Darwin’s Dilemma

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Darwin’s Dilemma

Post by Gman »


There is a new DVD on the block called Darwin's Dilemma. It's an in depth look into the Cambrian period and how it has baffled evolutionary scientists. I recommend it highly...


“Darwin's dilemma” refers to Charles Darwin's bafflement that the fossil record contradicted what his theory evolution predicted. In his classic book On the Origin of Species, Darwin declared that if his theory of evolution were true “it is indisputable that before the lowest Cambrian stratum was deposited… the world swarmed with living creatures.” Yet Darwin admitted that the fossil record below the Cambrian strata seemed to be bereft of such creatures. Instead “species belonging to several of the main divisions of the animal kingdom suddenly appear in the lowest known fossiliferous rocks”—without any evidence of prior ancestral forms. Darwin frankly acknowledged that this lack of ancestral forms was “a valid argument” against his theory. But he hoped that time—and more research—would provide the evidence that was lacking. Some 150 years later, the documentary Darwin's Dilemma probes how Darwin's dilemma has been aggravated—not resolved—by the last century of fossil discoveries, starting with the strange and wonderful creatures uncovered a century ago in the Burgess shale in British Columbia, Canada.

The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

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Re: Darwin’s Dilemma

Post by IgoFan »

The video features Jonathan Wells. If his statements regarding the Cambrian Explosion are any indication, the video is worthless. Wells says the following regarding animal diversity just before and just after the Cambrian Explosion:
Jonathan Wells wrote:From nothing, we have almost everything almost overnight, geologically speaking.

Of 30 or so phyla, 5-9 phyla already existed BEFORE the explosion, e.g., things like worms, sponges, jellyfish. That's hardly "from nothing". And at least 8 phyla only appear AFTER the explosion. That's hardly "almost everything" appearing during the explosion.

Most revealing is that just after the end of the Cambrian Explosion, we still have almost nothing even remotely resembling anything in a zoo: NO primates, NO mammals, NO reptiles, NO amphibians, NO jawed fish, NO birds, NO insects, NO land life, NO bunny rabbits, and NO puppy dogs.

Instead of buying the DVD, save your money and do yourself and your kids a favor by visiting your local science or natural history museum.
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Re: Darwin’s Dilemma

Post by Gman »

IgoFan wrote:Of 30 or so phyla, 5-9 phyla already existed BEFORE the explosion, e.g., things like worms, sponges, jellyfish. That's hardly "from nothing". And at least 8 phyla only appear AFTER the explosion. That's hardly "almost everything" appearing during the explosion.

Most revealing is that just after the end of the Cambrian Explosion, we still have almost nothing even remotely resembling anything in a zoo: NO primates, NO mammals, NO reptiles, NO amphibians, NO jawed fish, NO birds, NO insects, NO land life, NO bunny rabbits, and NO puppy dogs.
Uh, that's right folks.. We believe that the land animals like birds, insects, rabbits, and puppy dogs lived in the same environments as the aquatic sponges and jellyfish. :roll:

Also it still doesn't conflict with the Bible if you want to say that sponges and jellyfish came before the land mammals..

http://discussions.godandscience.org/vi ... =6&t=33560
IgoFan wrote:Instead of buying the DVD, save your money and do yourself and your kids a favor by visiting your local science or natural history museum.
Save your money and boycott the museums until they remove religious philosophies away from science...
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

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Re: Darwin’s Dilemma

Post by ageofknowledge »

Evolutionary theory has become a religious science.
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Re: Darwin’s Dilemma

Post by CAT »

Evolutionary theory has become a religious science.
Ha ha, aint that the truth!

As long as were on this path of realizing and lowering ourselves to the fallacy of evolutionary precepts, which of course falls into the same category of "things not seen but believed", why not just go the full round of believing the literal Bible. Honestly, to me the Bible is the only thing that makes any true sense. It is the only thing that gives a rational and justifiable explanation for how all life came about, and the reason for the way things are.
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