A Little Help with Nightmares

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Re: A Little Help with Nightmares

Post by cslewislover »

Gabrielman wrote:Fortunately I have someone who loves me and cares about me and has been talking with me about this for a while, and she has helped me a lot with it, just listening and comforting me. It is still very painful, and even now is hard to write about, but I am glad I have her as if she hadn't helped me with this and much more I wouldn't be alive today, I would have died of all the pain I had kept in. Thank you Vicki y@};- You are too good for words!
:crying: y>:D< y@};- :heart:

Even though your mom didn't say "I love you" back that night, I know she loved you. It was just unfortunate timing with all the frustrations of that awful time. She did love you and didn't mean to hurt you. I am so glad to have helped you, and to continue to be able help you; you've helped me just as much and you are really wonderful! y@};-
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Re: A Little Help with Nightmares

Post by Gman »

Gabrielman wrote:Good Question, but no luck, as I find that kind of thing boring, but you were wise to ask. I know why I am having night mares, well most of them anyway, but I just can't get them to stop. I have a variety of night mares and I may share them on the board, I don't know yet, but I will tell you one of the ones I have had between the others. It has to do with my mothers death. You see I watched her die before my very eyes, and well.... :crying: I can never forget that day... it was the 4th of July, a day I don't celebrate anymore, she died by a massive heart attack brought on by her lungs and kidneys filling with fluid, she tried to get help, to grab a near by phone next to her bed, but she couldn't, my dad woke up to see her, convulsing and gagging and then, stillness, I didn't see all of it, but I watched her being taken out of the house, the look on her face.... and she was still alive, still suffering, you could see her trying to live.... we didn't want her to suffer. Well ever since then I have nightmares about it in a different way. See the night she died she had asked me to stay up with her and scratch her back, she had a lot of diseases and one of them made her itch a lot and she couldn't sleep. I told her no, I had to work the next morning. Well I told her good night and that I loved her, all she said was good night... Now I will have dreams of her off and on, laying on a hospital bed with doctors trying to save her one moment, and then the next, I am holding her heart in my hand and there is blood everywhere, and I am standing there in front of her, and she has that look on her face :crying: like I betrayed her.... she is laying there dead.... and there is nothing I can do! The docs are gone, and she is looking at me with those eyes... she was the only human that had remotely loved me. Had I stayed up that night she could have lived, maybe they could have helped her if I had just been there... I was so helpless the day she died... there was nothing I could do. After she was gone I had no one to comfort me or give me love, they helped my bros cause they acted out, and my sis too cause she was young, but I couldn't get them to help me, it was like they didn't take me seriously. She couldn't give me much love, she was too sick all of the time and with four kids and my dad she just couldn't be with us all. I cherished every moment with her... and I will never get another one again :crying: My family then began to play the blame game and fight over money too and life just fell apart from there, and ever since then those nightmares happen from time to time.... when I am not having the other ones.
Fortunately I have someone who loves me and cares about me and has been talking with me about this for a while, and she has helped me a lot with it, just listening and comforting me. It is still very painful, and even now is hard to write about, but I am glad I have her as if she hadn't helped me with this and much more I wouldn't be alive today, I would have died of all the pain I had kept in. Thank you Vicki y@};- You are too good for words!
That is just a bit of the nightmares I have, like I said, there are more and they are very very disturbing and well I might put them on the board, IDK but there you have one. I know the reasons I have nightmares, I just want them to stop.
Gab, this is one of the most touching posts I've read in awhile. As I'm reading it, I had to cry myself.. :crying: I'm truly sorry for what happened. It appears that you have a great heart Gab. Your love for your mother will carry yourself through the storm I'm sure of that. And one day you will be united with her in the glory of Christ. Don't ever forget this.... y@};-

It's often a sad road we walk in this world, but God will always be there to comfort us in these times of struggle.

May the peace of Christ be with you always. I offer you my prayers and blessings,

The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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Re: A Little Help with Nightmares

Post by Gabrielman »

Thank you all so very much for your kind words and love a prayers! I don't have time to fully respond right now, and what you all said is just so kind and I want to just read over it a few times, thank you all so very much!!!! You are all a great help to me!
May God Bless you all Each and every day!
Once I was trapped in a perpetual night, without even a star to light the sky. Now I stand in the glory of the Son, and not even a faint shadow of darkness remains.
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Re: A Little Help with Nightmares

Post by Zak »

I'll pray for you.
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