Why Is Religion Unquestionable?

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: Why Is Religion Unquestionable?

Post by ageofknowledge »

On a personal level touchingcloth, one issue for us Christians is really who/what is transforming who/what. The issue of hypocrisy aside, are authentic Christians being transformed by God into the image of His son (e.g. children of light) and affecting the world around us as God would want us to or being transformed by demonic deceptions such as atheism, false systems of beliefs, and the often corrupting practices of those who follow such (e.g. children of the devil).

Though a Christian certainly should be tranformed by God into the image of His son no matter the political state of affairs that exist (negative examples include Christians purified under intense persecution by totalitarian governments that enforced state atheism such as the old Soviet Union and North Korea or Islam upon it's populace such as Saudi Arabia and Iran), it is much easier to live our lives and affect the world around us with the message of the gospel in a political state of affairs that benefits us.

Since we live in a world where separation of the spiritual and the physical doesn't exist, we cannot allow an atheistic state or any religious theocracy to transform us away from the image of God's son or the spreading of the Gospel message through (misguided and misinformed) policy and law. But the latter has often been the case. This environment of conflicting spiritual forces and earthly worldviews is what we call spiritual warfare.

On a nationalistic level what I observe, in the area of immigration, is each country competing in the global marketplace against other countries (even their allies) for scarce resources (e.g. economics 101), to see their worldview dominant, etc...

For the rest of this post note that I'm using my best thinking which may not necessarily be God's. Importing millions upon millions of the poorest, least educated, people who consistently statistically post the highest numbers of criminals while burdening government social programs and resisting assimiliation holding on to cultural beliefs and worldviews that result in undesirable consequences to any people and nations that adhere to them into America and European countries who have a responsibility to manage immigration to the benefit of their people and nations (e.g. they should be seeking appropriate numbers of the best the world has to offer) eventually results in very undesirable consequences for those countries that engage in the self-defeating behavior negatively affecting the very culture that made them the most successful, their ability to compete in the global marketplace, all while not materially changing the cultures that produce them in their countries of origin. Our nations end up being transformed by them into what they are when we engage in this socio-political behavior.

Much better than acting against our own interests would be to act in our interests and from that position assist countries that want what we have to transform themselves and their cultures into nations that people would desire to live in and not feel the need to flee from.

Acting foolishly and co-dependently against our own interests doesn't in the long term benefit us or them. Therefore, we see it as a mistake. One that we need to both admit publicly and correct before we lose what we have built along with the ability to lead and influence the world from a position of dominance with our worldview (a worldview in need of reform whose very foundations are being shook as it abandons its Christian history and precepts). Our worldview certainly has been a democratic Christian one and still nominally is though secular governments were chosen to implement it.

I see the issue of whether or not state atheism will yield more desirable results than a secular government founded by Christians and heavily influenced by the Christian worldview as a different subject but still a discussion that could transpire in this thread. What I'm getting at in this post is that our current immigration policies and practices yield undesirable results for our countries and peoples while also preventing the type of cultural upheaval that opens the door for sweeping real long term positive change from happening in their countries. I do not hold to the anthropological view that all religions and cultures are all equally desirable.

This issue often gets overshadowed by race; however, we are not racists. The issue also often gets overshadowed by charges of ethnocentrism; however, we approach it in logical terms of what is desirable for us and them with emphasis on the medium to long-term. We recognize God loves us and them.
Last edited by ageofknowledge on Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why Is Religion Unquestionable?

Post by ageofknowledge »

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... se-up.html

Fort Hood shooting: Nidal Malik Hasan 'said Muslims should rise up'

"Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who allegedly killed 11 people before being shot and wounded by police at Fort Hood, had said Muslims should "rise up" and attack Americans in retaliation for the US war in Iraq, a former army colleague said."
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Re: Why Is Religion Unquestionable?

