If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
robyn hill
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If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by robyn hill »

The world was created to sustain life for humans.

The materials, since the first day the planet was formed, have been here to sustain life today. With the population we have in our world today, cars,computers,machinery are all necessary for this many people to survive. How is it a planet was randomly placed in this universe with the materials necessary to build the technology we must have to survive today. Think about it, when we go on vacation, we have to plan the materials necessary for us to survive comfortably. This planet seems to be a packed suitcase for us humans to have a very long experience. I don't think it is possible for a random occurence to pack the earth enough supplies for us to live AND contine to create amazing technology from the same original suitcase. I don't think this could be yet another random conincidence. Many non Christians give credit to man for the technology we have on earth.I go back to my original analogy for people who say "it is humans that deserve the credit since we made the stuff." Again I say it is rather like making orange juice and claiming it turned out good because of the way we squeezed the oranges.Seems a bit ignorant doesn't it??
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by ageofknowledge »

I think there's enough blame to go around Robyn :pound:

Just kidding. You expressed that beautifully. Cslewis writes beautiful eloquent posts like that as well.
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by robyn hill »

I agree, we have not always used our resources wisely, however the potential is there and so is the free will :twisted:. It just boggles my mind that, again, some fail to see the "intelligent planning" involved and chalk it up, again, to conincidence. The odds of this being yet another random occurence, is not mathematically logical. Anyone?
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by ageofknowledge »

We are not a random occurrence. Read:

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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by touchingcloth »

Robyn - If you find the fact that we live on a world that has everything we need is amazing, imagine how much your mind would boggle if we lived on a world that was hostile to life.
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by ageofknowledge »

touchingcloth wrote:Robyn - If you find the fact that we live on a world that has everything we need is amazing, imagine how much your mind would boggle if we lived on a world that was hostile to life.
Oh you mean like Klendathu.
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by robyn hill »

Robyn - If you find the fact that we live on a world that has everything we need is amazing, imagine how much your mind would boggle if we lived on a world that was hostile to l

I'm afraid I don't get it?
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by robyn hill »

I guess if you're referring to all the other planets in our solar system that are hostile to all life, no, they don't boggle my mind, which is why I find our planet remarkable.
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by Gman »

robyn hill wrote:I don't think it is possible for a random occurence to pack the earth enough supplies for us to live AND contine to create amazing technology from the same original suitcase. I don't think this could be yet another random conincidence.
Exactly.. If you don't belief that God set everything in motion, then you will have to accept CHANCE as your creator. And who would be so silly to take a chance on chance? Someone once said to me, if you ever want to prove there is a God, go buy a telescope.. 8) If you love chance, go visit Las Vegas...

On top of that, we serve a God of love and compassion. Who would ever reject such a thing??? Seriously, not only can we see all that He created, but he also offers His love to all mankind.. Why can't anyone else see this??? Why is this so hard?? Why fight it?? I just cannot reason this. I'm sorry, you would have to be blind...

Who cares about UFO's and ET?? I want to know the mysteries of GOD... I want the real deal.

For the years I've been on this forum, NO ONE has ever given me a solid reason to reject the God of the Bible. No one... Now I love to be challenged. And I'm getting stronger in my faith for it. THIS IS FREAKING AWESOME... And one day I will be with God forever. :P
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by ManOfScience »

touchingcloth wrote:Robyn - If you find the fact that we live on a world that has everything we need is amazing, imagine how much your mind would boggle if we lived on a world that was hostile to life.
The point is (for those that failed to grasp it), we're here because our planet happens to have formed in just the right location and way that it is able to support life. This in no way implies that the planet was formed for the purpose of supporting life. It's no big surprise that we live on "just the right planet", really!
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by jlay »

That's like saying the reason we breath air is because air exists.
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by touchingcloth »

jlay wrote:That's like saying the reason we breath air is because air exists.
No - it's like saying we breathe air so it would be rather incredible if we found ourselves living on a world with a methane atmosphere.
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by robyn hill »

Really, Touching cloth, you are oversimplifying, if it were one coincedence than it wouldn't be remarkable, but you didn't address how we use all of the resources to "coincidently"make the technology to survive today. I bet you make one heck of a cup of orange juice though!!!
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by robyn hill »

ps, I am aware of the spelling errors above, just hurried through, so don't hold them against me. Common reaction, I've noticed, to try and change the subject.
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Re: If accidental, the earth is an amazing "random" suitcase.

Post by robyn hill »

touching cloth, surely you buy into the theory of evolution so wouldn't it make sense that the theory of evolution should logically support a God.

if there is evolution, which scientists certainly don't dispute, where beings become more intelligent with time,scientists all agree with this, and the universe has existed for, well, billions of years to say the least accoding to scientists, then wouldn't it be logical that a being more intelligent then us exists? It really almost seems silly that scientists procaim evolution, yet dismiss the possibility of a higher being. I have never understood how they make this claim and call it logical. Scientifically, it seems if they except evolution, then they must at least accept the possibility of a higher being to support the process of evolution. Otherwise they are saying...evolution must only exist in what we experience-that seems contradictory since scientists make many claims about many evolutionary beings before humans existed.
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