Part Two of two from above posting -- 2/10/10 ---
B. W. wrote: First off, your answer shows that you do not understand what Christianity is or its message. In fact, your answer substantiates my point. Human efforts to earn their way into favor 'was' what I was driving at. That effort seeks to supplant God. True Enlightenment comes when one sees this.
Proinsias wrote:...I tend to agree. However although true enlightenment appears to be the aim of many religious practices what marks one religion from another is intellectual ideas, the very word enlightenment is an intellectual idea to try and describe the indescribable. I suppose the difference is that you seem to see subscription to a set of intellectual ideas or practices as trying to supplant God, I see them more as aids to experience God, Brahman etc…
Whilst religions may at their heart may be a means to enlightenment they have as their body sets of idea and practices. Ten commandments, spiritual texts, intellectual theological concepts, ritual and many others - I thoroughly enjoyed Ninian Smart's a few years ago which went into this in detail.
The daoist idea of wu-wei seems to be contained within the above quote if I snip off the start…“That effort seeks to supplant God. True Enlightenment comes when one sees this.”
B. W. wrote: Next, If all is only relative — then what good are any works at all? If all leads to non-existence — what good are works?
Proinsias wrote: Indeed. Good question.
I'm not claiming all does lead to non-existence. Non-existence is a far tougher concept to wrap one's head around than God or afterlife in my opinion. God and heaven imply ideas like good and love, at least for me, things we can on at some level can identify with. All non-existence gives us it that it won't be anything like existence or anything in existence, all we can think is what it won't be like. I think it's far easier to give oneself to the idea of an afterlife which will be better and more wonderful than we can conceive as opposed to something which we simply cannot conceive.
Answer — if you admit that you can
'identify with on some level' as you so stated above — then you proven my point that Moral Absolutes teach through this
identification process what makes wrong — wrong and makes right — right.
Non-existence would be wrong according to moral absolutes as it violates the principle of God being a life giving God, placing eternity in our hearts, violating the principle of God's justice in granting us intelligence, moral agency, and reason needed to govern this world all brought out within the pages of the remarkable bible.
2 Samuel 14:14 from the ESV translation uncovers these biblical principles stated above. I'll break the passage into three parts so you can understand these principles, concepts, better as they reveal uniquely the heart of the Christian message:
(A)--2 Samuel 14:14 - “
We must all die; we are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again….”
This is stating that we, as mortals will die, and like the spilling water, we cannot save ourselves. This death came about due to human moral agency choosing sin (Gen 2:17) and through this death one is brought before God to Judgment in the afterlife (Hebrews 9:27).
(B)----Why — God is Just because…as 2 Samuel 14:14 says… “
God will not take away life…”
He fashioned us as an eternal being and taking this eternity away from one to make them non-exist would prove several things, God is not just, God is unable to keep his word, etc & etc, resulting in God not being God.
How do you think Satan got away with rebelling (Ezekiel 28:13, 14, 15, 18) and why evil exist? Evil always attempts to game God — tries to entrap God in someway so that God will deny himself. If God destroyed this being unjustly, with partiality, without due process — God would not and could not be God. This being manipulates what he knows about God to attempt to cause God to deny himself in order to supplant God (Isaiah 14:13, 14, 15)
Thus a place was fashioned for this being and those that follow as Jesus said in Matthew 25:41. Why?? God does not take away life — armed with such knowledge is why this being temporally got away with rebellion. Then Humanity fell into this being's ploy and pretty much live our human lives, as we say in the States, “
double dog dare'n God.”
How many times do we put God on trial, mock him, deny him, and say his way is not the only way as I have mine own better way. My subjective morals are superior to his. Figuratively we spit upon him, beat him, and scourge him, for allowing evil, not stopping it on our terms, not performing according to our standards for our needs
We chide him in our schools, universities, figuratively telling him to perform some miracle for us so we can believe and if not we make other gods, religions, political systems to assuage our conscience and justify our needs. We think the work of neutrality will absolve us of our responsibility for denying God's standards.
We interpret God's silence as proof that he does not exist, or does not cares; never realizing that his silence is summed up as slowness to anger (Nahum 1:3). We even say, non-existence cannot be conceived yet a non-existing God can! Then, we blame God for every blight and bane.
All this does is an attempt to entrap God to act contrary to himself. Something God will never do. So in slowness and patience and with mercy — he banishes Humanity away from himself…
Genesis Chapter Three speaks of this occurrence (Genesis 3:23).
(C)--- 2 Samuel 14:14, “
and he (God) devises means so that the banished one will not remain an outcast…”
God devised the means in which a banished one may yet return before their mortal life ceases and enters eternity through judgment in which their fate is sealed (Matthew 25:41, 46, Isaiah 24:21, 22).
devised means of God is revealed in this: God's work displayed during the trial of Jesus, during his mocking, Jesus' being the victim of false testimony, his beating, scourging, Jesus' crucifixion which proves beyond all reasonable doubt what humanity thinks of God (read Mark 14:50, 53-72 and Mark 15:1-39)
What Did God do? Answered in silence — his Hand of wrath stayed. We perceive it not. Jesus stood in the gap for us, providing the means to be forgiven of this so a banished one can now find forgiveness for gaming God, making sport of Him, mocking him, denying him, blaming him, cursing him, manipulating him …through God's work, his means — upon the Cross.
Yet you say, making sport of God, denying him, challenging him, provoking him, saying his work is not good enough for a person because these things are simply morally relatively justified and okay to do! Is it?
oh Really?
For one who died for you so that you may live and find that life abundant Jesus spoke so much about — life with real meaning and true purpose. To deny God's means of salvation — simply believing in what He did. That His plan is far better than any other manner or way we devise of…
If one denies this — God has no choice other than deny that person and grant them what they desire — banishment forever. Return according to His means and ways one is forgiven and finds life.
You see, eternity seals the deal. Make the right choice before it is too late.
God is indeed absolutely just (Job 34:10, 11, 12b). He lets people come into their own despite foreknowing ones conclusion, he lets them decide.
B. W. wrote: You say — go with feelings of others — why then the exclusion of the Christian message then?
Proinsias wrote:… I'm trying to incorporate it. If I was trying to exclude the Christian message I wouldn't be here, I came here to hear it.
Are you hearing???-