not really seasons), that got more violent and what not, so like it should've been rated R.
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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Post by Gabrielman »

Okay so it's a link. That I can handle. I will have to take a look at full metal panic, I have heard others talking about it. Thanks! You can watch a few episodes of To Heart on Youtube, but they are subbed. Then again that's how I like to watch them.

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