how do i love god and live for god?(important please answer)

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how do i love god and live for god?(important please answer)

Post by treeschanna510 »

sometimes i feel like its hard to love god because i cant see him ive had my share of blessings but some people have had christ revealed to themm and find it easy to love him but....ive never expierienced any of what theyve had and i dont really know how to live for god or how to have an actual relationship with god come some one tell m e how =/
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Re: how do i love god and live for god?

Post by jlay »

Tree, I don't know you, or know where you are in your spiritual life. So, your question begs a few other questions.
How are you defining love? John 14-16 is a good place to start if you want to know how to love God. Abiding is what Christ directed us to do. You just won't see the abiding love spoken of apart from obedience. You and I are wholly incapable of 'living' for God apart from abiding in Him. He who wishes to experience God in their daily walk must walk in the light as He is in the light. (1 John 1:7) A good place to start is to ask yourself, "Am I walking in all the light God has given me, today?"

Also, you can not love that which you do not know. So, have you trusted in Christ and his message? Not challenging you here. Just don't know you well enough. (John 5:24)

I have had Christ revealed and I still go through spiritual dry places.
There is a lot of expression I see in the so called church that looks phonie too me. I have a friend who is one of the leading charasmatic leaders in the country, and he himself has spoke of a lot of bologne that is going on out there that is being peddled as 'spiritual' experience. Won't go into anymore than that. Not sure if this is the 'experience' you are driving at, but I'd just be sure not to confuse feelings, goose bumps and chills as a real 'experience.' Feelings may be an expression of what is real, but the feelings in and of themselves are not what is real.

I have many dear friends that I would consider as 'real' as it gets. All speak of times of dryness as well as those rich abundant times.

I would also add something else I learned from John 14 through 16. Christ Himself said, "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you,ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."(John 15:7)
As a New Testament church I believe that the realness of our walk will always be directly proportionate to our relationship to His Word.

And, "Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest (reveal) myself to him." (John 14:21)
That is either true or not.
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Re: how do i love god and live for god?(important please answer)

Post by DannyM »

treeschanna510 wrote:sometimes i feel like its hard to love god because i cant see him ive had my share of blessings but some people have had christ revealed to themm and find it easy to love him but....ive never expierienced any of what theyve had and i dont really know how to live for god or how to have an actual relationship with god come some one tell m e how =/
Trees, it is hard to give you Christ when you do not have Christ. There is no process to offer up for you. Some Christians will tell you to pray and you will have an answer...this is nonsense in my experience. I've never had Christ talk to me; never had "an experience" of Christ...Christ is within us, within YOU. This for me is one of the hardest things to convey and put in to words...You either know Christ is there or you don't. Now I am aware this is probably not going to be any help to you - but it is proper that I give it to you how I see it. There is no methodology anyone can offer up to you to “find” Christ. He's there, inside you…Feel him, KNOW him, and KNOW his works, his presence. It is a very spiritual knowing that is hard to put into words; just look at me, punching around in the dark trying to explain this to you. All I know is that Christ was there during some tough times and is there always. Is this a flakey answer? No, it is not. This is neither NLP nor some other methodological approach where you can alter something by mental exercises…Christ is beyond such methodology…Yet he is right there. It is a purely spiritual knowing, Trees, and I would be surprised if you didn't already know him. I realise that you are asking for something specific, but Christ is beyond some step by step programme of discovery; that 'aint how he works. It comes from within, just like salvation. Christ is within you, you should feel him, and that way you will know him. Something so wonderful and phenomenal is not subject to a methodological approach.
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Re: how do i love god and live for god?(important please answer)

Post by TallMan »

treeschanna510 wrote:sometimes i feel like its hard to love god because i cant see him ive had my share of blessings but some people have had christ revealed to themm and find it easy to love him but....ive never expierienced any of what theyve had and i dont really know how to live for god or how to have an actual relationship with god come some one tell m e how =/
That is a good confession. You may well have a love for God, but he says you need to receive the love of God.

