Why 3 races on earth?

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Why 3 races on earth?

Post by WConn »

Interesting question asked asked of me today. If we all came from Adam and Eve and then from the descendants of Noah, why are there three different races of humans now living on earth? Caucasians, Negroes, and Mongoloids, (asians). I didn't have a good answer other than to say that people may have adapted to the geography to which they migrated. Anyone care to weigh in on this one?

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Re: Why 3 races on earth?

Post by jlay »

What does science say about it?

Did the three main races evolve out of three different pre-human decendents? In general science and the bible agree. The first humans held all the genetic information that we see today.

There is one race. The human race. And within that race there are many traits that manifest themselves differently in terms of physical appearance. Sadly the differences become the focus and the similarities are often overlooked. Two eyes, 2 ears, 2 lungs, 2 kidneys, 2 feet, 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 hands, five fingers on each, 1 heart, 1 liver, 1 brain, etc., etc. For the most part, race is skin deep. If you strip away the skin and look at the vascular system, lymphatic system, pulmonary system and nervous system, there is little if nothing to distinguish.
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Re: Why 3 races on earth?

Post by warhoop »

My personal belief is that it has to do with the dispersion in Genesis 11.
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Re: Why 3 races on earth?

Post by Gman »

WConn wrote:Interesting question asked asked of me today. If we all came from Adam and Eve and then from the descendants of Noah, why are there three different races of humans now living on earth? Caucasians, Negroes, and Mongoloids, (asians). I didn't have a good answer other than to say that people may have adapted to the geography to which they migrated. Anyone care to weigh in on this one?

Walt many say that all human decedents came from Adam and Eve. This is certainly a possibility, we cannot rule it out. But I'm against spot-welding arguments when it comes to such debates such as our origins. Genesis 1:27 also talks about creating mankind before Adam and Eve, therefore God could have created other races (separately) that we see throughout the world today. Regardless, God has created all man, and we are all one nation under God as scripture reveals.

Acts 17:26

"And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation."
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Re: Why 3 races on earth?

Post by erawdrah »

warhoop wrote:My personal belief is that it has to do with the dispersion in Genesis 11.
Agreed and with different languages one would only marry within ones own language. That would make certain traits more dominant in each of the races. And not to forget that there were only 3 couples after the flood. You can trace all of the nations from Noah's three sons.
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Re: Why 3 races on earth?

Post by ManOfScience »

erawdrah wrote:Agreed and with different languages one would only marry within ones own language. That would make certain traits more dominant in each of the races. And not to forget that there were only 3 couples after the flood. You can trace all of the nations from Noah's three sons.
Sorry for coming in late, but I've only just seen this (for obvious reasons), and the distribution of humans across Earth is a very interesting topic to me. I would like to ask, if you don't mind: when, approximately, did the flood occur? Thanks.
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