ageofknowledge wrote:I like do like the fact that you see the potential threat touchingcloth. Your zebra analogy was a good one. I liked it. Nobody here, as of yet, has talked about what solutions might be appropriate. We're still discussing the scope of the problem and recognizing that we're on different ends of the scale as far as urgency but I do see a couple of your points and I think you see a couple of ours. The floor is now open for possible solutions. Keep it scholarly. Peace.
Solutions, AOK? We should first talk about the nature of Islam and sharia law. But prior to that about Christianity in society. Britain (Europe really but, you know...) and America absolutely has 2000 years of Christianity to thank for its core values which underpin its societies and laws; many of our standard laws and beliefs we take for granted actually owe their foundations to the Christian ethic. But it has largely been acknowledged by our free and democratic societies that church and state must remain at a healthy distance. This has its downfalls, one example being our secular rulers over here practically encouraging divorce with its silmultaneous anti-family and pro-single parent laws. But it's a price we pay for the church remaining outside politics. Luckily our rulers have been raised on the fundamental ethics I mentioned earlier and we can largely have a Christian-based society without Christianity, the church, being seen to intefere.
So on to Islam: here we have a different kettle of fish all together. Islam *is* sharia law; sharia law *is* Islam. The two go hand in hand. Islam the religion itself influences the "democratic" process and law. From Islam's inception it has sought to "Islamify" the world. Tolerance is not a word with figures very prominently in this relgion's vocabulary. Yes there are *tolerent* Muslims; but this does not mount to anywhere near enough to be comfortable and happy in the analogy of the grazing Zebra; the analogy falls down precisely because the Zebra is totally oblivious to the threat of the pincer movement on its blindside.
So now I am sure we do not advocate the ban on Muslim worship and thus Muslim *places* of worship in our societies. Over here border patrol is a big issue and we could do a lot more - with the will - to enforce stringent checks. But we do not have the political will. I welcome multi-racial communities; I myself was brough up in a multi-racial area of West London; But I do not welcome multi-cultural communities. Multi-culturalism is the failed experiment that keeps on trucking; it is a idealistic disaster. A culture shapes a society, our society. The culture of Britain has been overwhelmingly Christian for 2000 years; and yet we have had another culture enforced upon us, without a referrendum or a please nor thank you from any government, and it is expected to work! Culture shapes the whole dynamic of society. And if you have a clash of cultures in a society then the dynamic will change, cultures and thus *people* will clash, and you're heading for an unpleasant ride.
Please don't mistake my realism for pessimism; realism should inm no way negate my optimism. I am always optimistic in life, but I'm afraid, in Britain, the corner has been turned, and I for the life of me can see no humane way of reversing this train wreck.
God bless