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Post by mksimms »

I watched a movie tonight about a transgendered person who was killed for being such, and I really don't know what the bible or Christianity has to say about it. I have been a christian my whole life, and I don't remember ever hearing anything about this. So if anyone can give me some info on this, it'd be very helpful.

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Re: Transgendered

Post by ageofknowledge »

That movie was called Boys Don't Cry and was about the true story of the vicious slaying of Brandon Teena, a transgendered teen who preferred life in a male identity until it was discovered she was born biologically female.

Murder is completely wrong. Thou shalt not murder. God loved this person and granted her the gift of life. The bullys that took it in such a manner will answer to Him for that one day. The fact Teena misused the sexual gift God entrusted to her is immaterial to these realities.

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