United Nations seeks to censure freedom of speech on Islam

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United Nations seeks to censure freedom of speech on Islam

Post by ageofknowledge »

Say NO to UN United Nations attempt to suppress freedom of speech and freedom of religion

"This is a crucial year in the fight to preserve religious freedom worldwide. The Defamation of Religions Resolution seeks to criminalize words or actions as attacks against a particular religion, namely Islam.

As incredible as it sounds, passing this resolution could allow a Christian, atheist/secularist, Hindu, Buddhist, pagan, etc... to be persecuted under UN approval. We in the United States, yeah in the West, must maintain our Constitutional and God-given ability to voice our opinions and qualify and discuss religion in a critical way (e.g. freedom of speech and freedom of religion) without being persecuted as felons.

We need all of you to voice your protest of this resolution by contacting your President, congress and senate representatives, and governors.

Additionally you should inform people of what is happening and we invite you to sign this Christian petition at Open Doors against this attack on your liberty regardless of your faith:

http://members.opendoorsusa.org/site/Pa ... ee2Believe

This is an important matter. Please take action. Thank you.

Contact your Congress person:

Contact your Senator:
http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_i ... rs_cfm.cfm

Contact your governor:

Contact the President
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Re: United Nations seeks to censure freedom of speech on Islam

Post by Ngakunui »

I would have signed the petition were it not for the U.N. sympathizing undertones, despite the fact there's no way for it to really be verified.

However, my opinion on the subject is that this is just another one of the United Nations' attempts, and possibly successful ones to slowly, and in some cases hypocritically disregard the large majority of their "human rights". Though the ones that are actually restrictions on "humanity" will probably remain.

People should be allowed to speak against religions as they wish, at least in America. I'm not saying slandering people is good or anything, but I should be allowed to disagree, and argue against things as I want. Do they even know what they're doing anyway? If they ban people from speaking "blasphemy" against Islam, people are just going to do it even more anyway. And if Muslims were even persecuted in modern times, it's going to end up being a lot more common. Like riots, lynching and so-forth. And that's bad.

Things like this really make me despise the United Nations even more. I can't think of anything more hypocritical than causing chaos in the name of peace, or oppression in the name of liberty.

By the way, just for reference, it's interpretable in the "Universal Declaration of Human 'Rights'" for the U.N. to persecute people on account of their religion. Don't be surprised if they do it. If you need this cited, it's a number of "rights", I believe mainly among the last of them. Largely article 29, part 3 which states "These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.". They won't hesitate a bit to deny someone their life or liberty if they see them as a big enough threat to their "purposes". These "threats" as we can see with their treaty, resolution, or whatever it may be is quite a bit more than "war criminals"- very likely, this will include you and I.

Don't take this to mean that I want the U.N. to be blotted out of history. I want them to be remembered as a reason why no-one should give political power to an activist group, especially if it is an oppressor of free speech.

But you want me to say no to the U.N.? I will.

Alright, listen up you UNos: No.
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Re: United Nations seeks to censure freedom of speech on Islam

Post by ageofknowledge »

No strange misinformed rambling excuses. Sign the petition and write your representatives.

"GENEVA (Reuters) - A United Nations forum on Thursday passed a resolution condemning "defamation of religion" as a human rights violation, despite wide concerns that it could be used to justify curbs on free speech in Muslim countries.

The U.N. Human Rights Council adopted the non-binding text, proposed by Pakistan on behalf of Islamic states, with a vote of 23 states in favor and 11 against, with 13 abstentions.

Western governments and a broad alliance of activist groups have voiced dismay about the religious defamation text, which adds to recent efforts to broaden the concept of human rights to protect communities of believers rather than individuals.

