The Amazing Atheist

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Re: The Amazing Atheist

Post by ChrisB »


If not God, then there are only two other possible explanations (that I know of) for human existence: Spontaneous Generation, which was disproven over 100 years ago, and Panspermia, which basically means aliens did it.

Athiests who claim that there is no proof for Christianity should examine the Resurrection of Jesus a little more clearly, and without bias...

There are a few facts about the Resurrection I'd like to make clear:

- Jesus really was dead. (John 19:34)
- The tomb of Jesus was sealed with a huge stone. (Matthew 27:66)
- There was a guard of soldiers placed there to prevent theft (or a resurrection). Specifically, it was a Roman guard (Matthew 28:14) which consisted of four soldiers. These soldiers would never have been sleeping, since the penalty for sleeping on the job was death.
- The stone itself was sealed with a Roman seal, and to enter the tomb one would have to break the seal, the penalty for which was death.
- The handkerchief formerly over Christ's head was "folded together in a place by itself." (John 20:7) This alone makes the idea of theft impossible.
- When Christ was arrested, His disciples forsook Him. (Mark 14:50)
- His disciples were unaware of the fact that He was to rise again from the dead. (John 20:9)
- The Jewish priests bribed the soldiers into saying that Jesus' disciples stole His body, thereby admitting the tomb was empty. (Matthew 28:12-13)
- Most of the disciples themselves did not believe it when they heard it (Luke 24:11). Out of them all, only John believed, and that was only after he saw the empty tomb for himself. (John 20:8)

I think that suffices.
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Re: The Amazing Atheist

Post by The11thDr. »

Yea but aliens are awesome! If aliens and paradoxes involving time travel created life that would be TOTALLY cool. Just saying what i think would be awesome, doesn't have to be anything more than fiction. :lol:

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Re: The Amazing Atheist

Post by Gman »

The11thDr. wrote:Yea but aliens are awesome! If aliens and paradoxes involving time travel created life that would be TOTALLY cool. Just saying what i think would be awesome, doesn't have to be anything more than fiction. :lol:
It's a possibility.. It's what Dawkin's believes.. But then where did they come from? It seems that something outside of time and matter would have to produce or guide it if chance couldn't. Frankly I think "chance" is an outrageous claim... It has never been seen to produce anything.

And... What is so wrong in believing in the God of the Bible? I mean really? If you spend some time of on it, you will find that the atheists claims are generally false. God is a loving God who only wants the best for his creations... And He has given us free will to choose Him or not choose..

Truly.. What is so wrong with believing in the God of the Bible? No atheists has ever been able to answer this for me..
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

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Re: The Amazing Atheist

Post by The11thDr. »

it can produce a six and a four :pound:

Which god in the bible, there are a few ya know. This one you are on about must be christ-jesus and not baal or beelzebub I suppose. I guess you must talk about other "false" ones, otherwise there is nothing to compare the real against.

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Re: The Amazing Atheist

Post by Gman »

The11thDr. wrote:it can produce a six and a four :pound:

Which god in the bible, there are a few ya know. This one you are on about must be christ-jesus and not baal or beelzebub I suppose. I guess you must talk about other "false" ones, otherwise there is nothing to compare the real against.
Let's see what you got then... y:-?
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

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Re: The Amazing Atheist

Post by The11thDr. »

well if you throw a million dice, then you get a lot of different numbers by chance dont ya? :ewink: Its kind of hard to believe a million dice being thrown though, or a billion or a trillion. You just need someone to snap there fingers instead and go "there done." Much simpler.
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo
true story?

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Re: The Amazing Atheist

Post by kmr »

Why? Simply, why?

Why why why?

How can anybody ever say that religion has done nothing good for society? For humanity? For anything?

Of course, with this reply, I actually do not believe that anything or anyone will be changed, as people (science has asserted) are in fact chemically bound to their beliefs.

However, you cannot make a radical claim like that, in which religion has done nothing for humanity! That is absolutely ridiculous! I bet anybody can think of millions of things (quite literally) given the time, but for now, focus on the major concepts of morality and culture. First of all, I must say that I do agree with one thing the AmazingAtheist said: anything good or evil done by a Christian can just as much be done by an Atheist. Of course! Clearly, the man has not read the Bible. Being a Christian does not magically grant you freedom from sin or supernatural artistic talent. Neither does it provide you with a greater moral sense. Quite the contrary, the Bible teaches that everybody is capable of both sin and good. Now, one thing that this AmazingAtheist cannot deny is that EVERY holy war ever recorded has not been done in accordance with the Christian Bible. In fact, the only times that wars have been made have been when PEOPLE DEFY what was written in the Bible, which clearly takes a peaceful position in these affairs. NEVER does the Bible tell you to go out and kill somebody who is different than you. Jesus told us that if someone slaps our cheek, let him slap the other! The apostle Paul made certain that all people had the ability to be accepted, and that we should not fight those who disagree with us using force.

