The great atheist questionnaire....

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by B. W. »

hatsoff wrote:
zoegirl wrote:it is still true that you have nothing to offer that remotely compares....
Oh, I'm not claiming to offer you anything but realism and truth. If you want comfort, then religion is definitely a viable option. But I'm not so much interested in comfort as I am in knowledge of how the universe works.

So, if we wish to discuss whether or not God exists, then we can leave morality entirely aside.

So what verity of truth do you base that God does not exist? What realism can you really offer to prove with certaincy, if, indeed, all truth is only relative?

If all is only subjectively relative then even your own seeking knowledge on how the universe works is unachievable as you cannot know a thing, any matter, or knowledge as ever being really true.

What facts do you base the workings of the universe works on, especially if there are no ways in which absolute truth can be established for certain?

Lastly, Are you absolutely certain that morality is relative?? What verity can you base this assumption on since the principles of atheism contradict its own principles of relativity?

The militant atheist position is best summed up by you on page 11 of this thread and modified here for clarity: Atheist doesn't physically deny God any freedoms; rather, Atheist denies God the freedom to condemn themselves in principle.

What makes this principle correct if correct cannot exist because if correct exist then not all is relative…

A little more:

Are you absolutely certain that God does not exist? To be that certain would involve you, or whomever, in making a moral judgment; thus, proving that moral absolutes do exist bringing to light the contradiction of atheisms position on morality, which is the morality of No Morality is inherently right or inherently wrong.

If God does not exist then morality does not exist — so to justify subjective morality you are forced to make a moral judgment that God cannot exist to absolve yourself of any moral wrong doing

Mathematics help us to discover objective truths and since it does - objective truth therefore exists. Like math, thru subjective morality one discovers that objective morality exists. One discovers that there are wrongs and rights that are objective wrongs and objective rights which transcend ones personal subjectivity, cultural, and societal norms.

It is through subjective morality that one discovers that objective morality certainly involves objective standards defining right and wrong. From this one must choose either to continue to use subjective morality as a tool to avoid this discovery, or be lead by objective morality to their need for a Savior because through objective morality comes the knowledge of what makes sin — sin --- us.
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by Gman »


As being a former atheist, you ask good questions...
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by Gman »

I'm still waiting for someone to show me that there isn't any proof of God... All my years of my life. Nothing. Nada.. Not even a dust particle...

The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by B. W. »

Gman wrote:B.W.,

As being a former atheist, you ask good questions...
Here are a few more meant to added to the Post above Gman's posts as follow-up...

Hatsoff and Touchingthecloth,

...The realism you offer is not really realism at all. We all do exist and we all are moral rational thinking beings and this would instead verify the bible's claim about whose / type of image / likeness we were originally fashioned under.

God gave you a gift to morally think and reason. He does not deny this to you or I. He does not steal it away. He grants you the ability to make your own decisions and for this, atheism contends God as unjust!

He provided food to be had and granted to us the wisdom to attain it. He is slow to anger and God did something so tangible that it is before your very eyes but you fail to grasp it.

What is that?

Before Christ came, the ancient pagan world was indeed a barbaric and brutal place. The evidence for this transcends all cultures as clearly cemented in all historical and archeological records.

After the day of Pentecost an amazing thing happened. The ancient world's brutality was slowly beaten back so that we no longer live in that moral barbarity. Have you considered this? If God does not exist — then moral subjectivity would be the rule of today as it once was during ancient times before Christ came. The same kind in which atheism champions!

You can cite me the times when Christianity was hijacked for political gain, such as the Crusades or the Inquisition but I'll cite you the fruit of the barbarity of Mao, Stalin, Che, Castro, etc, all who held fast to the atheistic position of atheistic creative morality. I'll even cite the world's populations from the ancient world 5000 years to now comparing who really killed more and caused more pain.

But what is the point — how can you bring up the Crusades or Inquisition since accord to you, there is No real right -- No real wrong?

How can you make a moral judgment that religion is wrong if no wrongs or rights can exist? How can your position really be true if nothing can be inherently right or wrong — only relative?

How can you ascertain that atheism is the only truth when the fruit of such promotes barbarity on a scale greater than all wars of religion combined? How can any carnage of any war stemming from any political system be morally wrong? How can you make such judgments that any of it is wrong?

How can you base and say that religion, specifically singling our Christianity, is wrong, a crutch for the stupid minded, and only you are the enlightened right? Do you not use subjective morality to make your case, pose your own objections and arguments? If all morality is truly subjective, then Christianity would not be wrong or right and neither could you. You have no case — you have nothing to defend — no reason to defeat or crush.

However, there is right and wrong because there is an Eternal Moral Lawgiver that exists.

How many times do we put God on trial, mock him, deny him, and say his way is not the only way because I have mine own better way: That my subjective morals are superior to God's. Figuratively we spit upon him, beat him, and scourge him, for allowing evil, not stopping it on our terms, not performing according to our standards for our needs

We chide him in our schools, universities, often we figuratively tell him to perform some miracle for us so we can believe and if not we make other gods, religions, political systems, yes even atheism, to assuage our conscience and justify our needs.