Pakistan, speaking for the 56-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), said a "delicate balance" had to be struck between freedom of expression and respect for religions."

http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNew ... 0220090326

'For the past several years, the United Nations Human Rights Council and General Assembly have adopted resolutions recognizing and promoting the concept of "defamation of religions." Proponents seek to establish an international ban on any speech that would insult, criticize, offend, or disparage any per­son's religion. Specifically, the Organization of the Islamic Conference has suggested that national legisla­tures pass laws to ensure protection against "defama­tion of religions."' In other words, Islamic countries want to make it a serious crime to criticize Islam or even qualify it from a secular or apologetic perspective. This is amounts to nothing more than an unacceptable totalitarian attempt to censure and criminalize freedom of speech in countries that have it. Your freedom of speech. Do you want to be a criminal who has to go to prison and face steep fines because you pointed out something about Islam you didn't like? I don't. And why should you anyways? We don't have secret religious police wandering our country putting cases on people like they do in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc... We have the Consitution. Consider our first amendment.

The First Amendment provides that "Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech." The "hallmark" of the First Amendment "is to allow 'free trade in ideas'—even ideas that the overwhelming majority of people might find dis­tasteful or discomforting." Moreover, "if there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable." With some narrow exceptions, such as obscene materi­als and libel, offensive speech and expression is protected by the Constitution.

When liberal organizations and mainstream media unify with conservative organizations and medial sources you know there is a very real threat. The modern liberals and the conservatives are concerned about this one. Everyone except the Islamic countries sponsoring it are concerned. Take a strong stand against this one.
Last edited by ageofknowledge on Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: United Nations seeks to censure freedom of speech on Islam

Post by cslewislover »

Age, why did you start a new thread on this?

There is some more information here, too, for anyone interesed. http://discussions.godandscience.org/vi ... 30&t=33566. There is persecution of Christians going on already in Europe under similar laws, so that's how we know of the possible effects.
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Re: United Nations seeks to censure freedom of speech on Islam

Post by ageofknowledge »

cslewislover wrote:Age, why did you start a new thread on this?

There is some more information here, too, for anyone interesed. http://discussions.godandscience.org/vi ... 30&t=33566. There is persecution of Christians going on already in Europe under similar laws, so that's how we know of the possible effects.
First, the subject matter warrants it. Consider the points made in my last post.

Secondly, by starting a new thread the search engines pick up the subject field making it easier to find due to better placement. This gives people an opportunity to more easily find this thread and inform themselves.

Given the subject, it's warranted.

I find it disheartening that the people commenting here don't recognize the seriousness of this and are majoring in minors criticizing me for pointing it out. I'm tempted to pull the whole thread and delete all my posts and stop resisting United Nations defamation of religion attempts. If you want to live in a society that criminalizes free speech and thinks that's less important than critisizing someone starting a new thread to discuss it, I suppose you deserve to have your freedom of speech taken away from you by the United Nations. Freedom is not free. You have to fight for it or you lose it in time. I'm fighting for it and you're fighting those attempts. I won't fight you too. So anymore and I'm pulling everything and will begin writing about how our society deserves to lose our freedom of religion and freedom of speech because we don't deserve it anymore. And you Christians whose freedoms are threatened here will be the inspiration for it.
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Re: United Nations seeks to censure freedom of speech on Islam

Post by cslewislover »

I'm not sure if it makes a difference in the search engines . . . But as Nga was asking, there has to be a reason to vote against it when it's not obvious. The WORLD article I posted in the other thread explains it well (and the video gives a perfect example) but it also shows that the US is trying to support a counter measure in order for the Islamists to not get their more severe way. It is important, yes, no one is saying it isn't! Since there will be other resolutions, and it involves existing laws, like with the EU, I'll post on the other thread. Lol.
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Re: United Nations seeks to censure freedom of speech on Islam

Post by ageofknowledge »

1/2 of a bad thing is not OK.
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Re: United Nations seeks to censure freedom of speech on Islam

Post by cslewislover »

I'm just giving more information - I did sign the petition myself. And apparently the resolution that is being considered right now isn't even the same. The backers of it are different countries now than from just a short time ago.
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Re: United Nations seeks to censure freedom of speech on Islam

Post by ageofknowledge »

The resolution calls on member states to enact and enforce legislation to criminalize criticism of Islam. That means in places like Pakistan, Syria, Egypt, etc... and perhaps in a decade Turkey, Britain, France, etc... persecution of Christians who dare to share their faith in Muslim nations or with Muslims will become much worse than it already is.

After signing the petition and notifying your representatives consider supporting H. Res. 763 so it will get it to the floor for a vote.
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