A "Regional" Flood of Noah and Dating of Human Settlements

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A "Regional" Flood of Noah and Dating of Human Settlements

Post by Philip »

My questions are posed ONLY to those of you (as do I) subscribing to Old Earth Creationism (an approximately 4.5 billion year old earth and 13.73 billion year old universe), as Young Earth creationists are unlikely to accept any widely accepted age estimates, either archaeological/geological or DNA-related, for early human artifacts or encampments.

Most old-earth creationists believe that Adam was created between 50,000 - 100,000 years ago. DNA studies appear to back up this range for the earliest humans. I have seen quite a variety of estimated dates for the time of Noah's flood. My question is what are we to make of archaeological sites in the Americas that scientists say date as far back as 50,000 years ago - and some that are speculated to be even MUCH older? Certainly such sites are far outside of ancient Mesopotamia (and a REGIONAL flood), and they are purported to be much older than almost any of the flood estimates typically given by Old Earth creationists.

Questions: Are the ages of the Americas sites with (supposed) human artifacts (like the Topper site in South Carolina) grossly overestimated in age (inaccurately dated due to methodology, etc.)? Or does the dating of such Americas sites perhaps indicate that Noah's flood was MUCH earlier than currently supposed? Can perhaps some of these Americas sites be attributed to hominids - not true men? And, IF accurate, how can one square the dating of such very old human sites with DNA speculations about the first humans, as some sites appear to be far older and in contradiction to DNA studies as well as to estimates for the date of Noah's flood?

It just seems to me that we have a considerable amount of conflicting data of various age estimates for both Adam's creation/early man and Noah's flood.

Any insights or credible references are welcome!

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Re: A "Regional" Flood of Noah and Dating of Human Settlements

Post by Gman »

I'm not sure about the Americas since the most genetically diverse human beings come from Africa.

http://www.godandscience.org/apologetic ... frica.html
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