"the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life" (Matt.20:28)

"the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." (Romans 5:5)

"as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him . .. For what man knows the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knows no man, but the Spirit of God" (1 Cor. 2:9, 11)

This is it! - faith in God means losing faith in self, your abilities to love God or man as you (or God) would have it!

Sounds like you are already at that point (I reached it in 1986).
You are ready to "let go", but what do you grab hold of?

God has made a specific promise - to fulfil our need by giving us His Spirit to dwell within him and light up our darkness, replace our inability with his ability, fulfil all that he spoke of!

The disciples received this at Pentecost (see Acts 2:4, 33, 39), it transformed them.
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Re: how do i love god and live for god?(important please answer)

Post by zoegirl »


I would say two things have helped me the most.

talking with God. Every moment you think of Him, talk to Him, little things, big things, short talks, long tears in laughter, in doubt, in guilt. talk to Him. On walks, during shopping, durins school, on the bus, in the car....

reading from Him. Read His word. Those are His words to you. Listen to Him.

I would agree that there is no magic method. But with any relationship, you need to be with that relationship.

books I would recommend.

Practicing the Presence of God. By Brother Lawrence
Any book by Max Lucado.
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Re: how do i love god and live for god?(important please answer)

Post by jlay »

Tree asked this question in three different threads. Perhaps you could merge these. Thx.
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Re: how do i love god and live for god?(important please answer)

Post by zoegirl »

That's a goood question, Jlay...still learning how to do that!!! :esurprised:
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Re: how do i love god and live for god?(important please answer)

Post by cslewislover »

zoegirl wrote:That's a goood question, Jlay...still learning how to do that!!! :esurprised:
Well, since the thread in Christian Chit Chat was only her question, and jlay's response, I moved his response here (I think!!), and deleted her thread there, which was just left with only her question. I don't know where there is another thread of hers like this, though I guess I could search for it.

Oh, nevermind. There was a 2nd one in Christian Chit-Chat, so I deleted it.
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Re: how do i love god and live for god?(important please answer)

Post by B. W. »

treeschanna510 wrote:sometimes i feel like its hard to love god because i cant see him ive had my share of blessings but some people have had christ revealed to themm and find it easy to love him but....ive never expierienced any of what theyve had and i dont really know how to live for god or how to have an actual relationship with god come some one tell m e how =/
There is no easy pat answer yet there is at the same time. First I'll assume you are born again Christian, if not ask us how. If so continue to read…

Best way to get to know God as you asked how (and I may add the only way) is thru the bible. I recommend this: Get a good bible software resource kit, and an interlinear Hebrew and Greek Bible numbered along with the Strong's Concordance system (that is if you do not have any at the moment).

I suggest going through these sources and color code / highlight the names and titles used for God. For example in the Old Testament (OT) our English Translations spell God's proper name YHWH (Yahweh) in caps as LORD. Simply underline these so you can see these quickly as you read anywhere in the OT.

Using the Strong's Concordance numbering system you can find words — names for God like EL and Elohim in the OT. These you color code. You can do a chapter or a few a day if you like. You will also need to know and code the prefixed Hebrew word HaElohim as different from Elohim and for that bible software helps and does the interlinear bible which is quicker once you know how it is spelled in Hebrew. This will take awhile but in doing so, you'll begin gaining insight into who God is as well as his character and nature.

From this process, you will be praying and seeking, asking questions pertaining to what you are discovering. Note what Jesus says in Luke 11:9, 10 and Matthew 6:33

Put feat to your faith and walk in a manner that tries to get to know someone. Since it is God — then try out what I am suggesting you do. The rest is between you and the LORD.

I'll leave you with these verses to begin with Deuteronomy 32:3, 4 — Job 34:10-12 as these help begin reveal certain truths that connect to principles throughout the bible concerning God and his Character from these you will find yourself asking questions like — how can this be if this is that and that is this?

This is one way to get to know God and begin to experience Him anew!

Proverbs 25:2 — so seek…
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