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Post by zoegirl »'s always fun to see what is going around the world and because we have so many from around the US not to mention Australia and the UK, I thought it would be fun to see what the weather is like around the world right now.

In good old Maryland, we have been having a very changeable Spring. Earlier this week, it was warmer and sunny, but yesterday we had thunderstorms and a cold front, complete with cat-and-dog rain. Today it was only 60 degrees, cloudy and cool, requiring a sweatshirt. Tomorrow the forecast shows that the high is 85!! And then back to the 70's and sunny for the weekend.

My flowers are blooming like crazy here, irises and roses as well as wild geranium, coreopsis,and lavender soon will be. Several shades of Dianthus (pinks) are burgeoning, although the azaleas are finishing.

The trees are in full leaf, that kind of beautiful vivid vibrancy of spring green. So lush with green that it seems like it's vibrating with life. At school we have an eastern bluebird pair nesting in a birdhouse....he is a brilliant blue and hyper-territorial, battling with his various arch-enemies, his reflections in the windows at school. male Red-winged black-birds flash their colors at intruders even while gathering more food.

The birds are singing like crazy in the morning and the sun rises at about 6 am and earlier each day!! (although it's been hidden behind clouds the last two days)

Oh, and in the climate at school...the seniors are done and ready to go (and we are ready to let them!!) and classes are winding down for the summer...bring it on!!)
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Re: weather

Post by DannyM »

South West Coast, UK:

Summer here, Zoe, and guess what?? Yep, it's raining! I'm looking out over the Atlantic right now, the beach is wet and the rain is coming down. Beautiful! Had some beautiful sun a coupla weeks ago, it should be back soon. Don't tell me my summer's over already? But would I be surprised... Nope. 8)
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Re: weather

Post by zoegirl »

what;s the temp?!?! SUmmer, really?
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Re: weather

Post by B. W. »

zoegirl wrote:what;s the temp?!?! SUmmer, really?
Colorado, shoveled snow off the drive way this week - in May - unsual - now it is warming up. Pattern here is odd. We have one to three days around 70 then the rest in the 40's or 50 degrees - rain and 30 degrees at night...

Still waiting for spring or summer...

May are normally nice here and warm but this year - not
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Re: weather

Post by August »

Texas...dodging tornado's. And yes, the worst of winter is over with our temperatures.
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Re: weather

Post by Gman »

Freezing cold here. Foggy overcast sky's.. I have never seen so much rain here in the spring.

Hopefully it will end soon. By the way in NEVER rains here in California in the summer, maybe a couple of times but usually never. Typically the rainy season starts in November and usually ends in March. This is weird..
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Re: weather

Post by DannyM »

Woo hoo! Sun is shining; apparently summer proper is due to start mid-next week...I'll keep ya posted, but don't go booking any flights just yet... I'm gonna go to the beach with a bottle and a book...Red wine and David Baldacci's the camel club... pukka!!
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Re: weather

Post by touchingcloth »

Bristol, UK (close enough to wave to Danny, by the sound of it!) - 14 degrees and beautifully sunny. It's what you'd call tropical, but it's certainly lovely :)
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Re: weather

Post by DannyM »

I'm waving :wave: You're only up the road, a short journey along the M5, TC!
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Re: weather

Post by touchingcloth »

You must be Weston way then?
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Re: weather

Post by DannyM »

No, North Devon, near Barnstaple? Bideford?
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Re: weather

Post by touchingcloth »

Ah, cool - spitting distance from Ilfracombe then. Can imagine it's lovely this time of Bristol hands down I'll bet!
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Re: weather

Post by DannyM »

That's it mate! I was in Woolacombe the other day, and it was absolutely beautiful...Had lunch in a pub overlooking the bay and out at the ocean for miles...Cold pint or 3, light lunch, great company...

Depends where you are in Bristol; I think there are some lovely secluded parts around the 'outskirts'...?
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Re: weather

Post by touchingcloth »

True - there are some lovely parks even in the centre, and great places for pub grub as soon as you venture into the surrounding countryside. A city that's passionate about good beer & cider, too...none of this imported tasteless lager!
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Re: weather

Post by DannyM »

Nice...Are you from Bristol originally?
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