God working in your lives

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God working in your lives

Post by Silvertusk »

Hi All.

Following the suggestion of the Moderators and Admin team for this forum I am starting a thread for anyone to prehaps give testamony of where God has been working in their lives. No matter how small this may be.

For instant - has anyone experienced amazing "conincidences" or miracles of healing. Or has anyone got stories of times when they beleive God really has moved in their life. Has anyone prayed for something and seen their prayers answered. Has anyone felt God talk to them??

I thought this might be a nice thread where we can share these stories to give each other comfort and strengthen our faith that God is really working out there.

Anyone want to start the ball rolling?

God Bless

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Re: God working in your lives

Post by ageofknowledge »

Here's one for you to help get you started. I developed severe arthritis and didn't have any access to medical care. So I worked with my spirit filled pastor at a local church and was prayed over for healing and annointed with oil and also at Saddleback Church the staff did this for me. After a year my hand deformed with permanent joint damage and I now have a disability. Absolutely zero healing but things did get much worse.

I was able to, on my own, finally run down MSI and get Medi-Cal and now am undergoing chemotherapy with methotrexate. Healing? Absolutely not. Having all that faith got me no where except much worse off. Healing doesn't work imo, except in a few cases. The only predictable thing about healing prayer for supernatural healing is that it usually doesn't work.

I'm glad I could bring my experience and a little reality to this thread.
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Re: God working in your lives

Post by zoegirl »

As my pastor has said, much of the work through this world is through those God has provided us, doctors, teachers, other people, surgeons....He works through them....

Healings are rare...although certainly possible.

we should always be careful to avoid feeling that the only answer to prayer is the one we expect. Joseph waited all those years and you know, I bet the only thing he prayed for was to get out...certainly not to become pharoah. Faith should be in God and His overall plan. He is not the answer man.

I waited close to two years to find the teaching job I have now. I subbed at numerous schools, starting to panic and two weeks(two weeks!!!) before the school year started I received the call from my school.

Probably God's biggest work in my life is in the unanswered prayers and really it's not unanswered it's the "not now" answers....I have constant amazement in how the "wait" theme appears in scripture. All throughout the Old and New testament we see constant examples of people waiting for His good timing. especially those moments in Psalms when the psalmists essentially declares "be still and know that I am God"...man how often am I not still in my actions and also in my mind...so really God's working has been through my outlook and my perspective on Him. (although on any day i would easily slip on applying that!!)
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Re: God working in your lives

Post by ageofknowledge »

Joseph was one man. How many died praying for food in the famine that never received it I wonder. We have a pattern in Christiandom of taking a few rare Biblical instances of God working supernaturally and then extrapolating them to the billions as if they will get the same result. Then when they don't we give them a Christian colloquialism. :shakehead:

Why not just be real with people and tell them God doesn't often work supernaturally to heal them or provide supernatural miracles to their problems. On rare occasion He does but the rest of the time He does not. What He does do is work with them to give them wisdom and lead them in His ways while they persevere and work through their own problems. I think people deserve to know the truth.

I see so much BS out here. We've got a skater church down the way putting their congregation to work slinging Monovet fruit juice as if it's some kind of a miracle tonic. The Christians are out in the community telling people about how the fruit juice alleviated arthritis and diabetes and restored cells so cancer just melted away and all sorts of nonsense so they can make money. Another Christian up the way is selling seaweed (sun to seaweed to cell) to people as a cure for most everything. He reminds me of that carpet bagger in the Clint Eastwood move 'The Outlaw Josie Wales.' It just goes on and on and on...

People start seeing miracles all over the place.. in potato chips, falling stars, divine appointments with everyone they meet, etc... It can get pretty ridiculous. Like the lady that just sold a grilled cheese sandwhich she made for lunch that supposidely had the image of Mary on it to a Las Vegas casino owner for $28,000.00 on Ebay. I wonder if he knew Elvis. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/1286378/posts. Give me a break.
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Re: God working in your lives

Post by Byblos »

Somehow I did not get the impression AoK was responding to your post Zoe.
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Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
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Re: God working in your lives

Post by zoegirl »

okay, I'll rescind my post and ask for elaboration...what post were you responding to , age?
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Re: God working in your lives

Post by ageofknowledge »

All of my posts are geared toward the threat title: God working in your lives. My experiences may be different than your own. I'm sharing from my perspective. You share from yours and hopefully we can learn from each other. Peace.
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