casting out demons?

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casting out demons?

Post by stealthpengu »

I've been a fan of these boards and this website for a good half-year now, so I decided it was time I join!

lately, I've been wondering about an issue I rarely (if ever) see brought up in Christian communities, especially the churches I've been a part of. Who has been given the authority to cast out demons? All Christians, or just select people? Also, what form do demons take today... are they in resting (I'm asking this, because exorcism is something I never really hear about people doing, beyond the typical televangelist, which I sincerely doubt is sincere)? Or, is possession more prevalent today then ever before? Should any 'mental illnesses' be attributed to possession? I myself suffer from a mild form of bipolar disorder, and I definitely see spirituality being a big part of that... but I don't really consider it 'possession' (I have the Holy Spirit, so it can't be that) Although, there's a chance that it could be in part oppression by demons? Casting demons was a big part of Jesus' ministry, so why does it seem to have fallen by the wayside?

Thanks for your time!
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Re: casting out demons?

Post by cslewislover »

I have heard some Calvary pastors talk of their exorcism experiences, which I take are not very many. But, they have carried some out. One took a bunch of pastors casting out a very strong demon, or multiple demons, from one woman. Another was a couple of pastors that cast one out of a house.

This pdf has some on the subject: Do You Believe In Magic?

Otherwise, I don't know much about it! I'd have to look some stuff up.

Well, here is an article about it from the same site (RBC): Isn't the idea of demon possession a relic of more primitive times?

Here is an article from our site: No Evidence of a Spiritual Realm?

There's an article that our site links to, but you can't read the whole thing unless you pay a fee, so I don't know if you want to do that. It's in the New Oxford Review: A Case of Demonic Possession

This short article may also interest you: How do we distinguish a psychological disorder from demon possession?
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Re: casting out demons?

Post by ageofknowledge »

All authentic spirit-filled Christians have the authority to cast out a demon in the name of Jesus. It's best not to try it alone though. Don't attempt it if you are caught in a sin addiction(s) yourself. Don't touch the person until after the demon has left and afterwards lead them to the Lord and educate them. They need to be discipled, become involved in a local congregation, and completely repudiate the items and practices that led to their possession forever. In some cases, prayer and fasting may be necessary.
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