We think through such works as these will absolve us of our responsibility for denying the standards set forth to humanity by the Moral Lawgiver discovered by our own use of inherent conscience designed to lead us back to God.

We interpret God's silence as proof that he does not exist, that He does not care; never realizing that his silence is summed up as slowness to anger (Nahum 1:3). We blame God for every blight and bane. If He were to reveal Himself — why we put him on trial — crucify him we would.

All this is is an attempt to entrap God to act contrary to himself. Something God will never do. So in slowness and patience and with mercy — God banished Humanity away from himself long ago. Genesis 3:23 speaks of this occurrence. God did not leave us, nor forsake us. We forsook him and what did God do? He provided the means to return to Him by an act upon a cross.

How can you say you hate something, or love something? Or value anything? If nothing has merit or meaning? Or a mere bunch of chemicals reactions within the brain — never realizing that such reactions were placed there so you can learn the reality of right and wrong?

No, you cannot prove that God does not exist. He proves himself that he does. Only you all need to see it. It is through such empirical seeing, which we Christians call faith, that comes after we realize how many times we had placed God on trial, mocked him, dared him…then come to our senses seeing what we have done and what He has done.

You can laugh, but will God have the last laugh? With absolute certaincy we will all die someday. There are absolutes. Our ideas have consequences in this life, do they not? You can laugh and mock me, put me on trial as a fool but remember my words — when you take your last breath — you'll lose all thought of atheism as being a true reality.

I wish to spare you of this realization and ask the Almighty to reveal Himself to you for His Name's sake — not mine. He has been doing so in both of your lives but pride has made you both blind. How many times do you put God on trial, mock him, chide his existence? Isn't this what you all have been doing evidenced in your own words on this very thread? How many days will he keep offering you a chance to return to him and actually find him?

What's the real reason you do not believe in God — not the intellectual mumbo jumbo and dribble you all been spouting? Something you can't come to terms with? Maybe an act done against you? What's the real reason? Ever been asked this?

Maybe it is found in this statement: Atheist doesn't physically deny God any freedoms; rather, Atheist denies God the freedom to condemn themselves in principle.
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by Gman »

Nice work B.W..
B. W. wrote:You can laugh, but will God have the last laugh? With absolute certaincy we will all die someday. There are absolutes. Our ideas have consequences in this life, do they not? You can laugh and mock me, put me on trial as a fool but remember my words — when you take your last breath — you'll lose all thought of atheism as being a true reality.
In other words don't play games with your life. Don't commit spiritual suicide, it will eventually lead to death. If you value your life and others, make right decisions in your life..

We can't tell you enough how serious this is .. This is VERY serious. We are talking about your very soul. It is very precious and precious to God too... Don't blow it. And don't blow it on mere assumptions.
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by awalk »

derrick09 wrote:
1. What are your favorite and or most convincing arguments and evidences for atheism? This can be for philosophical atheism, positive atheism, negative atheism, evidential atheism, whichever version is your favorite and or most convincing:
I do not want to address all the question so I plucked the first.

Honestly, atheism is simply a form of agnosticism. God is presented as a belief outside the realm of science thus god can't be proven or disproven. In short, we have no evidence for or against god. However, we can indeed make proclamations on the lack of evidence. Making a logical proclamation on the lack of evidence is atheism in my opinion.

Yet is god truly out of the realm of science? Since the Christian god is active, the Christian god is within the field of testable science. I find it odd we do not have indirect evidence of god. For a good analogy, let's look at a black hole. An inactive black hole is invisible to us. Yet we can see a black hole which is "feeding" on material or infer a black hole if its gravity effects matter. Though we can't directly observe a black hole we can observe the effects of a black hole. In my opinion god is in the same situation. If god was active, god could be indirectly proven through his/her/its interaction of our world. This can't be done. The Christian version of god does not exist.
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by awalk »

Gman wrote:I'm still waiting for someone to show me that there isn't any proof of God... All my years of my life. Nothing. Nada.. Not even a dust particle...:
It is the responsibility of the person making an affirmative statement to provide evidence. The lack of belief in a theory needs no evidence. For example, a person does not need to disprove an invisible closet monster. The closet monster needs proved. I could easily state, "No one in all my years of life has disproved my indictable closet monster."
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

awalk wrote:
Gman wrote:I'm still waiting for someone to show me that there isn't any proof of God... All my years of my life. Nothing. Nada.. Not even a dust particle...:
It is the responsibility of the person making an affirmative statement to provide evidence. The lack of belief in a theory needs no evidence. For example, a person does not need to disprove an invisible closet monster. The closet monster needs proved. I could easily state, "No one in all my years of life has disproved my indictable closet monster."
Agreed. However, you didn't understand what Gman said; here's what he said:
Gman wrote:I'm still waiting for someone to show me that there isn't any proof of God... All my years of my life. Nothing. Nada.. Not even a dust particle...

Do you get it now? You gave the standard atheist answer to a challenge that was never made.

There is plenty of proof that God exists, it is all around you. Your hostile attitude towards God, revealed by your choice of «invisible closet monster» as an analogy, will prevent you from seeing the evidence. In other words, you have pulled the wool over your own eyes.

Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by Kurieuo »

awalk wrote:
Gman wrote:I'm still waiting for someone to show me that there isn't any proof of God... All my years of my life. Nothing. Nada.. Not even a dust particle...:
It is the responsibility of the person making an affirmative statement to provide evidence. The lack of belief in a theory needs no evidence. For example, a person does not need to disprove an invisible closet monster. The closet monster needs proved. I could easily state, "No one in all my years of life has disproved my indictable closet monster."
And the author of that original paper which reasoned that a lack of belief is the presumed stance, now believes the evidence for God places the rational burden in the court of those who lack belief. We can lead a horse to water, but we can't make it drink unless it is willing.
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by Gman »

awalk wrote:
Gman wrote:I'm still waiting for someone to show me that there isn't any proof of God... All my years of my life. Nothing. Nada.. Not even a dust particle...:
It is the responsibility of the person making an affirmative statement to provide evidence. The lack of belief in a theory needs no evidence. For example, a person does not need to disprove an invisible closet monster. The closet monster needs proved. I could easily state, "No one in all my years of life has disproved my indictable closet monster."
I can prove the existence of God in a sense that you cannot create life from inorganic matter.. I can prove the existence of God in that our science records do not have complete fossil records... etc.
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by robyn hill »

For a good analogy, let's look at a black hole. An inactive black hole is invisible to us. Yet we can see a black hole which is "feeding" on material or infer a black hole if its gravity effects matter. Though we can't directly observe a black hole we can observe the effects of a black hole. In my opinion god is in the same situation. If god was active, god could be indirectly proven through his/her/its interaction of our world. This can't be done. The Christian version of god does not exist.

Umm...I have no problem accepting your analogy when you can prove God is a black hole. :shakehead:
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by derrick09 »

Let's see, does anyone else want to provide any answers or responses to my questionnaire? Thanks ahead of time for your time and answers. :)
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by Kurieuo »

derrick09 wrote:Let's see, does anyone else want to provide any answers or responses to my questionnaire? Thanks ahead of time for your time and answers. :)
derrick, I think your targeting the wrong audience since as is largely a Christian board.
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by derrick09 »

Kurieuo wrote:
derrick09 wrote:Let's see, does anyone else want to provide any answers or responses to my questionnaire? Thanks ahead of time for your time and answers. :)
derrick, I think your targeting the wrong audience since as is largely a Christian board.

Yeah I know, I just happened to see a couple of atheists on this board whom I've never seen before and I wanted to get their attention so they could share their data. But from the way it looks, I've got data than I need, some I'm almost done with this project. And I couldn't be happier that's for sure, dealing with atheists take it out of me, you know, like a dialysis machine per se.
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Re: The great atheist questionnaire....

Post by Kynaros »

7.What are your favorite and or most convincing responses to common Christian theistic arguments?
I don't really call myself an atheist, but I don't believe in God so I'll try to answer anyway. What always interested me was how everything began. What was the first cause? I used to think it had to be God, but it does not. As a child everyone asks "but who created God?", and they are usually shushed by their parents. It is presumed that God is eternal. He is all that ever existed, for eternity. But why can't the universe itself "just exist"? Sure, there was a big bang, but there's no reason why a big bang could not be created by quantum fluctuations, collision of branes in string theory, or any other sort of cyclic multiverse theory. Throughout history, to the disappointment of theists, science has always shown that there is no need for a God to be pulling the strings, that nature can work by itself; and it will be the same in this case. The fact remains that all of these theories are much simpler than an infinitely complex being creating the universe, making these theories preferable, and God redundant. In addition these theories are automatically better than "god did it" because they use mathematics and real physical evidence as their basis instead of ancient dogma and superstition.
Gman wrote:In other words don't play games with your life. Don't commit spiritual suicide, it will eventually lead to death. If you value your life and others, make right decisions in your life..

We can't tell you enough how serious this is .. This is VERY serious. We are talking about your very soul. It is very precious and precious to God too... Don't blow it. And don't blow it on mere assumptions.
Atheists have nothing to fear from a just God. As long as you're a good person, God should not condemn you. If he does condemn you for "not believing in him" despite the fact that there's no real proof for his existence then perhaps that God might not be worthy of your worship. Also, why do you think a God would require you to believe in him? When people make an ant farm, they could care less whether the ants acknowledge their existence; instead, people are more interested in looking at the behavior of the ants. Wouldn't a god do the same, if he existed? Don't you think that these requirements to "believe" in an extremely specific faith system is something that men would want you to do, instead of an actual god?

On the other hand, you could potentially be wasting many many hours praying and going to Church.
Gman wrote:I can prove the existence of God in a sense that you cannot create life from inorganic matter.. I can prove the existence of God in that our science records do not have complete fossil records... etc.
Gaps in knowledge aren't really proof of anything. Almost every creationist argument I've ever seen boils down to "we can't explain this" or "we don't know this," therefore God exists. So you have to ask yourself whether you're worshiping a god of reason or a god of ignorance.

Before you balk at this though, keep in mind that ignorance is not stupidity. Everyone, including me, is ignorant of something. Stupidity on the other hand is more like unwillingness to learn.
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