Post by Gabrielman »

That's where my brother is stationed... He is fine, thank God! But still, quite a scare.
ageofknowledge wrote:Fort Hood shooting: Nidal Malik Hasan 'said Muslims should rise up'

"Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who allegedly killed 11 people before being shot and wounded by police at Fort Hood, had said Muslims should "rise up" and attack Americans in retaliation for the US war in Iraq, a former army colleague said."
See this is something I have been warning people of. We need to stop being poloitcally correct for once, and just see Islam for what it really is. It is not a religion of peace, not by a long shot. Has anyone who defends that religion even read the words in their "holy" book. So much Jew and Christian hate. I am not some phyco who is out for muslim blood or anything, I am just someone who sees it for what it is, a violent religion. It is based on oppressing women, and killing non-believeres outright. I was in high school with a few muslims, and they would react violently with threats and sometimes fights if you dared to question their faith or call it out. The koran is full of anti-semetic quotes, we are not safe as long as we treat this religion as one of peace. Look at history, look at thier "holy" word, and look at the facts, we are not safe. This kind of behavior is what they will come down to. Now am I say to go nuts on all muslims and throw them all in jail? No, I am saying be weary, espcially in these dark times, and don't let the media spin the story. Radical islam is a threat, and it needs to be adressed. This is a religion that should be questioned, yet I don't see athiests jumping at a chance to tell muslims that their god isn't real. Why is that?
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Re: Why Is Religion Unquestionable?

Post by ageofknowledge »

Gabrielman wrote:This is a religion that should be questioned, yet I don't see athiests jumping at a chance to tell muslims that their god isn't real. Why is that?
Most serious atheists will tell you they don't want either Christianity or Islam in any way, shape, or form. But deep down they rage against God not some spin-off false religious system (unless they have had a really bad experience with one perhaps). In their lost state, they are deceived by the devil who is at emnity with the real God not Islam. This is why they reserve their anger and poison for Christians and Christianity while admiring the peaceful aspects of Islam... lol. They really are quite deceived and lost. God loves them but they choose their fate.
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Re: Why Is Religion Unquestionable?

Post by ageofknowledge »

The atheists have done their job so well against Christianity in Western Civilization that the Muslims are joining the fray to remove the remaining Christian influences from our culture BUT seeking to supplant them with their own. There will eventually be war between the secularists and the Muslims but it will be when your children are my age. As we've already explained, Muslims don't fight with atheists and secularists like Christians do. They don't limit their warfare to the ballot box and the spiritual realm. They use real guns and bombs... even human ones.

Check this out:

Italian Court Grants Demand By Muslim To Remove Crucifix From School

A crucifix is seen on the wall as a student writes on a blackboard in a classroom in Rome.

"Rome, Italy, Oct 28, 2003 / 12:00 am (CNA).- The Italian government and the Bishops Conference of Italy protested the decision of Judge Mario Montanaro, who ordered the crucifix be removed within a month.

Montanaro ruled in favor of Adel Smith, a prominent Muslim leader in the country whose children attend a public school in Ofena, after school authorities refused to take the crucifix down since it represents the faith of the vast majority of students.

Two years ago Smith had asked school officials to remove the cross, and after they refused he posted a sign on one of the school's walls that read, “Allah is great.” The sign was promptly taken down.

This year, Smith demanded a “surah”—a principal teaching from the Koran—be posted on the wall. Officials denied his request, at which point Smith took his case to court to demand the removal of the crucifix, bringing a suit before the Ministry of Education as well that could result in the order be extended to the rest of the county's public schools.

The controversial decision of Judge Montanaro argued the presence of the crucifix in classrooms “communicates an implicit adherence to values which do not really reflect the common heritage of all citizens,” despite the fact most of Italy is Catholic.

The Minister of Justice, Roberto Castelli, has announced he will investigate the decision to determine if it violates current laws on the books, and if so, he will impose disciplinary sanctions against Judge Montanaro."
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