Now, I must continue. Almost every moral law and precept that we have in our culture is derived from the Bible. Atheism and evolution have had NO toll on these that matter much. In fact, to believe in evolution and postmodernism, one would have to accept the judgement of Oxford professors that there is NO right or wrong, that the massacre of 6 million jews by Hitler was not a sin. In other words, nothing is bad! Anything you or I do is good as long as it is good relative to ourselves! This is not something I would follow! And let me remind all of you that the largest conflict the world has ever seen, World War II, was started by ambitious power-seekers who were not religious, but agnostic or non-caring. If I remember correctly, Hitler was read versus from the Bible before he went out to kill those people and he IGNORED them.

Also, religion has played a serious role on art and culture in our society. Think of the great geniuses of music, like Beethoven Bach and Brahms. All of them wrote music out of Biblical inspiration! Most of these famous classical writers of songs and symphonies built the foundation of the entire musical world, and they did it a lot for the sake of God. Painters have done the same things. These concepts have established most of the pieces of our culture that we hold dear. Also, the Bible talks of ideas and inventions that were made that laid way for many new technologies to form (remember how the description of Noah's ark matches that of a very seaworthy vessel, even by today's standards). Also, the medical laws that were laid down by the Bible were ahead of their time as well. I mean, really... at the same time witch doctors were drilling holes into people's heads to relieve pressure, the Bible was giving instructions on how to prevent disease from mildew and skin infections! What new technologies have the theories of evolution given us? None. Biology, including genetics, can go along fine without it. In fact, many biological and genetic foundations were established before evolution came into play.

Can't you see? Religion isn't the problem with our world, PEOPLE are. Wars are caused when PEOPLE defy instructions from the Christian Bible, which promotes peace. And, the foundation of every law we have came from the Bible. Even the very roots of Western culture came from artists who were inspired by the Bible. It was all caused by greedy people and power-lusting people, those who would try to use the Bible as excuses to kill others or get new property. In doing so, they actually break the Bible's teachings. I don't know about some people, I might add, but my church is continuously spending a great deal of money sending missionaries to countries like Africa to install fresh water wells for people without clean water.

In conclusion, religion is not a problem. At least, Christianity has never been a problem. People who defy it are the problems. Christian religion has never done anything bad for humanity, only those that will go around it have (and no, Mr. AmazingAtheist, religion doesn't spread AIDS, that is spread by having sex with lots of different people in an "unclean" manner, which religion condemns. In fact, we should not be hampering homosexuals as much as we are, they aren't sinning any more or less than the rest of us plank-eyes!) I can see no argument that the AmazingAtheist gave that goes against this principle. Or, if someone can find it, bring it to me, and I'll rebuttal it.

And to anybody out there who is skeptical of religion, I say this: the Bible says that we should not be violent towards each other. God loves ALL people, black, brown, orange and white, no matter what religion or sexual orientation and no matter what sins they have committed. And no person is free from sin, everybody has done bad things many times over in their lives, even if they don't know it. But no matter what you do, God is always there, and he will always care for you, even if you spit in his face and turn your back on him. He is always waiting with open arms, and is ever-patient. He loved the world so much that he gave his only son, and whoever believes in him shall not perish (John 3:16). He loves you too, and he wants you to come back to him desperately. All you have to do is admit that you have sinned (you know it as well as anybody that you've at sometime lied, or cheated, or stolen, or looked at a cute girl with lust in secret or something.), and then believe that Christ is THE WAY. He's there. He's waiting. Are you ready

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Re: The Amazing Atheist

Post by kmr »

The11thDr. wrote:it can produce a six and a four :pound:

Which god in the bible, there are a few ya know. This one you are on about must be christ-jesus and not baal or beelzebub I suppose. I guess you must talk about other "false" ones, otherwise there is nothing to compare the real against.
Yes, it is Christ-Jesus, of course! These other Gods were all shown to be lies.

[Example A] Baal's power was overruled when Elijah controlled the rain instead of that false god, and he proved the priests of Baal to be lies on Mt. Caramel.

[Example B] Beelzebub is the devil, Jesus and the people around him contextually asserted.

[Example C] The Philistine god Dagon fell broken before the ark of God, proving that it was false.

[Example D] Wait, and who was it again that everybody's saved by and performed miracles and created the world and gave inst.........

Case closed.

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